How can conservatives ever be right about anything when the fabric of reality itself has a liberal bias?
How can conservatives ever be right about anything when the fabric of reality itself has a liberal bias?
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Hes right though
Because depending on how left or right you are, your specific brand of conservatism may share quite a few ideas with liberalism. While other ideas may remain staunchly conservative.
I fucking hate liberals and communists. In Iran, we killed an average of 50 liberals and leftists terrorists per week. We killed so many that the rest fled to third world shitholes like Saudi Arabia, Brazil and USA
>have extreme far-right extremism as the norm for tens of thousands of years
>some kikes start running universities
>"Hurrr see, (((reality))) has a liberal bias!"
Killing lefties doesn't violate the NAP.
only if by "reality" you mean "the political narrative spewed by the NYT, WashPo, etc."
Because when you remove the clear dog-whistles from both side and talk directly about cause and effect of policies, primarily policies and position from the Liberal and Progressive side of the equation help far more people and are better for the earth than anything the conservatives or libertarians come up with.
Facts and truth agree with this.
this is why the right is so anti-education and anti-freedom by telling you who to marry (as an example).
>implying facts are on the syllabus at universities these days
I always thought capitalism was the universal go to?
Reality has a liberal bias
Prewar nazi germany sure was a horrible place to live!
Oh, that's too easy.
>Encourage mass-immigration and oppose deportations of illegals
>Encourage resource conservation and carbon footprint reduction
Pick one. Right now, the modern left picks "both," which is incoherent.
And now you live in the world's biggest liberal shithole
Good work.
Capitalism can work, but it must be highly regulated and laws put into place to protect the workers and citizens from the abuses and excesses of corporations.
For instance, corps should never be allowed any leeway in the disposal of toxic wastes - yet the right constantly want to shut down the EPA who's job is it to ensure that the environment is protected for everyone.
Just one of many easily found examples of how right leaning policies do more harm than good
>by telling you who to marry
o jeez it's a faggot
bet he doesn't have a bias at all
to be fair you probably could have taken similar footage of the USSR
You gonna back that up with examples or statistics or facts, or are you just gonna spew generalizations out your ass?
Not coherent at all...
Immigration (which should be controlled and not willy-nilly) is a result of several factors including corporate greed, war, and climate change.
By controlling carbon footprints by shifting to more eco-friendly energy, we can slow or change where the climate is going.
One of the causes of the Middle East crisis has been the shifting climate which caused large areas of land to become useless for farming - in contrast with the ability of growing wine grapes in England, which has been never heard of before.
> Trump winning is liberal bias
Expelain plox.
If I want to marry the Adult Human of my choice, it doesn't fucking matter to you and doesn't change your life at just want to control someone else, so pull your head of your useless ass and grow the fuck up, shitgibbon
>muh reality has a leftist bias
>liberal bias
Like survival of the fittest and millions of kills everyday in animal world?
If people in country Y produce X units of carbon per capita per year, and people in country Z produce less than X (often MUCH less), then yes, it is incoherent to bring people from Z into Y if your goal is to reduce carbon consumption.
It's simple math. There is no real way around this unless the immigrant is some sort of carbon reduction engineer. You cannot support the mass importation of people from low-carbon-footprint societies into high-carbon-footprint societies and also support environmentalism.
The leddit comment is right.
Climate change - fact. Right wingers deny it while all the scientists agree that it's driven by man made causes.
Evolution - 100% of creationists who deny the basic fact of biological evolution are right wingers.
Economics - high level economics show that tax cuts for the rich (trickle down economics) are in fact not good for the economy. Economics 101 has a slight right wing bias but as you go deeper into economics it's all liberal. Most economists side with Paul Krugman and believe in Keynesian for example.
Social justice - most right wingers don't know anything about sociology so by definition they are anti-SJW, their views on social issues thus stem from an ignorance of the latest research in sociology and gender studies.
Transgenderism - most scientists agree that transitioning is the best way to alleviate gender dysphoria. Right wingers think it's a mental illness but have yet to come up with a solution aka they're ignorant retards.
Holocaust - right wingers believe it's a hoax but 99.9% of historians believe it was a fact.
