Because we have fractional reserve lending, which means banks create and control all our money

Because we have fractional reserve lending, which means banks create and control all our money,
and they counterfeit trillions of dollars out of thin air and loan it with interest that doesn't exist,
and we are perpetually working to pay back interest compounded into every part of our personal finances, business, supply chains, governments,
and the dollars are perpetually worth less because they counterfeit so many of them,
and the dollars are destroyed by the debt during what are called recessions when the interest that can't exist can't be repaid,
Then what is the true cost of labor needed to maintain the real economy?

You know, food, clothing, shelter, iPhones, rope, wires, infrastructure, oil, guns, soldiers, prisons, police.
What would everything really cost and how much work would it take to build and maintain all of it?

Other urls found in this thread:

Well I am going to go out on a limb and say a whole shit ton less then 40hrs a week.

Damn right. The "Wage" is just another form of slavery.

iphones, soilders, prison, police, and maybe all the same thing

part of the problem

this is why Hitler made his own currency.

socialism is taking benefits from one class of people, and giving it to another class of people

fire departments, taking benefits from the citizens and giving it to the fire fighters, who dont actually need to work to be paid. no fires, still gets paid

military, doesnt have to work, just be ready, thats socialism, gets lots of benefits

The US has the biggest military in the world. The US is the biggest socialist country in the world, but burgers living in their information bubble, dont know it. Propaganda worked 100% It worked on the teachers when they were kids, and now teaching it to youth and young adults now

>What would everything really cost and how much work would it take to build and maintain all of it?
Without the banks taking their cut there would be no need for women in the work force, people could study until they were 30 and then retire at 55, and we would all be happy and have many children.

All i wanna do is sniff her fart box. Maybe eat a chunk or 2. Perfect ass.

Daily reminder that the last three chairmans of the federal reserve were jews.

You don't seem understand what money is: it is human labour.

The system of usury gives you money units that do not exist, and you pay those back with your labour, adding interest on top.

The price of many goods is in fact fair, and would not change if governments suddenly started issuing their own interest-free currency. Nothing much would change at all if you guys paid for things in modern Greenbacks instead of Fed IOUs.

The important thing to get your head around is that money represents something more than purchasing power. It is your labour that you do instead of growing food, for most of us.

Why dont mods ever remove these threads and ban the posters? It doesnt matter if the content of the posts are sound and politically related you shouldnt be able to post stupid completely unrelated womens bums or softcore pornography sick and tired of it

If we had a real free market and single, circulating supply of money the last 40 years of increased automation should have caused the price of everything to go down and the price of labor would go up.
People wouldn't have the need they have today, which is solely for dollars.

go on

Why are we on a socialist tangent here?

Do you understand how money is created?
Do you know there is nearly 50 cents of interest compounded into every dollar you spend?

How can the price of a coffee cup be "fair" if the person making the materials for the cup was charging what he charged in order to repay his loan,
and the taxes he paid for his business also went to pay interest on a bond,
and the maker of the mug also, same business loan repayment, same taxes,
down to the store owner, same type of loans, same taxes, etc?

There is literally NOTHING wrong with fractional reserve. Or are you trying to argue that banks "need" to be "regulated"?

Fractional reserve lending is a perfectly fine business model.

He probably just has a problem with inflation.

Women desire attention so they are fit to be shown in an empty space.
You also desire attention like any woman but you can only get it by being your an ugly, castrating shrew.

Pricing is set by the consumer m8. Even in a monopoly situation, if nobody purchases your product, there is no point in investing in it to begin with. You won't see any Apple Stores in Sub-Saharan Africa. Not because they are racists, or they haven't got there yet, but because nobody has the money to purchase the items there.

The labour of niggers in that region is next to valueless. Pennies a day. There are too many of them, they are too thick to handle much more than bus driving, or digging holes. Nothing gets built there, nothing gets made there, the farming is parce as they will not connect improving farming methods with improved yields. Any bright people leave as soon as they can.

Care to explain what's good about fractional reserve banking?

Other than the fact that it is a criminal enterprise, no, nothing wrong at all.

It achieves what it sets out to do: conquer the planet. It simply bribes anyone who gets in its way. "How would you like a million dollars to shut up and fuck off? Here, have three million, goodbye."

