Genuine question. It seems that non-whites have made up their mind to hate white people. Why should we care about them?
Why should we care for humanity if it is not white?
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I'm with you there, blacks will be half the world by 2100 and they won't be able to feed themselves, Imagine 1000 milion starving africans, that's the future and yes, they will blame whity
We shouldnt. Therefore stop the welfare and let them die already
I don't. The only good nigger is a dead nigger.
cause we all have the same enemy
More like, why should we care about humnity if it's not Jewish, Japanese or Northen Italian?
White people are fucking below Jews and Asians, the average white is a mong hillibilly, a cuckhold or a fat loser weaboo masturbating to pony porn in his mom's basement.
The most successful people in this world are Japs, Jews and Italians. Fuck anyone else, fucking parasites.
>Inb4 Jews and Italians are white
No, they are not. Jews are Semite like Arabs and Italians are Mediterranean, not Nordic or Alpine cucks.
We shouldn't. I don't give a shit about non-whites at all. I'm not a degenerate christcuck.
Humanity isn't important. Your children are important. Everything you do should be done to improve the lives and opportunity of your children and grand children and great grandchildren.
White civilization, however, is by far he most successful. There's never been a successful jewish civilization.
Anyway, that's all irrelevant, see above.
>There's never been a successful jewish civilization.
More like all Civilizations have enjoyed any kind of success thanks to the mighty economical expertise of the Jews. Lmao.
If the entire population of the US was replaced with Jews, it would be worthy of it's meme title of ''the best country in the world'' unlike now, that's filled with low IQ hillibillies, Christcucks and SJW MEGA KEKHOLDS.
What a fucking joke. Whites should make us all a favor and kill all niggers, then shoot themselves.
Well the logical way to look at it in my humble opinion is;
>treat your family better than you would a complete stranger
>treat your extended family (your race) better than you would an alien race
Jews can't live on their own
>More like all Civilizations have enjoyed any kind of success thanks to the mighty economical expertise of the Jews. Lmao.
Yea, and the expertise of niggers working in manual labor. But it's not the jews' civilization anymore than it is the niggers'.
>Physical labour is more important than the brain planning the future
>Horses are equally as important as the builders of the farm
I wasn't expecting your white brainlet brain to say anything smart, but you have impressed me with your stupidity.
How does this happened I wonder...
>whites get replaced by Jews
>without whites, Jews have nobody to sue and cheat out of shekels
>eventually, all the Jews get eaten by niggers
>Implying the people are the TOP are not Jewish
It's like you guys suddenly forget your narrative that the Jews control everything, when we talk about the 1% doing mighty for the rest. (((NASA))), remember?
Whites are second class citizens, if the Patriots control things is because you are genetically inferior and not meant to rule. Just like niggers will always be doomed to live a life under the sole of the whites, because they are fucking retarded to understand their environment.
>Muh Whites are the epicenter of the universe
>Jews cannot be anything but Bankers
>Let's ignore all the Jewish Scientists, entrepreneur and CEO's
What a joke, you are just one step ahead of niggers, and three steps behind the master race. You are nothing special.
That picture is SO ME.
Also do not believe in "Southern Brazil is white" memes
Well at least I still have the constitution
Cuz they just so bootylicious we can't stay mad. That or its just buncha white boy faggots playing DnD with hitler frogs.
>>Horses are equally as important as the builders of the farm
You're both horses, though. That's what you don't get. You're tools that the white man uses to make his civilization.
Jews are not good at planning the future. In fact, they're destructive to the future. Every civilization that jews get control of is quickly destroyed.
Jews are only good at deception and greed... and this makes them good for working as bankers and trial lawyers.
who came in the pool?
I am half Jewish, I could spend a couple years learning Hebrew and live in my own ethnostate.
Checkmate, my lad.
Why should we acknowledge them as human to begin with?
What defines humanity to you? To me, humanity is distinct from the animals, not just by tool-using, but by appreciation of deep truth and beauty. Humanity builds cathedrals and writes proofs and builds rocket ships.
Can't we acknowledge that the rest are just plains apes? Related to us, but distinct and rather embarassing, like monkeys. Certainly not to be treated as equals, or deserving of special consideration above other large mammals.
