What kind of economy do we really have if there is more debt than capital?

What kind of economy do we really have if there is more debt than capital?

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The amount of money created by the Fed is high but it is miniscule compared to the amount of money banks counterfeit then loan with interest.
Also, the banks run the Fed.
I'm convinced Rob Paul and Austrian Economics are Jew banker disinfo to obfuscate this fact.

That is still capitalism

Capitalism works on having a deficit.
The natives, for example, lived on the land and with the land (just as Europeans have done thousands of years ago). They didn't have to do much work.
In Europe and Asia, however, famine happened because of bad seasons, so the smartest (via natural selection) survived and built the first farms. The farms would always produce an excess amount of grain (to prevent starvation in all cases); this "Agricultural revolution" brought the idea of currency. If workers are paid less than they are worth, you can force them into servitude, because the lords would tax them and only pay them small amounts, thus making the farmers have to work more and harder so they can still pay their debts.

Or... Easier to understand.
I give you an apple in exchange for your orange:
It's because
1:I value the orange more than the apple
2: By giving you the apple, I'm cognitively giving you the shittier deal.
3: You value the apple more than the Orange
4:By giving me the orange, you're cognitively giving me the shittier deal.

Trade is essentially working for individual benefit at the expense of someone else's deficit.

We're given money for our work, and we're getting a shitty deal, because they could give us more money.
Meanwhile, we're buying cheap product, when they could make us buy expensive product.



This is so dense you must be a Communist.
How is money created, in my country or yours?

I'm not a communist.. And it's not dense.
It's simple.
I benefit at the other's expense.

In the labor market, high wages are better for the employee.
He favors high prices, because it pays for his high wages.
But when he's a consumer, he prefers low prices.
When he's an employer, he prefers low wages. His benefit is ALWAYS at the expense of another, and he knows this.

What do we say about it in our culture?
"It's mutually advantageous" or "If you apply yourself and work hard, anything is possible".

I believe it was even Mark Twain who said something to the effect of "We only do charitable works, because we derive selfish pleasure from it. Nothing can be truly selfless".

I hate capitalism. I hate communism.. I hate all forms of politics that distort and disturb our true nature.

It is called Popular Capitalism. It is bullshit. We are slowly returning to classical Capitalism, because Popular Capitalism has run out of people to get indebted.

>Popular Capitalism has run out of people to get indebted

We've been putting future generations in debt for decades. I wonder how far we can go? As far as we like, I guess. Until we collectively decide it's silly.

>We've been putting future generations in debt for decades. I wonder how far we can go?

It all ends when you reach a generation that even after getting as much debt as they can (literally paying interests your entire life), it can't sustain the bubble.

The countries that suffered the crisis more strongly (greece, spain, poortugal, etc) are less rich and reached that limit faster. Riches countries are apparently sane but they are just building up more debt and will eventually fall. US also shows more resistance because it can finance external debt more easily due to the dollar being the world's currency reserve.

Germany has public banks.
It can issue money created out of thin air like the banks.
People in Italy, Greece, Spain, Poortugal should vote in representation that KEEPS spending and pushing the debt higher BECAUSE Germany and the northern countries have NO CHOICE but to keep bailing the southern countries.
You southern countries have the votes to stay.
You will never get kicked out.
Worse case Germany gets tired of paying their public bank issued Euros and leaves.
No more E.U. and you get control of your borders again.
No more disgusting Muslims.


debt service permanently outstripping growth sounds an awful lot like a malthusian limit


Neo Keynesian

Seems like just Keynesianism to me.
That the same cuck that said just leave a printing money machine on?


We live under moneytary-ism.
This is not limited to capitalism. Fascism, socialism, communism and any other ism all live under a fractional reserve debt based monetary system. It is rotten to the core.