>banks counterfeiting trillions of dollars out of thin air
that's not how it works, that's not how accounting works.
if you have 0 education and 0 experience with banking why are you making threads about it, retard?

Why aren't there nore posts like this, this shit used to be so common years ago and is what made me stick around. Actual debate. Fucking hell what is wrong with this board.

It's neither "good" or "bad". That's a statist way or thinking. Fractional banking is just a natural way for commercial banks to function because they get to make more money. Unless you hate free market, that is.

>criminal enterprise
>conquer the planet

What a load of bullshit.

>you shouldnt be able to post stupid completely unrelated womens bums or softcore pornography sick and tired of it

kill yourself. Just. Kill. Yourself. You deserve to die, and by your own weak hand.

>There is literally NOTHING wrong with fractional reserve
Bull fucking shit
The bankers lent out (counterfeited) trillions to blacks and latinos with bad credit.
Did the bankers care the loans couldn't be repaid? No. Never do and why would they? They get a free fucking house out of the deal no matter what.
Or the mid 2000s case they chopped up the mortgages and sold them in derivatives, crashed the economy.
Then when the Federal Reserve, which they own and control, printed them 4 trillion dollars did the bankers FRACTIONALLY RESERVE LEND that money to small businesses? NO.
The parked that money in Brazilian banks or other Jew investment schemes.

The Bank of North Dakota practices fractional reserve lending but when it makes a loan (which is counterfeiting as well) it does it with the incentive to issue loans to people and small businesses. Germany also has public banks that work locally to hand out loans to good things that get repaid.

Fractional reserve lending is fine when done by responsible white Germans with the right incentives parallel to a single circulating supply of money. During a debt crisis the dollars are literally destroyed in the system we have now.

I would dread seeing niggers and spicks in charge of any money supply fractional reserve or other wise. A real problem as white majority is threatened.

It became a mouthpiece for a certain ideological wing of the political establishment. A hive of useful idiots and people who literally only started paying any attention to politics last year.

Not banks, dude. The Federal Reserve. Research it, and research fractional reserve lending. It's true shit nigga

m8 it's happened, almost completed in our lifetime. Only, what, three countries left holding out? Not for much longer. They took The Great Work Of Ages at face value, saw the opportunity, and went for it.

Can you imagine what would happen to a country that kicked them out and started printing their own money now?

Food costs a lot to produce. If we had subsidies, either, we would pay the full cost of food, which would double it's price, or the farmers would go bankrupt. The same thing with oil. Oil is heavily subsidized. Gasoline would cost a lot more if it wasn't subsidized. It takes a lot of work and costs a lot to build and maintain everything.

Remove the joo and this problem fixes itself.

>dude look it up
>fractional reserve lending

this is some baby shit user, fractional reserve lending doesn't mean money is just being created out of thin air.

>not knowing that firefighters and the military train constantly to prepare for when they are needed, and that there is value in them being prepared and ready for when they are needed
A Fucking Leaf

>The bankers lent out (counterfeited) trillions to blacks and latinos with bad credit.

Yes they did (but did not "counterfeit" anything)

>Did the bankers care the loans couldn't be repaid? No.

That's right. And what's wrong with it? Of course they ruined many people's lives. So what? It's YOUR fucking fault if you get a loan with bad credit and then you lose everything. Banks and the government aren't supposed to take care of your life. Have you heard about something called "personal responsibility"?

>Or the mid 2000s case they chopped up the mortgages and sold them in derivatives, crashed the economy.

But made money along the way.

Banks aren't a politburo that is supposed to manage the economy. If everybody gets a mortgage and a country's whole economy becomes a real-state based economy, and then the bubble busts, the banks aren't responsible of it. Their business is about lending, not running the economy. They don't really know where the money goes to be used. All they care is about making money, just as everyone else. The economy is run by individuals. It's YOUR fault.

>did the bankers FRACTIONALLY RESERVE LEND that money to small businesses? NO.

They did, whenever it made sense. Banks make money by lending it. The real problem is that small businesses already have too much debt, so not many of them can get even more debt. And why should they anyway, do you love debt?

>The parked that money in Brazilian banks or other Jew investment schemes.

