>political affiliation
>political affiliation when a girl asks
Political affiliation
tell her you're apolitical
if she's your gf gradually reveal your powerlevel
just be honest. why would you date a SJW anyway?
constant bitching and no sex unless you are watching it from afar.
what girl actually ask for political affiliation. none of them give a fuck
>leftish leaning libertarian
Easy peasy. Most women don’t understand what a libertarian is, and if you’re vaguely conservative you’ll get labelled a Nazi.
Just say libertarian. Then gradually release redpills.
>christian fascist
>christian (only interested in girls from my church desu)
>political affiliation
>political affiliation when a girl asks
"I'm not really into politics".
It is not worth "debating" politics with a woman, NEVER. Just avoid the subject. If she is obviously a liberal, then play the liberal game to if it might lead to punching her axe wound later on. Otherwise, don't bother.
Nothing is sexier to a girl than standing up for your controversial beliefs. Just don't sperg 1488 racewarnow like you're on Sup Forums
>Traditional conservative
>National Socialist
>a bit right-wing
tell her the truth u fucking imbeciles, thats how you get a good woman
Good women don't exist
>Political Stance: No Step on Snek / Get Off My Lawn
>When a Girl Asks: "Sorry, I don't feel like this conversation is appropriate." Because I only talk to my wife and my friends about things that matter.
Literally this
Tell her; if she does not follow you leave her behind.
If she's a perfect girl, she will be red-pilled on the Kikes.
>staunch libertarian
>1488 nazi when girlfriend asks cuz that's what bitches love the most.
In the words of Ringo Star:
"Excuse me? I don't even smoke"
>takes a cig puff
This is legit what I do left leaning libertarian focused on free speech doesn't come off to threating to anyone not on the Super far left / right
Why would I care what roasties think ?
>I'm a fucking Nazi. I'm preparing for the racewar where we execute these dirty nogs and jews. White children need a secure future, and we will make it happen. A gold standard will be established, and we will end the economic slavery of the petro-dollar. Join me in my conquest, you fucking whore.
stop calling yourself nazi you stupid nigger
"I'm sick of politics, I just want to have fun tonight"
And in the morning she can wake up to a big swazi flag and a copy of Mein Kampf. If she calls back she's a keeper and if not at least you got to defile a liberal and make her feel like the trash she is. Either way it's a win win
Pussy. Threaten her and rape her
"Nazi right wing scum"
You should also add that you are a greedy money loving asshole that treats women like the garbage they are.
++Romance guaranteed
you're the good goy playing into the kike's game call yourself national socialist if anything
kekl thanks Sup Forums
When did leafposting actually become good?
>>political affiliation when a girl asks
This. Never talk about politics or religion with women in the beginning. It never helps and can actually harm your chances.
>southern white nationalist
>southern white nationalist
Shit, my leftist girlfriend is becoming more and more right winged ever sincs I first met her. She went from claiming non-binary gender and gay to feminine, straight. She cant even stand most gay people anymore. Stop being cucks and be prideful and well read on the shit you believe and they will eventually follow
married man checking in, so I'll tell you fellows what I did with my wife.
>right-wing nationalist
Then I dropped the redpills after we were married.
Of course, I married a fundamentalist Christian who knew what it was like to be hated for your beliefs, so I was lucky that way.
It's a very disturbing trend, but they've improved.
>National Socialist
>"Eh I don't really affiliate with any political party but if I had to talk about my political beliefs, basically that we should live in harmony with nature and according to it's laws"
Works every time
This is the right answer.
With a girl, just make it about yourself and that you do what it is good for you concerning political matters. Women like self interested jerks that look out for number one so even if she protests her panties just got that much wetter.
>conservative social democrat
>conservative social democrat
big whoop wanna fight about it?
Libertarian in the streets, NatSoc in the sheets.
Alt Right
Alt Lite
>>political affiliation when a girl asks
like everyone else you say you appreciate certain so called values from both parties, you should say you oppose slavery in all it's forms including monopoly
that you don't agree with the slavery democrats offer in gun control because they obviously just want to shoot more unarmed people who are probably black and you don't like republicans strutting around like they have the right to legislate the human body as if it were state property
I am a racist small government libertarian who is willing to go full ''fascist'' to keep borders closed and keep shitskins out, if a country has a Weimar Republic situation going on, I fully support a final solution. I am just going to whine about taxes being too high and government being inefficient, but if you start importing ''migrants'' I'll go full heil Hitler gas the kikes race war now.
When asked about politics I just say I am a conservative leaning libertarian.
>national socialist
If a woman is interested in politics it's a big red flag.
