alright guys, /lurk/ here and i've finally got something good to ask.
My wife and I have been trying for three years to get pregnant, and spent close to 50K on IVF and IUI to no avail.... until this month. This month we bought eggs of a younger woman (24) because my wife is getting up there in age (37). Wife is literally in Atlanta right now getting bloodwork done for a pregnancy test, and she's taken four at home tests this week that all came back with GOOD news.
Let's get a Sup Forums parenting thread going. What should a 35 year old first time Dad do and what should he expect? Yes, we are both white and the egg donor woman is white as well.
TL;DR I'm about to have a baby and I'm happy as fuck about it
Congratulations man, hope everything turns out great for you. The continuation of our people is paramount.
Jaxson Peterson
you look old af for 35
Jayden Miller
Enjoy alimony.
Adam Murphy
mirin' those digits... good omen
Christian Gonzalez
>having a kid when your wife is 37 You deserve the retardation
Jack Turner
trust my judgement, user. I've swam through an ocean of whores to find this woman. A woman I trust would never betray me or my offspring (more importantly)...
Benjamin Lee
The egg is young af
Thomas Moore
Why wouldn't you just adopt? Artificial pregnancy are so gross, should just adopt a kid and save him/her from going to some queen couple who'Ll probably rape it
Ryan Garcia
It's your choice, your responsibility. I'd have gone for a teenager instead of pot roast.