>I am half Jewish, I could spend a couple years learning Hebrew and live in my own ethnostate.
>government copies british parliament.
>recieves billions in aid because it's a valuable geopolitical tool for US
>"I did this"
And look:
>not even 100 years old
>nearly every country in the world wants to destroy it
Let's see how long that little experiment can last
Look at this self hating faggot.
>a white guy stole my job, family, and self confidence
Finally someone discusses this kike-tier ethnocentrism.
This. The kike ethnistate only exists because of white guilt. If we turn our backs on the Jew, they would be gone in a decade. Remember, there are only 12-15 million Jews in the whole world.
>Let's see how long that little experiment can last
With Jews controlling the US and having the leaders on it's knees whenever the word Israel is uttered, I am sure the Jewish ethnostate will continue to thrive.
you shouldn't?
personally I don't care for anyone except my blood relatives and two close friends.
>Implying I am white
There's no white people where I live, kek.
Pool's closed due to aids.
> Nonwhites
> Human
If your race can't get up to at least 90 IQ on average, within the next say, 50 years (or by now, fuck it t.b.h..f.a.m) then we just simply can't work with you. It is too much of a burden to give a helping hand up, and it is even more of a burden to give flat out hand-outs, instead of help up. A lot of people can meet this criteria, to be at least good enough of a people to make a functioning society, even if they need a bit of help from the higher-tier people/races.
I see your point, and I get it. "If you are going to say people might as well be genocided for being stupid, then you probably need to culled too, because there are groups of people who are smarter than you"
I get it bro, how clever of you. You really made us look pants-on-head retarded with that one. How does that old saying go? Sup Forums BTFO? Yeah thats it, you blew us the fuck out man. Props kid. Johhny Applememes would be proud of you.
But here is the real deal user. If you can function a society on your own, without handout, then you pass. You are allowed to live and go on. If you can't into society in this day and age, (user, it is *current year*, you know that right?) then you either need to "shit, or get off the pot" as they say. Make way for those who are intoing society.
We could use eugenics to help them. Black people in America, were bred for strength and also being stupid was probably a good thing back in the slave days. I mean, how stupid do you honestly have to be, to be a slave, and to just accept that? Like, an animal or something. Maybe if we were to just take away breeding rights and freedom from them, and have high IQ blacks sire as many children as possible from multiple women at a time. If we sterilized a large portion of black men, say, all of them below 100 IQ, and had all of them with 120+ IQ sire 20 children each, and let the 100-120 IQ only breed if the women is also over 100 IQ. Then adopt the sired children to well-to-do white families. Spread them out.
>whites contributed the most to mankind
>jew is code for a corrupt official of any kind, newfag
>let's ignore every power abusing sociopath
This is not systemic racism or whatever the left would throw at me but I legitimately see the European race as the default human.
When I think of human I think of Europeans, not just any but the Euros with lighter features.
It's kind of like with cats, when you think of them usually a certain breed comes to mind, same as with dogs.
To lose Europeans would be the worst thing to ever happen to humanity.
Imagine a future planet with nothing but shitbrown turds ruled under a totalitarian technocracy where the few remaining people are kept trapped in some sort of THX1138 like scenario.
My race is leading the race towards bio engineering and cybernetic enhacement. It's not that we'll have an IQ average superior to our current 114. It's that we'll become SUPER HUMANS, and the be ones responsible for making lesser races into GODS.
You are welcome, pleb.
Jesus Christ, why would you even get in the water?
>Whites contributed the most to mankind.
No, that was Mediterraneans and Jews, again. Almost everyone who ever mattered was Jewish, or half Jewish, lmao.
you're woefully deluded if you think the average joe will have access to germline gene editing. It would take a 5 year 10 minutes old to think of a 100 ways to weaponize something like that, now imagine if an adult in power got a hold of it
5 year old* I'm high af bro
jesus what did I do to the latter sentence
>Why should we care for humanity if it is not white?
Because long ago the gods entrusted the Aryan with the world. These shitskins seeking our destruction are pawns of the inhuman demonic Jews. They will either come back to reason from our efforts to sway their minds or we will destroy them along with their masters. But first we must be diplomatic.
>I am sure the Jewish ethnostate will continue to thrive.