>Angry white nationalist
>Worried white nationalist
White nationalist
Libertarian conservative
>national socialist
>right wing
jordan peterson
jordan peterson
So many commie jokes and puns to be made, so little time
>conservative white nationalist
>"i don't really care to talk about politics"
The only way I'll open up about politics is if the girl voices right-wing opinions, and even then it's a gamble.
Hell, there was a qt who came into my college class the other day and stated that she follows President Trump on twitter. I looked her up on Facebook and, sure enough, she likes Trump... and a Democratic Socialist page... and the Obama Foundation page... and so forth.
>fascist more or less
The second one is whenever someone I don't know well asks.
>Centrist nationalist
>Kike gassist kebab removist
why would you claim a different affiliation when a girl asks??? are you an insecure beta?
You guys never met a conservative woman?
Paleocon more or less, but some weird shit like earned citizenship.
I usually just say libertarian and avoid going issue by issue. I don't know how the conversation got there but I told a gril on a first date I think that most people don't have free will.
When it comes to the environment fuck the republitards
When it comes to immigration, abortion, or PC bullshit fuck the democraps.
I would tell a bitch the same thing.
If she is too dumb to not think for herself and has to follow party lines then I would not waste my sperm in her.
>national capitalist
Just say “moderate” or “classical liberal” and then slowly work your way into shifting her political viewpoints by establishing what she can perceive as a political norm.
Well baby, we must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children. So lets get you out of those wet panties and get started.
>girl asks
>political affiliation
Her pussy at that point is about as moist as Sahara desert, so it doesn't matter what you say.
well done
kek nice
That is actually pretty classy.
Being honest and telling the truth is the best bet you have in a world controlled by lies.
And if your lying just to get a fuck, well I hope you can live with that while she introduces you to her gang on (((liberal))) friends
Girls don't ask this unless they are raging SJWs
> state Corporatist
Yeah girls are too dumb to do 1+1
>Right leaning Centrist
>Left leaning Centrist
I like to believe each side has good talking points and ideas but refuse to acknowledge the reasons that might make those ideas difficult to achieve. For example Universal Health Care in one of the fattest countries on Earth is a retarded idea.
>For example Universal Health Care in one of the fattest countries on Earth is a retarded idea.
universal health care could stop by removing subsidy on food items that make people unhealthy, like if you're producing corn syrup with subsidized corn you pay a huge tax, money for those fatties has to come from somewhere, might as well be the from the people who profited from making them fat to begin with
Be honest. Last week i was hanging out with this filipina immigrant and she asked what political party i considered myself to be a part of. I said i consider myself a facist and she was pretty shocked. After talkijg for like 3 hours she was heavily agreeing with what i was saying and i think i brought her over to the right side
>all the insecure betas hiding their true beliefs
Get real you faggots. Stop being cucks to pussy
national socialist
it is not about debate with her, but if her start talking shit you can just leave her, you not lose anything
Bahahaha you nazi fagboi wannabes dont talk to women. No one wants your ugly non chad asses you fucking ostracized betashits.
I don't like either major party in the US. There's almost no point to voting.
That's true and sounds moderate, a Bene Geserit couldn't detect the truth.
Fucking this.
Underrated post.
>Moderate Conservative
>Classical Liberal
>lets the girl dictate the conversation topic
What the fuck guys, REFRAME. If you don't want to talk politics, tell her something such as,
>"I am not interested in talking about politics," >"Politics are boring, talk about something else now."
>"That's personal, I don't share those things with people I don't know yet."
>"I'm a fascist and I believe feminists should be spanked like children."
You are allowed to make demands, set boundaries, and reveal or not reveal whatever the fuck you want about yourself.
>red pill
>politically homeless
If a girl asks you political affiliation, A/ your banter must be shit. B/ get the Fuck out of there, it's a feminist.
>Right wing
>Right wing because I'm not a breeder beta`
I tell women my political affiliation is lifting, only works if you look the part do not try if you aren't benching two plates
>Authoritarian Right
>"I think that monarchy could work out. I'd like to be knighted someday."
Tell her you are far-right. Don't be a beta bitch and lie to her.
>Conservative, I want the government to leave me the fuck alone and stop taking all of my money
>Conservative, no I'm not a neocon, I just want the government to leave me the fuck alone and not be forced to surrender my money to the inefficient overbloated government
If she can't handle that then she's a psychotic lefty
>national socialism
classical liberal
just hearing liberal is disarming, if they sat elaborate you say freedom of speech, self preservation, voluntary exchanges stuff like that
>Conservative liberal
>Conservative liberal
>"Hard to put on a traditional spectrum"
>Hard right
>Hard right
I like to reply with "it is not the place of a woman to concern herself with masculine matters such as politics"
you mean classic liberal?