God/religion - the higher you go in academia especially in the sciences the less people believe in God and religion. Most scientists who value evidence, reason and logic do not believe in a God and most of these same people are liberal.
Reality indeed has a liberal bias. Right wingers are retards which is why they don't have a stronghold on academia.
>meme flag
fuck off leaf
he's going all out, boys
It doesn't. For example, mixed babies are more prone to diseases.
RW don't have stronghold because academia basically follow the zeitgeist.
More people in x country will result in a higher carbon pribt even with more energy-efficient technology.
>spacing your bait out extra wide so people are forced to see it
The left cant meme
EPA is fucking shit, that's why. Make everything local or at least state. 99% of the time things improve when they're not federal because there's less retards that don't have the interest in the shit they're interfering with and couldn't care less of the consequences of their actions as long as they feel good.
>the fabric of reality itself has a liberal bias
lmao, thanks for a good laugh OP.
grow up
Quoting Stephen Colbert, Jesus Christ. Next they'll be using Harry Potter as political illustrations.
So even if we live in a world where we have limited resources, where we can't just provide 'everyone' with luxuries and comforts without enslaving and suppressing other humans. Better to pretend, and feed into peoples sense of sloth? Give people a minimum level of decadence, and reward them for not pulling their weight of labour. Better for people to become unsatisfied invalids. Create a class, or even an entire country with a people who have zero ambition to the point of doing nothing with their lives besides eat, shit and breed.
False Altruism. Because to allow people to simply submit to their own greed, and again, their sloth, because they need to do nothing to survive. No drive.
The right isnt anit education and anti freedom. Authority is. Suppressing education and freedom is another dogwhistle of the authoritive. You can argue that Leftists in America, and largely everywhere, hold education above everything else and that the Rights and conservatives don't. Thats because the Leftists have every single major education system in a vice. Thats fucking bullshit. A Libertarian free market would not give a shit about what percentage of people were educated to what degree, only if they can provide and sell to the market without government intervention. A free market would not give a shit about scientific progress, so long as it could freely sell it to its patrons. The one concession I'd give about the free market is the wellbeing of the earth, that would be one of the few things that would need to be regulated by a government.
If they were so right, why didn't Hillary win?
I think this is why trump triggers them so much. They believe things work a certain way in theory and are convinced there is no way they are wrong. Then trump comes in and exposes them to the world. Now suddenly people start doubting them which is the worst thing to have.
The population of Africa has literally increased by 600% since the 1950s. And to help out the situation, we give them free food or free room and board to our nations.
Don't forget the "eco friendly" solar panels made in chinese factories shipped over on boats that in one trip pollute as much as thousands of cars for 20 years.
>- in contrast with the ability of growing wine grapes in England, which has been never heard of before.
Hey I saw that bill nye video too. Muh grapes muddafucker! Too bad the romans literally taught the English how to make wine. There are noble vineyards recorded from the days of the norman conquest. In the 17th and 18th century, there is even more record of grape growing. What happened is through the 19th until the mid 20th century their wine industry collapsed for multiple reasons.
>Buzzwords, and narrative shifting.
>Everything I say is true because I said it is.
>Hey, look at this strawman.
>quoting your own third rate propagandists to make an argument
Such intelligence. Surprised he didn't quote Harry Potter.
>yet the right constantly want to shut down the EPA
The EPA has not only overstepped its authority into absurdity, but has become a funds generation scheme for bureaucrats through ridiculous fines.
Eh, as long as the message is worth tackling it doesn't really matter WHO says it, even if it was Harry Potter. Focus on the content, lads.
reality is Trump is president
liberals can kick and scream but that doesnt change facts.
what if right-left is a false dichotomy and the world is not black and white? What now mr. colbert?
As someone who has been teaching at university for almost 10 years, colleges have liberal biases because the majority of students are studying non-scientific subjects. What comes in the college and stays in the college is fairly left wing, but a lot of the successful, high earning people out of college are more center or right-wing. Because the successful people tend to have a pragmatic degree with a lot of useful applicable skills and knowledge.
