Proud queer communist & ain't nothing wrong with that. Debate me, white men.
Proud queer communist & ain't nothing wrong with that. Debate me, white men
bout what.
What is there to debate, FAGGOT?
Hello ruskie
Dude even looks like a kike so this check's out.
Aren't you a bit old for that book? Next you'll be saying you still like Harry Potter
Why are modern communists bigger corporate consumer slaves compared to fascists and libertarians?
What about those big evil companies makes you buy all their products (Apple phones, McDonald's, the severe level of obesity a lot of leftists suffer from)
You tell me! For some reason this alt-right website keeps spamming other websites with their racist and misogynist bullshit, so clearly there IS something to debate,
So, do you expect to be on a committee when the revolution starts? Just asking because usually your ilk is killed in the first few years rather then having any kind of power. Well other then how many bricks you lay in your gulag paradise for workers.
>yeah man I cant wait to fucking hang those multinational CEO cunts who exploit us and promote globalist consumerism
>just after another big mac and coke
>Against capitalism
>Eating Mcdonalds
I do not waste my time arguing with an idiot or an insane person.
Do you have a source for your first statement?
Actually, conservatives are more obese than liberals but I won't go as low as fat shaming, even though you're horrible people!
0/11 bait, wouldn't send a right-wing death squad your way
til what age is it legal under jewish law to fuck little boys in the mikvah? how do feel about it now? will you carry on with the tradition?
I'm not Jewish and what the fuck?
You came here and did not expect this? Seriously. You know their are plays dating back to 300 BC making fun of your fucking ideology.
You are either malevolently evil or willfully ignorant of history.
Great response mate, you sure showed him!
(He's absolutely right you know)
Newfag do you not understand the satiric nature of Sup Forums ? Ps I love the white men shit post esque element to your post
if you don't want to learn ugly truths, you're in the wrong place
Why is he at McDonalds with a burger from Burger King? Who lounges at fast food restaurants and reads books? This is just some faggot trying to be edgy.
Food court. They exist in those weird market districts called malls that the jews made.
Communism killed over eighty-five million people world-wide (including gay people) during its sordid history. It was perfectly content to ally with one of the most genocidal regimes in history (Nazi Germany) in terms of killing gay people. After WW2 the Eastern Bloc nations all subjected gays to severe repression and long-terms of imprisonment for being gay. Exactly what are you proud of?
why do you commies claim trumps fascist? We dont want him either
Actually we are on the right side of history, so how can I be 'willfully ignorant of history'
I bet you haven't even read Manifesto do partido comunista.
You are from The UK? How's that brexit going for you, huh?
Hate speech is not 'satiric' and stop calling me a f*g.
fyi the main problem I see with communism is the lack of effective enforcement textbook communism has never truly been executed and leads to totalitarian governments more than not
1. I'm not white
2. Communists are the real enemy of this country
I've never met anyone who has worked at McDonalds who hasn't proceeded to tell me about the things they put in the food.
Boogers, earwax, toejam, tagnuts, cum, zit pus, spit, piss, dick cheese, rat shit and one guy who dropped a pair of shitted pants into the fryer.
LOL dramatic much? Communism was hijacked and killed people, not because they were LGBTQ, but because they were people. That is true equality, unlike Nazi Germany killing everyone who isn't a white straight male.
Fuck off fascist. Donald trump is a racist fascist
why don't you kys?
>Eating at a McDonalds
>Capitalism brought you this product.
You know i am actually for Communism for faggots like you, it might help you loose a bit of weight, and the best outcome is you in a gulag starving.
I once tried to treat a mentally handicapped retard like a normal person.
I found myself hating myself for it.
the communist party frowns on your homophobia
He's not wrong. When these revolutions kick off people like yourself do fine for a while, but it isn't long before other, more bigoted party members, will single you out as a "deviant".
If it's any consolation, they won't be as disgusted with your homosexuality as they will be with your being a competitor for favor in the party. Intra-party shennanigans and backstabbing are rife in early stages of countries attempting to transition to communism.
>fuck off fascist
You're in our turf now little marxy pawn now explain how hes fascist
Brexit is going wonderfully thanks. I'd have thought any non-retarded commie would support a country leaving a powerful and controlling capitalistic government, but then I guess non-retarded commies don't exist.
> eating bk in a mall
wew lad you showed us
I bet my gay capitalist cousin will beat you senseless bruh, GAY FIGHT!
don't speak about your mother that way! she means well
>Puts junk food in body
>Puts junk thoughts in mind
>Puts his junk in wrong hole
>This is your right
>Debate over
If trump really was a rascist fascist id worship him but hes not so why do you associate him with us?
you are fkin retarded
Fix your diet, get some exercise, and maybe you can correct the toxic hormone imbalance making you think you have a penis. Or have fun dying alone.
That's capitalism for you, my friend! All for profit, doesn't care about the well-being of the citizen.
I don't eat or work at Mcdonalds, I'm vegan. That's my friend.
>1.I'm not white
No need to tell , we have flags newfag
I got half way through and just stopped because it made my brain hurt with how dumb it was. Sorry no I did not real all of it. Still does not mean I can not look at history in how your ilk behave and know that you need to die.
Have you read wealth of nations or human action? Doubt it. Doesn't mean anything.
Well fag, I guess you're gonna be top of the catalog for stupid ass responses!
