ITS: views and opinions about fracking.
what do you think about it?
watch the video if you dont know what it is
ITS: views and opinions about fracking.
what do you think about it?
watch the video if you dont know what it is
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I'm a senior petroleum engineering student taking a fracking class right now. AMA. By the way- fracking is completely safe if done right- no corners are cut- and its done deep enough.
Idiotic. If you have to get to this point to get oil, maybe it's time to look for other sources of energy, not like that's science-fiction by now.
Lots of things are "perfectly safe" if "done right". But the truth is, corners WILL be cut, firstly because it's expensive, but also because corners are always cut if it means more profits and the damage is externalized on society and the environment.
>Lots of things are "perfectly safe" if "done right". But the truth is, corners WILL be cut
You're right. We should go back to before fire was discovered. We might cut some corners and damage the environment. Actually, we should stop everything. No hunting or gathering. We might cut corners, over do it, and damage the environment. We should just go extinct.
Whoa there. That strawman is dangerous if used improperly. Better take it down.
I think what that user is trying to say is that inevitable human greed will lead to the issues that people would outright wish to avoid with fracking. Unless we have harsher regulations on our business like less kikes and ratty fucking retards who ruin it for everyone else I cannot support this.
I refuse to support nuclear energy because of Hanford, Windscale, and Chernobyl. All three severely damaged the local area because the government was facetious about their purpose or acted in ways that did not care for the people.
Hanford released radioactive gas just to see what it'd do. Windscale was trying to make a nuclear and hydrogen weapon out of garbage, Chernobyl's reactor was a military experimental reactor which they did not notify the workers of.
Unless you can remove the government problem from nuclear energy, I can't back it.
Unless you can remove the kike problem from fracking, I can't back it.
Hey Spain- almost all of the bad things you hear about fracking are relics from it's infancy almost 20 years ago. In 2017 the technology developed (over half of it being safety technology) has made fracturing much safer.
Here's what I think:
Oil from fracking is an economic boon to america, so it's good on that perspective.
On the other hand, I don't like the idea of oil kikes getting rich at the expense of my water supply.
There should be a fracking tax or something.
>We should just go extinct.
Fun fact is that the western oil and gas industry is owned by white anglo saxon men. (((they))) invent all kinds of controversy to subvert and demonize these industries when in reality they are far less harmful than lets say the explosion of human population due to globalism.
Wasn't less harmful to the Alaskan nature reserve.
>Hey Spain- almost all of the bad things you hear about fracking are relics from it's infancy almost 20 years ago
And yet we got earthquakes of magnitude 6.8 in an area that never ever gets remotely significant quakes just last year when they tried fracking. It was quickly stopped because of that.
>perfectly safe
What do you mean by fracking tax? elaborate.
So would you be okay with oil companies being liable to all damage caused by shattering the bedrock?
Like, for every dollar gained from fracking, the government takes 30 cents and puts the money towards some water purification bullshit.
If an oil well has an accident, it may burn down or spill some oil superficially. If there's an issue with fracking, you can get ground water contaminated for many decades, earthquakes, sinkholes, whatnot.
Same goes for oil rigs, see the gulf of Mexico disaster. This is also the problem with nuclear power plants, which is a shame, because otherwise they're a breddy gud power source.
There's this thing one may call "reasonable risk", which our bootlicking oil buddy apparently has never heard of, where you consider the possible risks in relation to the benefit. Because apparently this dumb cocksucker doesn't see a difference between walking on a tightrope at 1000ft above the ground and doing the same thing 2ft above the ground.
Its a retarded thing to do with unimaginable consequences.
Its like tailor made for the retarded americans.
Not a single mention of seismic risks from fracking in that video, weird.
Should only be done in areas with low population and away from faults. This shit causes earthquakes.
(((They))) are all over oil.
Fracking is shit, a Stock market scam that destroys local communities and poisons the water supply. Day of the Flames, when?
>Chernobyl's reactor was a military experimental reactor which they did not notify the workers of.
Bullshit. They were civilian reactors and they ran a retarded experiment on one of them which caused the accident.
It's because the Spanish retard is anti-science. He believes the ecologist idiots that dream up scenario that aren't empirically provable.
Ok sounds pretty good but even though im from sweden I thinks thats an uncomfortably high tax it should be like 20 cent instead
>I thinks thats an uncomfortably high tax
Well I don't know what the price should be, that depends on the details of the effects on the water supply.... and how high we want the price of oil to be.