The entry requirements and course requirements of sociology, psychology, language, etc. are much lighter than those of scientific or engineering degrees. Thus they get a lot more students and a lot more graduates since what most people seek from university is the title and status, not the knowledge. When you go to a field like physics or chemistry, you will find the split between left and right wing biases is fairly even in line with the general population. It's humanities faculties that have a problem of injecting politics into their course curriculum.
>99.9% of historians believe it was a fact.
Does this have anything to do with the fact that they'd lose their jobs and possibly be imprisoned if they said otherwise?
It's funny how (((scientists))) will tout this to disprove the concept of God (any higher moral authority), but when it comes time to discuss human biodiversity, human populations isolated geographically for a quarter million years are "just the same with a different paintjob".
Superb bait though, friend. Why not just use your Canada flag?
>tax the fuck out of people who work
>import millions of brianless shitskins
>spend tax on shitskins
>you're helping more people yay!
People on Sup Forums read more than the average college student...especially them desu. Anti-freedom? Nigger this is a 50% lolbertardian board. Society is more complex than leftist cunts give it credit for.
They lost that argument after James Damore got sacked.
"reality has a liberal bias" is probably one of the most laughable claims there is. It is for people without any argument who justify themselves by saying "it is just nature".
Do they not realize that we lived over a thousand years under monarchies and that America was a white nationalist country?
At least have the balls to argue for your position and not just invoke some greater power as an argument.
Absolutely retarded.
>Liberal and Progressive side of the equation help far more people and are better for the earth than anything the conservatives or libertarians come up with.
Even the thought of drawing such a subjective statement out and applying it as some sort of fact, which is most definitely not, makes you look insane.
>Facts and truth agree with this.
>this is why the right is so anti-education and anti-freedom by telling you who to marry (as an example).
The right is not anti freedom, the exact opposite is the case. As anyone with a modest interest in politics knows.
It also isn't "anti-education", an insane believes which holds no part in reality.
Marriage has ALWAYS been the union between a men and a women, this is not a question of freedom but a question of a legal definition.
>MY historical determinism is the right one
The sad part is that you are just word-for-word repeating things you heard elsewhere, and all of us have heard elsewhere, yet you still think it is some deep insight into both the motivation and reasoning behind conservative thought. But you have no idea why people are against gay marriage except some vague notion of backwardness, bigotry, fear, ignorance and a desire to oppress.
>b-b-but you're just stupid! That's why Hillary lost!
Watching Democrats whine is endlessly entertaining, thank you America for making Trump President.
>colbert, the man who's show was almost canceled until he started attack Trump, obviously has no reason to be biased
>It's humanities faculties that have a problem of injecting politics into their course curriculum.
While this is true, it is in fact not a problem but the entire reason all of the degrees you mentioned have been brought into being in the first place. There was no anthropology or social science or conflict studies or anything like that not too long ago. Those fields are all explicitly political, but since they educate literal children they can simply claim to be scientific and academic.
>#1: Social sciences have a liberal bias, because they're full of mumbo jumbo bullshit.
>#2: Hard sciences are usually apolitical, or slightly conservative
>#3: Most people are liberal when they're young, because they don't know how the real world functions
Turbo_22: fuck off shill, go kys, you are batshit crazy coon level of self-hatred. Stop trying to cut us normal free people, go back to cutting yourself and fappin' to your cousin.
>Climate change - fact. Right wingers deny it while all the scientists agree that it's driven by man made causes.
I don't deny shit. Questioning things IS science you fucking retard. I respect science and the scientific method but I don't look at a guy in a labcoat as a FUCKING PRIEST.
This is 90% of what Sup Forums talks about.
At this point I realized this is satire, but I've gone this far so (you).
All of the commie's points can be summarized by saying he trusts the academic system and the views they put forth, and you're insane if you don't. He doesn't think it is suspicious that they all agree on what used to be considered blithering idiocy, since he agrees that reality has a liberal bias. It's not that he thinks the scientist is a priest, it's that he considers the academic apparatus to be the manifestation of the scientific method.
Read this book. It's the ultimate red pill on intellectuals, which includes universities.
He was refuting "not an argument" before Stephen even had hair on his ass.