Why are millennials unable to afford to save up for retirement?

Why are millennials unable to afford to save up for retirement?

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show your flag?


>retiring ever


plz be in london


>Expensive Electronics
>Expensive brand named clothing
>Fast food
Lots of reasons

They spend too much on coffee, games, fashion and other amusements.

They actually aren't that poor.

Sage goes in all places

People can actually live on minimum wage believe it or not. They just spend too much money on thing they "need".

To give you an actual example of why this millennial in particular can't save up for retirement, my parents never went to college.

Their lack of preparation and shortsightedness left me to pick up all the pieces for myself, and at this point I'm 20 deciding to plummet myself into debt or go with a career that won't give me anywhere near as much debt but also nowhere near as much happiness.

I know it's a meme for millennials to pass the buck onto somebody else, but boomers SERIOUSLY fucked some of our futures up

college loan
shit job
new iphone every year
avocado toast
binge drinking

I don't really need to and she's FUGLY

>House prices in the west are inflated to an all-time high
>Increasing cost of getting higher education
>Western economies debt is now at an all-time high
>Average IQ of the western populous is decreasing

Gee I wonder.
At this point I'm just saving up as much as I can for the inevitable house price crash.

Probably because the OP is a faggot.
This is on you buddy.

basically this. Cost of living is higher than ever but wages stagenate. The REAL kicker in all of this is even if you do enact a new min wage this will only take out the lower steps on the job ladder and result in a huge layoff crisis. LOL we are FUCKED

>At this point I'm just saving up as much as I can for the inevitable house price crash.
this will only happen if your population stagnates or regresses not if you are taking in people from a third world country who breed like rats and contribute nothing. As long as there are people like there are, these prices will only get worse the more demand there is or the more houses are converted into rental slums thus off the market totally.

barry promised free everything for all and we still deserve it for some unknown reason. communism is great!

Many of them are, but trumpcucks in particular would rather worship at the feet of other men than take responsibility for themselves.

Put money in 401k and don't spend outside your means. It's pretty basic shit. If you can pay off a 30 year mortgage before you retire you're like 90% of the way there, and this is a pretty modest goal.

retire ha ha ha oh man that's funny

Why are millennials unable to afford a house?

Keynesian economic theory is a Jewish ideology pushed by the Fabian society where a 20 hour work week was promised in the 1960s... the true purpose of a Keynesian system is to subvert whatever majority indigenous population is occupying whatever country (in this case whites in the US).

nah, it'll happen when the funny money dries up. interest rates are what determine house prices, not population

>Many of them are, but trumpcucks in particular would rather worship at the feet of other men than take responsibility for themselves.
This is what leftists do. You're wrong. Not that I voted anyway, but you're absolutely retarded.

>Put money in 401k and don't spend outside your means.
If you're putting money in a 401k at this point in the Kondratiev wave you have to be so intellectually disabled. I feel bad for you. The money you put in that account will be destroyed in value because of inflation, plus the fee to withdraw it. You might as well put that in land or metals or ammo.

the trend increases sharply and becomes more volatile starting in the 80s, directly coinciding with massive deregulation thanks to reagan and other neocons. your own graph doesn't even support your assertion you underage dipshit. in either case, there is an absurd amount of affordable property as long as you are willing to not live in the small handful of areas where demand is crazy high (e.g. SF, LA, Boston, NYC, etc)

Something something patriarchy something something soggy knees something something she won the popular vote

he goy, check out these totally sustainable interest rates...

Fuck off with these fucking threads.
He's been doing this since before the meme flags, check 4plebs.

I had saved up for my son's college over 60k and the 2008 engineered crash took all but about 5k. sometimes you "do the right thing", but jews happen. the eternal poisoners of humankind. find a good skill and go to a local cc get your license, certification, degree, whatever you need. you only need clean drinking water and warm, dry place to sleep and food once a week to survive. all the rest is propaganda bs. buy an older home and fix it up yourself, get an older car and repair it yourself or ride a bike, all this 1st world stuff is depressing, I destroyed my health trying to keep up with it. it's bs. smart phones have made everyone stupid. don't fall in the trap.

Because they spend money like they're niggers.
Especially females.
The only 2 guys I know with over $8,000 in the bank who are 26 or under are myself and my sister's fiance.
Even the fuckers who still live at home and have decent jobs are broke as fuck.
We are truly a worthless generation.

>You might as well put that in land or metals or ammo.

kek, ~15 year old trumpcuck detected. stay in school little dude, but given that you are clearly spending your formative years learning to "HURR DURR INVEST IN PRECIOUS METALS", you may already be a lost cause.

though i do encourage morons like you to invest in gold, i most certainly dont have a bleeding heart and generally take pleasure in watching conservacucks like you and their communities wither and die thanks to blind worship of other men/conspiracy theories. SAD!

Reagan just continued the trend which started in 1975ish. Look at the graph you moron.

And they weren't Neocons back then, just regular Cons.