I don't know enough to work all that out; but we should do whatever is fair (erring on the side of too much tax)
use google translate
this was a project for a gas deposit, but it used the same fracking technique as used for getting oil, and generate quakes of magnitude 6.8 on the richter scale, in an area that's never had noticeable seismic activity.
but yeah, I'm totally anti-science.
whatever m8, whatever. as long as they keep their squeezing-the-last-drops-out-of-a-lemon in their so very advanced country I honestly don‘t care. let them taint their groundwater, let retards be tards
>Comparing gaz storage on an existing fault line to fracking
Apples and Oranges
The experiment wasnt retarded, it was a safety test that failed due to bad design in the reactor and staff that didnt follow clear orders
Eh, he's right and he's wrong. It wasn't military, per se, but it's difficult to draw a line in the Soviet Union to distinguish State vs Civilian. The Chernobyl experiment was definitely the fault of their state. However, modern reactors are not nearly so dangerous, and chernobyl was only a problem because it was designed, budgeted and constructed under a kleptocracy. They used substandard concrete and disregarded secondary shielding which would have made the whole affair a good deal less dramatic. Basically, if you ran the same experiment on a modern American or French reactor, the result would be a reactor shutdown and restart at worst.
yeah im gonna need a source for that
define "damage"
why the fuck do you care, fracking is only done in your hated fly over country that voted for piss Hitler, let then fuck their shit up you nigger communists double faggot
contamination of drinking water/groun water, eartthqaukes, sinkhole, Contamination of surface level water
wtf do you even mean?
most "contamination" from frac water is the release of mercaptan and natural gas. that's why you see "le flamable water" meme. Truth is that shit is safe to drink because the two phase nature allows both gasses to escape from the faucet and doesnt get into the water. The gas also escapes from the aquifer after a while. This kind of shit only happens in areas with very shallow wells with mom and pop companies using shitty equipment. A company like Halliburton or Schulemberger would not ever do something like this. Also for everyone saying that jews own oil and gas you are dead wrong.
You're mistaken. Jews and libs hate big oil because its owned by white people- white landowners profit from it- and it is also owned by muslims.
i can read spanish and what it is saying is that they were storing offshore gas in a fault zone which is not typical for a gas storage area. They drilled to this fault using conventional techniques- and were somehow surprised when drilling into an active fault causef an earthquake (absolute state of spanish """engineers"""). This article has nothing at all to do with the practice of hydraulic fracturing. Congratulations- you played yourself.
all of those things are super rare- and when it happens it is usually shitty mom and pop companies.
what water is safe to drink? I really hope you dont mean the fracking water
contamination of drinking water may not happen right away, it might take years for the fracking water to reach ground/drinking water so I dont think you should dismiss that risk right away, after all, its your drinking water
do you know how fluid mechanics and gravity works? If you did- you would see that the migration of liquids from deeper areas is not feasible. Also- if a frack job is done right the treatment phase aka the chemicals that they pump into the hydrocarbon reservior are pumped out before full completion of the well.
the problem is when these fluids leak out into higher strata- closer to aquifers. A good drilling/ casing/ cement job ensures that these chemicals do not come into contact with aquifers- only opening the wellbore to the hydrocarbon reservoir.
>utilizing energy generating methods that can and will fuck up at least some underground aquifers for future generations when safer alternatives exist that will pay off better in the long run anyway
You found the one thing I don't like about Trump
Thank you geo-naturo brain surgeon!
It's not the fracking it's self per se..
It's the disposal of the wastewater
wouldnt the permanent safe disposal of shit like that be a good excuse for a space elevator and maybe a moon base?
I know that if people want to outlaw it, the state government shouldn't stand in the way.
>toxic wastewater is disposed of by illegally injecting it directly into protected aquifers
haha ok
same safety concept as fracking. They case and cement wastewater wells which are thousands of feet below any reservior. They usually store frac wastewater in depleted oil wells. Thousands and thousands of feet down. It is a much better alternative to just dispose of it with trucks or evaporate the water on site and dispose of the solids. Again- people who have no first hand experience or knowlege of a subject are always the loosest with their accusations and their opinions.
This is an actual problem with fracking. the earthquakes. Im not a geologist- but it seems as if this is an unnavoidable aspect of fracking IN CERTAIN AREAS such as oklahoma... places with lots of shale all throughout the strata. Most areas dont suffer earthquakes.
Dude, you can distill water from it, burn off hydrocarbons, and store the small anount of remaining waste. Even high level radioactive wastes from nuclear reactors don't justify extraplanetary disposal
i support fracking, ive worked for 7 years building pipelines for natural gas in the northeast US. i guess time will tell if we contaminated this region though. atleast in the short term its bringing more jobs
Oklahoma 's Governor Mary Fallin outlawed making any law against it.
The Corporations own our State leaders
Oy vey
>The contamination is so severe that it can not even be treated in a water treatment plant.
Looks like your video is bullshit propaganda, why don’t we take a look at the chemical dangers mentioned in the video – benzene, formic acid, hydrochloric acid, sodium carbonate, and methanol. Did the other ~695 not sound scary enough to get their names on screen?
Here is a quote from a random water filter site regarding benzene.
>Benzene can be removed with activated carbon. Approximately 1000 gallons of water containing 570 ppb of benzene can be treated with 0.35 lbs of activated carbon, in other words; 94,300 gallons of water can be treated for every cubic foot of carbon. The benzene must be in contact with the carbon for a minimum of 10 minutes. If the required flow rate is 5 gpm, then 50 gallon of carbon is required; which converts to approx. 7 Cu. ft. The activated carbon must be replaced when exhausted.