>Can you imagine what would happen to a country that kicked them out and started printing their own money now?

Their money would be worthless until it can get a stable exchange rate with euro/dollar/yuan

One of us must be talking about something dynamic vs the other one talking about something static.
I don't understand how anything money related can be exactly what it would be otherwise without the Fed,
when the Federal Reserve makes us sell ourselves, sell stocks, refinance, sell collectibles for dollars by making dollars scarce.
I don't know what the cost of labor should be but I'm pretty sure the prices of everything are distorted.
I'm pretty sure they use all parts of the economy to keep dollars just scarce enough to have none.
Like oil markets which they also control and lie about being a scarce resource when there's no 'peak oil' and oil is not a fossil fuel. I suspect oil is cheap and abundant but they raise the price when Joe Six Pack has too much money and he's taking too much time off between jobs.
But I can't say for sure.

I miss Nazis vs Libertarians vs anons, now it's just autism vs autism...

>Then what is the true cost of labor needed to maintain the real economy?
one wchi doesnt provide as many shekels for the protocols as the Goldenbaums and Steinbergs want

now shut up and keep sucking the Fed's cock.

>Like oil markets which they also control and lie about being a scarce resource when there's no 'peak oil' and oil is not a fossil fuel. I suspect oil is cheap and abundant but they raise the price when Joe Six Pack has too much money and he's taking too much time off between jobs.
>But I can't say for sure.
You're a literal idiot.

What he's saying is that the fed creates money out of thin air, which they do. Fractional reserve lending is a separate but equally devious scheme. Just because it's been normalized and accepted doesn't mean it is how things should be. Our current system relies upon it, by design. Do you agree that our current system improves people's lives? Communism is obviously not the answer, but the jewish corruption of capitalism though devious banking practices is the kind of shit that has gotten them expelled countless times throughout history. Capitalism, communism, fascism... they are all susceptible to being misused and subverted by jewry.

>If everybody gets a mortgage and a country's whole economy becomes a real-state based economy, and then the bubble busts, the banks aren't responsible of it.

>fractional reserve lending doesn't mean money is just being created out of thin air

>Yes they did (but did not "counterfeit" anything)

Yes they do create money out of this air. They do 'counterfeit' the money. The word 'lending' is throwing you off or you are just Jew shills.

If a bank has enough money to repay it's loans to other banks it can print millions of dollars out of nothing, buy houses with it and give out mortgages to niggers who default or to white Joe Shmo who spends the next 30 years repaying the mortgage with interest.
Either way the bank got twice the money back or a house out of the deal.
It is created by a Jew or wannabe Jew banker and destroyed when we can't repay the loans with interest, because the interest cannot exist.

>Mortgages to niggers: "What's wrong with it?"
Why am I allowing a bank to counterfeit $200k to give to a nigger so he can default and the bank gets to foreclose on the house for counterfeit money?

>Banks aren't a politburo that is supposed to manage the economy.
Banks create and destroy all the money in the economy, idiot.
Go learn about who creates the money. It's not that complicated.

Tell me your problem with my statement, asshole.
The oil oligarchs literally founded the Federal Reserve along with the European Jew bankers.

Oil is pulled from 50k feet underground.
There's no dead organic matter under 18k feet.
They obviously promote a scarcity myth.
Remember during the 08 crisis when gasoline costs were high?
They planned the oil embargo. Oil and dollars work in tandem.
I haven't even noted the petro-dollar trade yet.

Mary Ruwart did some calculations and estimated that without government interference, our society would be between 3 and 18 times wealthier. Source: Healing Our World, 2003 edition, some page or another.

>Tell me your problem with my statement, asshole.
Everything, as in you can't be further from the truth.
>The oil oligarchs literally founded the Federal Reserve along with the European Jew bankers.
>Oil is pulled from 50k feet underground.
No it's not. Most every horizontal well makes its turn between 10k and 15k feet'. Vertical wells don't go anywhere near that depth, typically topping out at 8k. Those super deep wells you read about are testing technologies.
>There's no dead organic matter under 18k feet.
There might be three, maybe four rigs on this planet that can drill deeper than 15k. As for "oh no how'd da oil get down there" it's a fucking liquid. It flows downward through the permeable shit until it hits impermeable.

