Good hummus is well mushed hummus.
Good hummus is well mushed hummus
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I knew it! i always knew it was empty.
You're obviously not a father
From Syria. How fake and gay are you to believe arab propaganda?
Did he die?
Why do people always say Jews are emotionless, soulless, reptilians?
Neither is the man wailing.
Fake and extra gay
As much as I don't want them in Europe, this is disgusting.
No brain? Hes going to grow up liberal.
If this was my kid, I'd probably become an extremist too.
Probably already voted for Hillary.
Noice. Savage.
This is horrible. Fucking awful. We can't let this keep happening, someone has to fucking do something about this
Removing Globalists from power would be a great start
>This thread
JIDF approved
Damn this picture really make me want to let 1.2 million sub saharan africains cross my borders.
Getting his blown off still doesn't cause him to lose his chill.
>Wailing for his wifes son
>heh guys look how EDGY I am muthafuckas!
Nigger lover
you had a fleet once, a grand empire that traced across the waves, now you can only watch
Your a kebab and you will be removed, Achmed.
Thread theme:
have some feels
keps kops
shit like this is a dime a dozen in the
blubbering like a woman over this or that empty cranium
It's no wonder the mongrel hordes are taking the West.
Agreed they fucking missed the father the stupid cunts
You know. Sometimes i feel bad for Europe whenever a terrorist attack happens, but then i see threads like these and remember why i feel no empathy whatsoever. You people will reap what you sow.
>appropriating black culture
This, we should petition our lawmakers to get the fuck out of Syria. The war would've long been over if it weren't for Western interference on behalf of different terrorist factions, culminating in them establishing ISIS.
I think we all know who's behind this. Only Trunks can defeat the Zionists.
Is he going to be ok?
>"must have been my imagination..."
My nigga
You will grow out of this edge eventually
Judeo-Christian values hard at work in this thread
Those white boys are acting all edgy in internet but can't do shit when they are being breed out of existence
And nothing of value will be lost.
>I dont mind at all
Your so dumb.
A innocent person is killed by a government you travel across half the world to kill another innocent person (proves your dumb muslim mentality)....not realising their family will kill a muslim back in retaliation
You started it you dirty mudskins and you will be removed.!
*you're so dumb
You missed a spot
Calm down Hortler.
blah blah blah, i ll smash your white skull faggot
Why the fuck is the arm on the baby so long?
> tfw when the white phosphorous is pure
Had me going
And these same people call chinks soulless...
Carry on.
>when you pack too much spaghetti in your pocket that day
all skulls are white
wow you people really are stupid.
> tfw rigor mortis makes her even tighter
why is this dune coon screaming at a dead boy?
Fucking. Hell.
Not much shocks me, but damn.
Die muslim kebab-roach.
Stfu faggot
> mfw sandniggers of pol wont save me from the Israeli Air Force
I remember my first time seeing gore.
I couldnt watch it without squinting and being revolted sick to the stomach.
but internet helped harden me the fuck up no I can watch it while Im eating.
you either die young and innocent, or you grow old to become evil
Agreed. Open borders NOW.
Try it sandnigger
i cant help but kek
the guy is crying at a husk
in reality his kids laying plopped on the ground somewhere
probably in the bio hazard bin next to the bed.
>Foaming at the mouth with fear of Jamal
> Join Islam to get ahead, they said..
Out new fag
Make that "billion". Projected to rise to 2.4 billion (though I think that number is for all of Africa) by 2050.
> five dollars, do I hear five dollars?
why the FUCK would you film that?
How did it died??
funny how right-wingers were all in favor of globalization not long ago when their countries and companies were benefiting by taking resources from smaller and poorer countries and now that the problem you fuckers created by ravaging those countries from resources, manipulating their political futures and waging war there is coming back to bite you in your asses you become scared and anti-globalization. Fuck off, you helped create the problem now deal with it like adults you fucking spoiled racist children.
I hope you get necklaced by your fellow Africans you edgelord piece of shit
Where is this?
Damn that vid got to me. Back story?
probably a fatal ailment.
cancer, aids, dad stuck his cock up too deep.
use your imagination my pig farmer friend
what is this video? why is a white woman leading a crowd of blacks through the street?
>cancer, aids
Kid would have died in hospital.
>You started it you dirty mudskins
Except they didn't.
fuck wh*te pe*ple
>muh right wingers
people have always waged war for clay and resources you uneducated stupid leftist dimwit.
and it's universal.
It's the nigger cattle.
Where is this?
> muh arab babies
this is murika, you know, place where you need a bucket of cash to keep people in a hospital?
KEK! Made my day
This thread is full of Zionists with meme flags. I wonder why they're so hysterical with fear?
>They are our enemies but I'm not ready to do anything about them. I will instead virtue signal while the enemy multiplies. Also, I am a huge faggot and I post on reddit daily.