Is emo/goth/scene culture the last implicit stand of white identity?

>Exclusively white demographic
>Listen to only white music
>Love White European writers like Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Nietzsche, and Poe
>Love Gothic Northern European architecture and aesthetic
>Discourages obesity and calls out women/feminism as being at fault
>Encourages productive activities like music, art, and creative writing
>Most emos ended up redpilled through boards like /x/ and ended up on Sup Forums

Other urls found in this thread:

>Discourages obesity and calls out women/feminism as being at fault
When did that happen?

Emos are a bunch of furfags

If you were fat, you were a poser - both normies and other emos and scene hated you. The only group that really tolerated fatties were the goths. And as far as being anti feminist just listen the emo music, every song is calling out women and their fickleness/mental issues

These groups suffer from the same delusions as feminists and other groups which is that they have self importance and see themselves as somehow deeper than everyone else i order to make them selves seem more interesting and better

lol are you fucking trolling dude?

Emo/goth/scene culture was perpetuated by jews in order to demasculate white males and make it easier to push the "superior black male" philosophy.

If you were full emo/scene back in the day you're a fucking retard, you're responsible for the down fall of white males and you should kill yourself.

Isn't that what we do here on Sup Forums..?

Fuck off, emos are part of the problem

And what have you done to accomplish the 14 words, user?