>They obviously promote a scarcity myth.
Fucktard, no one who has any clue about oil claims we're actually running out, what's happening is that we are running out of the easy to get to shit. It costs an additional $3 million to frac a well, which is why most of the recent wells punched in North America now have a break-even price of $40/bbl as opposed to prior lows of $25-30/bbl.

>Remember during the 08 crisis when gasoline costs were high?
>They planned the oil embargo. Oil and dollars work in tandem.
Jesus fuck you're stupid.
>I haven't even noted the petro-dollar trade yet.
Because you're a goddamn retard and at least self-aware enough to know anything you say on it will be the height of stupidity.

Sigh. It's not 'government interference'.
Everything the government spends costs at least twice as much because governments have to go into debt when they use Federal Reserve Jew dollars.
Though they are different in that they can pass a law to steal money from us, the people who can't afford to have it stolen.

Last time I checked it was 13 cents of every dollar the Federal government takes from us is going to pay interest on the money it owes.

I bet her asshole smells of cinnamon

You're going to keep pressing this oil is fossil fuel myth and you are going to lose the argument.
They obviously have no problems pulling it out of the ground.

The excuse that fracking dodged peak is oil is like the global warming made the earth hide the heat myth. An ad hoc lie actually constructed by the same people.

I didn't say they pull ALL or MOST or any substantial percentage of oil from 50k feet below the earth. The fact they find it here is fact it didn't come from dead plant matter.
It's formed in the earth's core. It flows UP not DOWN.
You are promoting a Rockefeller lie. Another one in a very long series of lies from the shell companies that broke up the competition, the prohibition they enacted to kill competition with oil, climate change. I won't list them all. Google it, bitch.
Stop making it my responsibility you are so uneducated.
Their monopolies are all levers to manipulate their monopoly on the cost of labor.

people do not see how fucked we are while letting them fuck each every citizens ass. I almost have no respect for anyone who does not realize if it wasn't for unlimited printing and central banking, our money would be worth so much, to other countries, but be worth so little at the same time.
a house? that will be 150 dollars.
Broken arm? 1.25.

Think of fiat like a ponzi scheme. Can you imagine those who bought usd fiat when it first circulateD? It isn't natural. This is all artificially done so that control can be placed upon everyone. I.e income tax, property tax, car tags, etc.

Faglord, I'm quite literally one of the people who actually has to understand how these things actually works to make shit work right. My livelihood depends on being able to troubleshoot downhole issues, which means knowing how and why the formation was drilled the way it was, and the interventions to get a well going again.

You. Are. An. Idiot.

Only clicked on this thread for dat ass. I don't know what your opinion is, but fuck it.

Jesus Beautiful

I'm super positive you know far more about how all of this shit works than I do...and yeah, even though I'm landbased now, I started my career offshore.

I feel like Ezra Pound when I read your post
How do you like Ezra Pound being a fascist (what you likely claim to be) shitting all over USA

I suspect much like a banker or even Federal Reserve employee you don't have the big picture if you believe oil is a finite quantity flowing downward after some magical chemical reaction that only life can forge,
instead of being a potentially constant quantity flowing up.
The fossil fuel myth can't be proven.
>Unless you can prove it right now
Dead plant and animal matter is immediately dispersed by the elements and devoured by other life.
What part re-assembles and pools together?
It's just a myth to create a false air of scarcity.

Alright then faggit, you think of an alternative way to increase economic growth while maintaining a stable currency.

You're one of their useful idiots.

He probably promotes the climate change myth too.
Most of these oil men and geologists do.
Weigh in on climate change after you prove to me oil and coal are fossil fuels.

The (((Rothschild's))) were much better than (((Bernie Madoff))).

No you retard, I literally have to understand how the formations work to make shit work. My position is akin to the person plotting out a satellite's launch. I *have* to know how it actually works.

As for it being created in the core? You're a true retard. Even if abiogenesis is the source, then it's too hot and the pressure is too high for any petrochemical to exist below the mantle.

Flowing upward is just retarded. Please be dumb enough to try to bring up free flowing wells as a counter example, please.

The rest of your post is pretty goddamn stupid too. There are some legitimate questions still about biogenesis, but your retarded speculation proves that you haven't the slightest clue about carbon flows. Go read a goddamn book and think for a moment.