Why is Donald trump facist? Also, explain this chart to me. I'm too stupid to understand the significance of it.
Do you still consider yourself a man?
Communist.... sits in McDonald's top kek
>you tell me!
Beta spotted
trying to hide his danish heritage >:c
>For Communism
>Eating food
Hey, can you tell me one successful communist state? Or wait hasn't communism been the go to system for oppressing people and centralizing power?
Why would you expect you, a genetic dead end, to have any coherent thoughts on allowing a civilization to survive?
Can't fix stupid
The OP pic alone should have given him away.
Why are you still replying?
>Actually we are on the right side of history, so how can I be 'willfully ignorant of history'
>I bet you haven't even read Manifesto do partido comunista.
I have read it actually. I bet you haven't read 200 years together, or any of these books
The International Jew, Mein Kampf, World At The Crossroads, You Gentiles, Germany Must Perish, The Trail Of The Serpent, The Secret Powers Behind Revolution, 200 Years Together, A Program for Jews and Humanity, Protocols Of The Elders Of Zion, Culture Of Critique, The Jews Must Live, On the Jews and their lies, Morals and Dogma, Proof of a Conspiracy, Magick, you retarded muppet
>right side of history
this ideology has killed over half a billion already how exactly will it ever be on the ride of history brainlet?
Thank you , trump is not fascist i'm tired of him being compared to us
May I ask why you are vegan?
Newfag or NewF*g as you'd prefer is a term on /pol to refer to people who are unaware or new to Sup Forums and see its mostly shit post for laughs environment as a legitimate hot bed for hate.Our mostly fake racist and real far lefty hate like it or not drums up talks like this and help highlight the flaws in these racist posts that exist on this site without exposing people to different hateful ideas people can't understand why they are wrong rather than just saying it wouldn't you agree
>eating Burger King
>at Macdonalds
Absolute madman
>Wants to frame debate
>Comes only to offer rebuttals based off of his cucked lifestyle
Well OP, I just don't think I can laugh any harder atm
Learn to history
he is eating a burger king
What is racist, and why is it bad in all cases?
>Proud queer communist & ain't nothing wrong with that. Debate me, white men.
'Skærmbillede', hvad er der med dig din luder?
He LITERALLY has a fascist flag!?
The EU is not a capitalistic government. It's an union that currently is capitalistic to please the peasants, but has socialist (borderline communist) intentions.
He is, you need to get woke.
Hello my friend
Please log off this website, this is not a good environment for POC. Resist!
I know you're young and Marxism seems romantic and altruistic and edgy, but it is all Jewish lie and if you play this game it will not turn out well for you
It is as if every history lesson you taught went right out the other ear lol, please brush up on what reality is before coming back.
>debate me
No thanks, I unironically want you and everyone like you to get hit by speeding trains
What's the most successful communist country?
Why would you support an ideology that even a cursory study of history would reveal is is completely unworkable?
>Please log off this website, this is not a good environment for POC. Resist!
His country has been fighting a communist threat right on their own border for 100 years you retarded fucking faggot
We can do it this time! We just have to gas the whites.
Communism = Socialism + Authoritarianism
>hur dur power to the people but one person controls everything
Honestly don't give a fuck about u being a queer check flag but choose one faggot
I think the only debate to be had is about the racism and misandry coming from the left which has been left unchecked for decades.
Seeing as you are a self proclaimed commie I'm guessing you're still in school or have rich parents
Commies kill faggots.
There's actually no hypocrisy here at all. Communism has always been a bourgeois fad, as strange as that sounds. The communists were bankrolled by rich capitalists.
I guess it's good that you're conditioning yourself for the starvation that you do desperately want to accomplish.
Give me examples of trumps fascist policies. Not muh wall and mudslimea but real
Hardcore comparrsions to the teachings of mussolini and no im not talking about hitlers death camps
Or do you not have knowledge of fascism outside of
>muh rascists
To say that black people don't have a problem in the US and European countries is factually false.
But, politics turn and look the other way because it would be "racism" to address the problems in these plagued communities. It would hurt their voter base. Fucking idiot.
But you know, freedom of choice? That's insolence! Liberty? Who needs it when we're actually free! XDDD
Yeah, the BK burger with McDonalds in the background bothered me way more than what he was reading desu
One does not establish a dictatorship in order to safeguard a revolution; one makes the revolution in order to establish the dictatorship.
> Communist
> Food
you're letting Sup Forums walk all over you instead of addressing the real issue that the hate you see from us is mostly libertarians and anarchists/centrists stressing the power free speech and hate speech can have on legitimate political discourse
look comrade! the great progress communism made towards this peasant! i can almost see a smile on that malnourished face.
Have many babies have eaten today?
What's it like having no soul?
Are you one of the millions of single gooks who can find a partner because your """people""" have genocided all the females and eaten them?
Fuck dude, I always forget how successful the USSR was. I mean they have the second best national anthem.
>be burger
>cry about burger
At this point idk if you guys are being ironic or not but this shits kek worthy
True lennin was given gold bullion by jewish bankers in NYC to fund his revolution.
Marx lived off of borrowed money he had no intention of paying back.
Hurr durr do you have a source for that second statement??
yes there is. communism sucks and I'm not homophobic but being queer means theres a 95% chance your a retarded sjw.