Anyone else knows dat epic feel when Slav?
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is there a slavic rune for good luck/fortune?
Nice try, Ghengis
That would be svarica
>Anyone else knows dat epic feel when Slav?
You mean waking up feeling suicidal? Yes, absolutely epic feel.
still better than waking up as german
or french
or swedish
or faggot
what's the matter Pšek?
You mean living in a post-comie shithole or understanding Poles and Russians when they start shitalking in vidya?
Slava brat!
thank you slavbro
So much love for Slavs coming from Slovenia, SLAVA!
what is a slav?
Well,i guess it was kind of epic.All the kids in Elementary school where like"Oh i totally understand what that Pole means when he types kurwa".
C нaми бoг
Maybe it's slave without an E?
Definitely not russian
it also might be derived from slovo, not slava. isn't slavs "slovenci" in your yugo languages?
Mfw i will never kill hundreds of slavshits like my greatgrandfather ;_;
It is.Slovenci is a homonym for Slavs and Slovenes here.
>tfw some westerncuck calles me not white, white nigger, subhuman, slave etc.
>tfw still comfy because you know his nation and race is going to be extinct in next decades while your people will survive and dominate the next millenium.
europe's last hope
We might yet still
Should we consider coming to their rescue?
>Finns killing thousands of commie Russian speaking Finnics and calling it a win
being a Finn truly is a curse
My family name is Epмoлoв. I’m willing to help.
We should save leftovers of Sorbs in g*rmany and watch west burning
>we are slavs, not slaves
what kind of slav pride has to address defeat?
Romanian here yeah it feels good to be able to identify as a Slav as much as a Daco-Roman.
Big balls!
I think being Nordic, in general, is a curse at this point.
Let them die in the shit they created. Fucking conceited cunts not aware they're at their demise.
There were no helicopters to throw them from back then
But doesn’t everyone just think you are a gypsy or some other retarded stereotype?
Muh ancestors
arrogant slovenians and kroats destroyed yugoslaviea, the heven for slavs bc
>im not slav
>im german
>gets treated like shit by the germans and austrians
>that strategically turned beanie to fully reveal the Adidas logo
Do you think leaving was a mistake lol?They got buttfucked by Saxony quite fast after we left.Still makes one think,that we where not forced into this shithole.
They tried to take and subjugate 70% of native slavic lands with Lebensraum, Poland saved their assas so much times and they divided it into tons of pieces and even when it finally got their independence they tried again to squash them.
Fuck the west and fuck western people.
This, only worth land saving is Sorbs, Wends and Carinthia.
Not saying that, it's just that it's not a very well known fact.
And that they survive still under that name gives me some sort of abstract feel.
Actually i was just asking,do where would we get buttfucked worse.
Yeah whatever I embrace it. I'd rather them keep thinking I'm a gypsy and staying away from Romania then them knowing the truth that it's basically one of the last fortresses of white identity.
Plus I have a really good and sharp look so women still adore me.
>tfw no pagan gf ;_;
Who /Scythian/ here?
It was a good decision. On the Balkans we lived the life of a nation, no matter it's ultimate success, up there we would have been subsumed by the larger tribes and states.
Aren't we all? We all descend from Antae - an Irano-Slavic tribe
Fuck Kikeurope, Eurasia is where the future is at. You can't save someone that does not wish to be saved.
I guess so.But i do believe that Balkan would have been a lot more peaceful without us kek.
УБЬEM CШA!!!!!!!
getting a little too homo
Yeah good luck with that.
Where'd you find that picture of my grandpa?
no Mucha posting?
I sure do
Hmm.. only a tad bit homo? If so is this ultra homo? Protip: it's not.
Posting some Thracians/Dacians
Pic related is a ritual they did to speak to their god Zalmoxis. They would throw a soldier onto spears with a message for the god. If the guy still lived once he landed on the spears, he would be deemed a bad man. If he died then he was a good man and his message got through to Zalmoxis.
Romania still has lots of Pagan LARPERs living innawoods.
Feels good.
When do we get to save Christendom again?
Some LARPers doing an ancient Thracian ceremony.
The Balkans were always a place of strife, tribes like the Scordisci who lived there before us were renowned for drinking the blood of their fallen enemies even. kek
Entire village of LARPers
Hello there /paganism-general/ :^)
hes douching his benis :DDD
Gtfo with those dumb overused memes of us
Just a based Romanian LARPing as his ancestors
Slavic affairs you here right? I bet you posting on here heh
I like this one more
Based Zalmoxis, lord of the skies.
They said that in battle when you were slain, you had to die laughing as hard as you can upwards at the sky. That was the only entry to Zalmoxis' heavenly hunting lands.
Not him bro
Kek.But what i mean,that without us switching sides constantly either Bulgaria or Byzantines would win a war for the domination of the Balkans and make the region quite more stable.For all we know history could have went quite differently.
Apparently Simeon even was marching fro Constantinople before he got news that Serbs amassed an army at this western borders.And that was in the 900's.
The problem in the Balkans where that there would never be a clear cut winner,even after like 10 fucking wars.
Back when people were normal about it.
>just rub my dick bro, no homo
I never said the op is him, i said one of the slovenian posters most likely is.
Btw i got few requests. Help me with a pc wallpaper that includes a badass slav warrior.
and anybody got good websites on history of slavs and i mean our region south slavs ex yu area. I'd love to read more on it, but damn maps are so confusing. Any good source?
What does it feel like?. I don't know because I'm not a slav. Describe it to me please.
Family is polish/German from Silesia and Warsaw
Literally half aryan half Slav (with some Jew in there)
True master race
>aesthetics of the aryan
>fortitude of the Slav
>cunnig of the Jew
Also ENTJ I look forward to leading America Into glory