Yea, well if you can't see the problem, that just proves my point.
Yes, I think it's pretty clear you could benefit from Jewish (((technology))). Your brain is not working correctly.
Also, that's just silly. If we increase everyone's intellect, then we are all in equally playing fields. Except niggers now we'll be smart and niggery, which is dangerous. We'll have to make Whites and Jews niggery too. 6'7 245lbs motherfuckers with horse cocks.
The Jews bring us a bright future, and you refuse it.
I am half Jewish, of course I don't see the problem. If I support you, American becomes a cuck state filled with Science deniers. If I support the Jews, more geniuses are born and I get cybernetic enhancements and PONY FUCKING VIRTUAL REALITY before I die.
>implying this will not change under natsoc
> implying natsoc isn't a successful economic doctrine
> implying Jews are coercing with themselves to reach the top while white strictly compete
Natsoc is the equivalent of white Zionism. It produces a brotherhood that promotes ones own people, against the interests of Jews. You will find this system, historically, not only spendidly successful, getting Germany out of the worst economic crisis faced by any European country to date, but also one in which whites rule.
But good bait, otherwise. 8/10
I dont think any white people really gives a shit about non-whites. I think they see the writing on the wall and are trying to get on their good side early.
Leave the shitskins behind, Aryan men.
Let's set sail for the ocean!
Let us seastead!
In the ocean you're not governed by the UN/WO.
We start seasteading, followed by space colonization.
>we Jews are superior
>entirely dependent on a white country
>we wuz kangz!
>iq of 114!!
Meanwhile In reality Israel has an iq of 98
Jews NEED whites as a buffer for niggers.
Secondary, Jews don't do manual labor, who do you think actually built those wonder nice houses you enjoy?
>bright future
>pushing multiculturalism, terrorism apologia, more wars in Middle East
Real bright there Jude.
Looks like a pool but its actually a community nigga bath
It's funny how the masses think they matter, and that they won't be replaced by Robots in the future. Low IQ dogs must die.
That's Spatial IQ, not verbal. Of which Northen Italians and Japs are superior to whites. The Jewish intellect lies in a really good understanding of the abstract, which is why they make for such great theoretical physicists.
Well, it's bright for us. Perharps not so much for you, but too bad! You shouldn't have been born a nigger, or a low IQ white with women who are genetically too empathetic to the suffering of others, and would willingly fuck refugees just to make them feel good.
I don't think that your 114 number is completely accurate. Probably selective sampling. You guys probably average 114 when you drop every score below 100 or something like that. But I do give Jews credit for being smart. I don't give them credit for ethics, with your "its okay to lie to people who aren't kikes" in your little holy book. You realize that is Muslim-tier Mohammed shit, right? Since you are so vastly superior and smart, you realize, accept, and admit that Jews are shit tier on ethics. And a truly great society cannont be built without some form of morals and ethics. So now that we got that out of the way...
What makes you think your "cyber-sex-netic", trans-humanist shit is going to boost you to being "god" or a very, very superior ruling race? Do you think you have the numbers to accomplish that? Can 10 million Super-Cyber-Jew-faggots win vs. 8,000 million primitive humans? The 8,000 million primitives, also control a lot of very advanced weaponry.
You know what you are LARPing like a motherfucker, but I am having fun with it too. So continue on you pretend-kike, Reverse-JIDF, anti-kike, kike shill LARPer. Faggot
BTW don't you EVER fucking put that Gadsden Flag on again you fucking cunt. God I fucking hate those fucking cancer "choose your flag" bullshit.
Hey look mom, I did it again :^).
What are you going to do, gas me?