Only so much of the economy can be saved up, and boomers are hoarding most of it.
This means wealth must be painstakingly created first, but since we're competing for scraps with other scraps and the gouvernment takes a massive chunk of it (((for dem programz))), it's neigh impossible.

population determine interest rates you stupid goy. the more risk the more interest. More people=more risk especially when these people cant pay their loans back if they get any ever

who tf is she? hot af

because unlike boomers millenials don't stay in one job for their entire working lives. The average millenial will have 3 careers, and close to 15 jobs from 20-66. They will nearly always have lowish paying entry level jobs because of their constant moving around as well so they will always be living paycheck to paycheck.



Remember to sage

>the trend increases sharply and becomes more volatile starting in the 80s
This is incorrect. The graph volatility starts in the 70s.
>directly coinciding with massive deregulation thanks to reagan and other neocons
Reagan deregulated the housing market? How about you open a search engine.
>your own graph doesn't even support your assertion you underage dipshit
What assertion? Why the ad-hominem?
>there is an absurd amount of affordable property as long as you are willing to not live in the small handful of areas where demand is crazy high (e.g. SF, LA, Boston, NYC, etc)
No shit?

>kek, ~15 year old trumpcuck detected. stay in school little dude
I don't vote. I don't like presidents or federal governments. He is obviously a Jewish Masonic ploy donged along by Gematria ritualists.
>but given that you are clearly spending your formative years learning to "HURR DURR INVEST IN PRECIOUS METALS", you may already be a lost cause.
I only take advise from the Jews themselves.
Alan Greenspan was the head of the Fed. If you're trying to convince me that a paper currency is less valuable than land to grow food on or metal to create computers with I think YOU are the lost cause.

i agree with everything


i agree with everything



Seriously, we have this exact bait thread posted endlessly. Fuck off OP.




What's retirement? We'll either work or leech until we die

Boomers sold them into debt slavery



They're too busy crying politics, complaining. Their is more money up for grabs then every before. So it's not that there are no opportunities. They aren't thought to be independent/entrepreneur any more.

It's the school system.



>why millenials X
>6 gorillion threads over the course of months

Are you trying to get this trap viral, or you 're a legitimate autist?




You can't when most min wage jobs don't give more than 20 hours a week. Though maybe that's just my place. In the fucking assistant manager and they won't gig me more than 20 a week, they prioritize the lazy college cucks over me, and they can't even do their job right.


>Their is more money up for grabs then every before

Where is it?

Asking for friend.


You don't need to save for retirement, when you never need a job.





Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.

The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.

Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.

What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?

How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?

And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?

But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.

They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.

Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.


Won't live to be 60.

Cause they spend too much and want jobs that pay them megabux for doing nothing.

I'm a millennial, parents were barely high school grads and never saved up for college for me.

I'm have a great job I love, I don't make bank but I have a large home, truck, toys, etc. but I will retire at 57 with full pension and will have a fat stack saved up due to my Ira saved up on the side.

Don't spend your money like a dick and save it properly.


>1 Gallon of Milk is $3.70

See, the 99% wouldn't need a raise if they knew how to fukken shop around.


>don't pay tax


>the 99% wouldn't need a raise if you keep the prices fair and not for maximum profit.


only a segment of the population qualifies for loans, how would increasing the number of people who can't get loans have any effect on that?

Did you sell at bottom?

>implying boomers saved for retirement
Why do you think they flood our countries with 3rd worlders?

Sounds like you just suck then.

Did you sell at bottom?

>social security likely to collapse by the time we retire
>no pensions anymore
>401k's help but that depends on the employer
>low wages
>student loan debt
>high cost of living

Anyone think of anything else?

I've had a 401k at my job since I was 19 so I think I'll be pretty well off when i decide to retire at 45.

Millennials are greedy and self entitled. They spend too much on stupid things and instead of investing or saving ten percent of their income they go on expensive trips or do expensive hobbies. This is outside their willingness to grow and work for better salaries. Half the millennials are late and lazy at work

muh shekels


Millennials are too stupid to move. One thing boomers did was move to where jobs and cheap housing are. Millennials are cowards who barely ever move

Where would you recommend moving too?

Oh god yes they work harder and take the fall for company problems
It's a high risk high reward job

they have really good taste in consumables.

It's not about how hard someone works dumbass. It's about the impact on revenue your work has. Put a dumb millennial in the CEOs place and McDonald's would be out of business in 10 years let alone making a profit

fuck off faggot


Look into trades. The schooling is a lot cheaper and more efficient (no feminist bloat requirements, etc) and you'll make good money.

They worked their way up to that position, and CEO's work 20 hours a day every day. They don't get to sleep as much as normal people and they spend every waking moment of their lives doing their job. It takes a very very rare type of individual to become CEO. Most people are too stupid to understand this.

because they refuse to partner up (marriage) and work as a team. in their eye traditional marriage and family values are a bad thing.
image related

avocado toast.

They don't make as much money and benefits as previous generations. Labor has a lower value in the age of automation, mass immigration, and outsourcing.

There's lists available detail the best places to live. Provo, Utah is one such city because the area has massive tech and software growth and rent is pretty cheap.