The banks create much much much much more money out of nothing than the Federal Reserve, which they own and control.
Banks counterfeit money out of thin air and lend it out with interest.
The Fed only steps in when the banks have bankrupted themselves with bad loans. Which happens quite often.


jewish predatory lending ponzi schemes

its kind of scary that the entire world economy has been hoodwinked in the past 40 years and built on a house of cards

Capitalism was always about debt

Here's Gross Domestic Product after subtracting out artificial stimulus used to prop it up. Unprecedented. Never recovered after 2008. Keep your head up.

all these posts with pictures of chicks about the economy today are just the jews playbook for the day to get you to wank and be a Goyim. Just to let you guys know.

You're retarded



This is such a bunch of misinformed rubbish that I don't even know where to begin.
>Trade is essentially working for individual benefit at the expense of someone else's deficit.
This is the kicker, nobody forces you to trade at gunpoint you fucking retard.

ponzi economy, everybody knows

can confirm
sometimes I slip up and wonder how I got distracted to (((youporn)))

(((They))) know what they are doing. But the thing is.... You have to know what they are doing. That's the harder part.

This, almost half my income is taken away by government, most of my productivity by bosses and their bosses, and all the above ends up mostly going to black people that don't work at all or hold a token position where they don't work.

I build things all day every day that sell for millions of dollars and make my company rich. I only make $70k and my take home is around $50k, then obligated expenses like Insurance (car $2600), health ($6000), rental ($500), then professional organizations and publication paywalls ($3000), then rent ($18,000). Food is well over $100 every week. 52 weeks $6000 a year? Then power $150 a month, internet $60 a month, water $50 a month = About $3000 a year.

At the end of the year I get to have about $17k

My wife wants a LV bag and a Mercedes and thinks I make enough for it. When I explain the situation, she is on me to get a better job but higher paying jobs are all in states with much higher cost of living and income tax. I'd need to make more than twice as much to break even in most of CA.

I don't know how I can be an MS engineer for a big firm like Northrop designing fancy planes and I barely have enough money to put a few percent into 401k.

How the fuck can anyone retire like this? Why do so many people get to keep so much of my productivity?

not only did we give women the vote but communists have embraced democracy and feminism
so that whole
>I build things all day every day that sell for millions of dollars and make my company rich. I only make $70k
wont ever change as long as communists want women to vote

I work so hard and I'm just getting by. A few months of unemployment would leave me destitute.

This is horrible. Not to mention how much work is put on my shoulders. The company is so diverse that we hire black do nothings all over and I have to pull the weight for it because I cannot afford to be fired and I am the only person they give a hard time to. If I even point out that no one else helped they tell me to focus on my own work.

White cis straight males make up probably 20% of the company now. They have inclusive organizations that are associated with promotions but the clubs are exclusively for blacks, women, and homosexuals.

I've been stuck at the bottom and watched blacks with half my credentials and experience get promoted to project managers and they buy expensive cars.

If all the remaining whites quit this company would implode. I am looking for other work because this is horse shit. In my opinion it is racially based redistribution of wealth. I am essentially a slave and I am sick of it.

You could always show up to work with a gun.

If you think anyone below the age of 40 is EVER going to retire you've got alot to learn user.

Credit or interest based economic model. Aka ursury.

Social security numbers are how credit debt is tethered. Debt is tracked and invented for each SSN. Which is why there is a non-citizen SSN. Anyone can get one.

More SSN, each representing a growing debt = more interest paid to a bank.

Every policy that increases new SSN's increases the pool of interest payers.

The less educated or from countries with controlled TVs (ads are limited and labeled) are more likely to accidentally trust some shitty lying advertising and go into debt.

Tldr more dumb citizens = more interest payments = banks grow (irs functions same way).

Get good enough to fly solo, or quit whining

When the hell did I say I wanted to retire before 40? A couple percent is not enough enough to retire at a reasonable age. The current projection for me is 96 is when I can stop working. Oh goodie.

I am getting by. It's just much harder than it was for our parents. I am also saving for a house and told the wife cars are stupid wastes of money. A real home will cut down my expenses and build equity but the prices keep growing faster than I can save for a 20% down. New homes where I am are $480,000

But my rent is like $18k and that will all be converted to equity soon.