Are you a Brony? You are a My Little Pony fan, and you are on hear talking about Jewish Supremacy and that kikes are going to lead the way with gene-splicing or eugenics or some shit, and "Cybernetic enhancements" before everyone else, and claiming that kikes are going to lead the way into virtual reality, before you die, and what you want most of all, this entire fucking thread, more than denying your white genes that mean you have hope to be a good person, or at least maybe your kids could be mostly white, but still have 1/4 jewish IQ to make them smart too. A lethal combonation, mostly white, good chance for good morals/ethics, intelligence, athleticism, and creativity. But instead, you embrace the dirty schlomo shekelstein jewish supremacist inside of you instead. And you want to be a super-kike more than anything in the world. But even more than that, you want to fuck My Little Pony in VR, before you die. And *that* is why you embrace your Jewish half. Because you believe Jews will lead you to MLPVR-Sex...You god damn sick degenerate fuck
That's called Hypocrisy
They want equality, but then end up saying "Fuck white" as a whole, and get white down on their knees every time
Same thing with feminsts, and kikes on white people. Calling us racists over proof a thousand times
>Half this board roleplaying being a tough nazi with strong family values, yet spends most of his time being a nihilistic fat neet masturbating to loli porn and furry
>Shits on others for their degenerate fetishes
Hahaha, get fucked. JEWISH SUPREMACY ALREADY RULES THE WORLD, Why do I even bother talking with gentiles?
>I don't think that your 114 number is completely accurate. Probably selective sampling.
Yeah they use a paper bag melanin test to decide which jews get to count for aggregate jewish I.Q.
>What are you going to do, gas me?
If you insist.
Ya'll niggaz can't even beat based assad. You need us to do it for you and now we memed Russian soldiers onto your border with Syria to act as a tripwire for getting your little apartheid state into a nuclear war.
You schlomos are too busy fanning your own balls about how smart you are to realize who you are dealing with. Religiously mandated arrogance has always been your major weakness.
Wtf they all look the same
Rope. It will be more effective to do public hangings. Non-Larping though, a lot of Jews will be fine to stick around. I really do think blacks have got to go, or they need your help to selectively breed and gene-splice their IQ up a bit. Either that, or they should just live on a few reservations in Africa, live Native Americans in the US. Since, that is what this thread is suppose to be about. Is people (black in particular) biting the hand that feeds them, so why should whites continue to help them, when they, for the most part, openly proclaim hatred for them.
You are the one who turned this thread into your weird, Jewish fantasy where they continue on fucking things up in the mean time, until they can achieve computer enhancements, and bio-engineering enhancements, and can then truly rule the cattle goyim. And all of this, without anyone else, ever, not once, either trying to beat them to the punch, and win the Cyber race. And that no one, in the entire world, ever gets fed up with them. And gasses them, which you are probably right. Gassing would be pretty effective, it would send a really strong message. Good call user. Its a good thing you are half-Jew! Im a half Chad btw .. Tell your mom I posted it, again. And tell her I said hi :^)
Well you white people colonized them and then imported a shit ton of them to your country for slavery.
Now those descendants of slaves are citizens of your country. Maybe if you cared more about them, they wouldn't be such a detriment to your country
> Most slaves in America were illiterate. If your parents were illiterate, chances you will be too. Surprised that blacks in America are still so illiterate and uneducated?
> Most families were broken a part at an early age during auction. A foster child or a child without both parents will likely become a single father/mother in the future. Surprised that blacks still suffer from this today?
We brought it onto ourselves so stop crying already.
We shouldn't and I don't
>Sup Forums is one person
Got me there, Mr. Rosenberg.
Not gonna lie, I'm not gonna miss ya. But your teenage, half-Jewish, future Utopian/Dystopian. Jewtopia, for the Jews, and Goytopia for the goys. Your fantasy was a fun-ride, half kikeanon. It was fun. But you are right, its time for you to stop posting. And to rub one out to My Little Pony. Seriously, picture some of your favorite Pony-Porn in your head. Now, close your eyes and imagine what its going to be like, when you can actually fuck My Little Pony in Virtual Reality. You filthy god-damn kike! Lol. Its all good user Im not here to judge. You do you. I dont care. I use porn to masturbate. Most the time I just do it in bed, eyes closed imagining women (human). But sometimes I do watch some POV blowjobs and fucks. My most degenerate is watching college orgy style porn every once in awhile.
But hey man, if you think your half-jew side and jews world wide are going to help advance you to fucking VR MLP sooner, rather than later, and that is your main goal in life/advantage form supporting jews. Thats all good with me man. Do what you gotta do. I certainly think you are going to go a long way in life, and do great things. You have a good head on your shoulders user.
Make your bed. Sort yourself out.
Lmao, they all have the same haircut.
>Imagine 1000 milion
so 1 billion?