Formic acid is a low toxicity food additive used for its antibacterial properties. Hydrochloric acid and sodium carbonate easily react together to form water, salt, and CO2. All three are no particular challenge to filter.
Now regarding methanol, a substance that rapidly biodegrades, it is not removed by most normal filtration. This is the only ‘real’ threat mentioned in the video that water filters can’t handle, but it solves itself over time.
Full disclosure - I triple filter my water. The area I'm at has hard water and we're in the same aquifer as uranium mining. Other than some lazy waste disposal I'm all in with fracking. Why wouldn't you want more hydrocarbon fuels, you some kind of communist/socialist?
Tl;dr Buy the goddamned filters.
Yeah that's pretty funny
Those are not my opinions
Those are open source opinions of professionals
>asking a student anything
Last I checked we don't know what chemicals have been added into the fracking water because it's a protected trade secret (not my opinion)
I was just speaking to the terrible video, but does it really matter if there are trade secrets protecting the fracking solution? From your own link -
>Fracking fluids fall within such cryptic catagories as carrier/basefluid, biocides, scale inhibitors, solvents, friction reducers, additives, corrosion inhibitors, and non-ionic surfactants
There are not some magic fracking chemicals that you can't protect yourself, your family, pets and plants from with a little bit of agency. There is a reason why, despite the memes, water filtration systems are so successful. Just filter your water, it is that simple.
Fracking is dirty
It's no more dangerous than regular drilling. I don't know what about it gets people's blood boiling. Plus notice how the hype over it has vanished over the past 2-3 years and we've been fracking more than ever.
>t. reservoir engineer
It's more a problem with increased production activity. Most depleted reservoirs produce upwards of 8-10 barrels of water per every barrel of oil. In conventional reservoirs the water is usually re-injected into the formation or, like fracking, is disposed of elsewhere. In the early years of the boom companies were disposing of wastewater after only one treatment, nowadays they recycle quite well so there is far less water injected.
Also Oklahoma recently passed legislation to improve he evaluation of wastewater reservoirs so the amount of induced seismic activity has gone down significantly.
I feel that the reason for the emotional reaction against fracking stems from the water contamination angle. The eco-leftists are really just radical anti-humanists, all their proposed actions diminish the quality of life for humanity with a particular focus on the west.
first off, im not a commie nor am i a socialist but I dont think the human race can rely on hydrocarbon fuels that are also fossilfuels but im all for biofuels such as ethanol e.t.c
and I also am pro nuclear power
are you alex jones?
>they were civilian reactors on military land surrounded by military bases attached to Chernobyl
Millions of wells have already been fracked in the US.
Get the fuck over it, hippies.
The joke is that those are only the intentionally fractured wells. The majority of injection wells in the US have unintentional fractures from overpressure.
While the RBMK is technically capable of producing weapons grade plutonium, they were never used to that effect.
Russia/USSR produced their weapons grade plutonium at specialized reactors at Tomsk and Mayak.
I have been looking at your posts and you evidently have no clue what you are talking about LOL
>they were never used to that effect.
As far as you know, it's already be proven they are keeping all manner of information about Chernobyl secret by their own admittance.
shit's ridiculous, check out northeastern Utah on jewgle maps
Believe what you want
>Just filter your water, it is that simple.
>Having to filter your water because we shit where we drink.
As long as the oil companies pay for my whole house RO filtration system and a lifetime of maintenance on it.
Libruls hate it so I must support it, hurrrrrr
A bunch of shit land in the middle of nowhere turned into an energy rich, high paying jobs.
Franking is the reason our gas went from 4$ to 2$ everyone.
Also there has been proof of abiogenic oil generation for nearly 10 years now, so we don't need to worry about running out. Someone probably has the study mirrored somewhere.
This isn't something that we want to solely rely on, but its there.
You should be able to sue them for it, but we all know that will never happen thanks to corporatism. Nonetheless you should already be filtering your water, it isn't an extra onerous cost unless you're trusting government regulation to keep your water clean.
if there was an independent unbiased board or council or something set up to govern fracking then I would agree more with it.
i don't think profit driven corporations should be in charge of telling people if what they're doing is safe or not.
Abiogenic oil production is possible but the natural processes on earth that could produce it are unfortunately insufficient to replenish what we take out. There are industrial processes to create oil synthetically but the greens hate it and it is very inefficient when we have so much oil still cheaply available.
States mostly regulate it on their own. Obviously they have a vested interest in keeping it going if they get a ton of tax money (Texas, Oklahoma), whereas NY and Vermont didn't really give a shit and banned it. The Federal government technically investigated it through the EPA which one could say is unbiased, but our government's all owned by lobbyists so that's probably as good as we're gonna get.
You seem triggered. Perhaps you should get off the computer and find your safe space :)
>Causes earthquakes
>Can Pollute groundwater
>Is Literally scrounging underground for a resource we don't need or want more of
>"It's completely safe goy, trust me"