I'll be fine. It's just amazing how a single parent I make can get boasted about at an all hands meeting as having produced a huge return in the millions and my raise is only 3%.

It's bullshit but it's the best course of action for me at the moment unless I can make more somewhere else. If I wanted months to develop a patent myself I would also have no income and no lab equipment, prototyping tools, or technicians. It was a group effort and they are the risk. I just wish my reward was more than to keep working. Success should at least result in a bonus. Especially when the blacks get promoted so much for doing nothing.

Correction: ..a single patent I make..

I feel you bro, became keen on the subject watching my dad work his ass off as a respected engineer at McDonald Douglas (now boeing defense). While we were better off than most, we still lived in a cheap part of a cheap city, having little more than people who generally coasted through life. On a flight to denver once it all hit me like a ton of bricks though. I dont have enough time for the full story but capital gains are where you need to reach, because a dollar today is worth two tomorrow.

Imagine a billionaire in his 80's. Money is of no concern at that point, only time. Next imagine a homeless crack addict fiending hard for a hit. Now combine the two, but this billionaire crackhead can't for the life of him find a dealer who's good, total dryspell among all his typical dealers, but they all say theyll be good tmw. Except for one, who is in a different city and laughs when he says for 2k he can drive down and be there tonight.

for 2k he can get high tonight, or for 20$ high tomorrow. The crackhead of course spends the 2k

What I mean by this is that's how interest works on a fundamental level, and how the financial class can exploit on this aspect of human nature to put themselves ahead.
It definitely seems unfair at times, but its a system that will remain intact for the foreseable future, barring a nuclear war catastrophe. That being said, if you can't beat em, join em. Become a monster so that the monster will not break you.

Easier said than done, but thats on every individual to figure out for themselves for the time being. I fully admit even at 70k like you I am a wage slave, but I make small moves to increase that income out using this as a philosophy

>Germany and the northern countries have NO CHOICE but to keep bailing the southern countries
Germany wouldn't have an issue if they didn't destroy every country that had an industrial economy because they were their competitors and wanted the monopoly.
In one point we even started building our own cars until we joined the EU and every single factory was dismandled along with any economic decentralization.
(((Pure coincidence)))

Its called late stage capitalism, the toys r us economy, where profit is the #1 priority along with infinity growth, until the next (((correction))) which the longer it takes the worse it will be.

Where do you get this phrase 'late stage capitalism'? Marx?

What did Marx say about all the money coming from banks who create it out of thin air and loan it with interest?

that Mark twain part is bullshit and you are retarded

I'm guessing it came from Marx but I don't know for sure. All I know is that this ((((system)))) is as rigged as it comes and that absolutely nothing lasts forever. I think we are going to reach a point, sooner rather than later where there is just no more money to be made. Even now there are monopolies in just about every damn thing that is productive. I just don't see it staying the way it is, especially with demand for labor getting less and less. If Capitalism wants to survive it has to reinvent itself right NOW, not when the correction comes because I truly believe that the next one is going to be very bad. I don't condone communism, but the writings on the wall, this bloated corpse is dying and the ((((fixes)))) are proof of that. Some say sure this will happen but in like 75 years, I think it is much less than that. Just saying.

>toys r us economy

Toys “R” Us files for bankruptcy

This one kills me: "Toys ‘R’ Us bankruptcy: What does this mean for my gift cards?"

Instead of wondering whats going on with the economy that you can't turn a profit selling garbage from China, worry about that gift card which still has 12.58

>If Capitalism wants to survive it has to reinvent itself right NOW, not when the correction comes because I truly believe that the next one is going to be very bad.

It's already too late. The demographics are set in stone. The upside is it will purge a large chunk of the r selected

You misunderstood what i was saying. I meant people our age, the younger generation will NEVER be able to retire.

Same thing read an economics book


(((rothschilds))) Slavery. Obviously.

The thing is, debt is cheaper than capital.

The value of the debt isn't more than the value of the capital.