I can agree with that. It sucks. We should have shipped them back after the Civil War. Oh well. We didnt. They are here, they are our "pet niggers" and its our problem that we need to deal with and fix now. Thats fine. I agree, give them a little bit of affirmitive action, and help them to learn and be good and better and shit. Sounds like a great plan right?
Well, honestly user, I just wish they were more thankful. Yes, the past sucked for their race in this country. But the past is the past. No one alive now ever owned a slave. There is nothing I can personally do to make it better for anyone. Besides be a friend, help them out. If they are a friend back to me and help me out. But, they usually aren't. Back when I was a pot-smoking teenager, the only times I really ever got ripped off for my money, or had bud or other things stolen from me, was when I hung out with the group of black friends. Or when the 1 black friend came with all us white guys. The anecdote being that they lost respect from me. And so did most black guys.
And America does a lot to try and help them. And is being really, really patient with them (like a small child needs some patience from a parent sometimes), yet, they continue to lash out (like a small child) and blame whites for most things wrong with their lives. Even though they are helping them.
I think you get the point. Its getting old. Their behavior is juvenile and they need to start taking more responsibility. Want to not be shot by police anymore? THe answer is pretty simple really, ANY TIME you are stopped by a police, act in an almost exaggerated way, moving extremely slowly, put your hands up, and obey all orders from officer. Yes, it sucks, yes it might be embarassing. If you are innocent of any crimes, you will be walking away or driving away soon enough. And guess what? Once all of black people start doing this, collectively, and they are innoncent being good people. Cops will stop them less.
That's a 100 times better than half of them having dreads. That shit is abhorrent. Well, I guess it can look "cool" sometimes or looks alright on some nigs, but only on TV. In real life, sitting side by side a nig with dreads, sucks on the nose. Stinky.
You shouldn't
>My ID
>Jeb 2020!
>slow and steady
IDGAF about "humanity being non-white".
But it is concerning to see what it is socially acceptable to say about white people in today's political climate (especially when compared to other races) and what the reaction is when this frankly bigoted rhetoric is challenged. It's the kind of propaganda & dehumanisation that you see before genocides start happening. With current population numbers as they are, I feel safe in knowing you can't genocide a majority demographic. But once whites slip below the minority level I can't be sure of anything.
The main problem is that America can't handle the amount of degenerates in this country (black people included).
Our education system sucks (lack of funding). We have a healthcare issue (a looming problem considering the baby boomer generation)
It turns out the segment of the population that suffers the most from our country's drawbacks are the poor people. And guess who are the poorest Americans? Yes, that's right, black people.
The average jew is inbred, the average jap is a forever alone virgin and the average italian is a turkroach.
imagine 4 or 6 billion africans.
no need, just wait a decade or two.
somethings gotta give. and i knew what the kikes are rooting for.
Yeah that makes sense user.
One point I was trying to get at but failed to get to in my other post, is like what you are saying. We already have enough problems here in America, and unfortunately, we have the blacks and all the problems they cause as well. And what my point was going to be, is that it would help to stop the bleeding. Like you said not just blacks, but poor people, and degenerates overall. More or less subsidizing these "suburban and rural retards" and these "urban niggers" to pop out children. Welfare queens.
We really shouldn't be just letting that go on. Im not really for MORE government. But in my opinion, it is MORE government when you have to pay MORE taxes to pay for peoples children, who don't work themselves, or never took the time to get educated, or become an entrepreneur, or otherwise be able to provide for themselves and their family. So, what I think, is the gov. should intervene on the amount of children that people can have. Limit of 2 and you are through, unless you are of a certain income level and some sort of "credit" rating that says you are a good candidate to have more children, and successfully pay for them. It would be a complicated thing to implement, and I dunno if its even that great of idea. But its kind of like.. You need a driver license to operate a vehicle.. You need training and licensure/certificate to do many different jobs. But, one of the MOST important things, having and raising children, is treated as a right, that you can use/abuse as much as you want. And if you have trouble paying the necessary money for necessities for your children.. The government helps, by taxing other people, who problem don't have kids or have less kids because they cant afford it, and maintain the standard of living that they want. Because they are paying taxes to pay for food for others babies. So, the gov. should stop people who can't afford it from excessively breeding.