You're the one that's making extraordinary claims. You're the one that needs to start furnishing proof. I'm not claiming shit about where it comes from (aside from everything you've said so far is patently ridiculous).

Forgot pic

Germany issued debt-free and interest-free money from 1935 and on, accounting for its startling rise from the depression to a world power in 5 years.

Germany financed its entire government and war operation from 1935 to 1945 without gold and without debt, and it took the whole Capitalist and Communist world to destroy the German power over Europe and bring Europe back under the heel of the Bankers. Such history of money does not even appear in the textbooks of public (government) schools today. And because it was a debt-free currency , there was no inflation in the Reich .

What cost one Deutschmark in 1935 , cost one Deutschmark in 1945 . The International Jewish Bankers had to destroy the Reich and vilify National Socialism , so as to detract from the National Socialist principles of economic freedom for the people , which would show the entire world that the parasitism of Capitalism and Marxism both , were nothing less than a destructive assault upon the world . The root of the world's turmoil .

You're the fucking idiot. You just admitted you don't know!

You got all rabid when I challenged the fossil fuel hypothesis.
A hypothesis promoted by a cartel with a long series of lies.
A hypothesis that seems to be beyond falsification and is defies common sense.

Wherever hydrocarbons come from we can know that if they are promoting a myth to make them seem scarce then they are not AS scarce as the myth would have one believe.
They find hydrocarbons on other planets for fuck's sake.

I don't know shit about where oil comes from or if it's still being made by the earth or where. If it's not the core then it's the mantle.

You admitted you don't either. So you are saying nothing.

Hitler and the National Socialists, who came to power in 1933, thwarted the international banking cartel by issuing their own money.

In this they took their cue from Abraham Lincoln, who funded the American Civil War with government-issued paper money called "Greenbacks."

Hitler began his national credit program by devising a plan of public works. Projects earmarked for funding included flood control, repair of public buildings and private residences, and construction of new buildings, roads, bridges, canals, and port facilities.

The projected cost of the various programs was fixed at one billion units of the national currency. One billion non-inflationary bills of exchange, called Labor Treasury Certificates, were then issued against this cost. Millions of people were put to work on these projects, and the workers were paid with the Treasury Certificates.

This government-issued money wasn't backed by gold, but it was backed by something of real value. It was essentially a receipt for labor and materials delivered to the government. Hitler said, "for every mark that was issued we required the equivalent of a mark's worth of work done or goods produced."

The workers then spent the Certificates on other goods and services, creating more jobs for more people. Within two years, the unemployment problem had been solved and the country was back on its feet. It had a solid, stable currency, no debt, and no inflation, at a time when millions of people in the United States and other Western countries were still out of work and living on welfare.

But seriously,
Have you been doing this since the 80's?
Were all the wells dried up and they couldn't find anymore oil in large quantities in places they could reach?
Do dry oil patch refill. (I'm sure you're going to attack the word 'refill'.)
I tend to believe they are lying and monopolizing the resource since that's what they have always done.

Didn't the Romans have to earn a ridiculously low amount in wages to pay off their tax? Something like 2%? I can't quite remember, but you might be onto something.

Oh jesus leave the house and get a life or just kys. Sometimes I forget how many losers roam Sup Forums until I'm reminded by posts like this.

It's very simple. The money supply must keep up with rising demand. Demand increases as the economy grows, which means the money supply naturally must also grow to keep up. This only works if the economy is being administered competently, because there are a lot of moving parts to this paradigm.

tl;dr stop posting porn

Fuck me you're thick.

Do you want to know how we fucking control the goddamn supply of oil? We slow down/completely stop punching new holes (most wells only produce significant amounts for around 20 years) or do it as fast as we possibly can.

For extant pumping wells, we literally slow down or speed up the pumping units. During the boom we were running conventionals at around 7 strokes per minute. Now a running ton of them are around 3-4 spm.

Right now, you're benefitting from a threeway fistfight between OPEC, Russia, and us.

As for whether oil is biogenetic or not, I don't and won't claim to know for sure, but I can tell you the science behind biogenesis is far more convincing than any other explanation out there.

It's not even really about reach. I misspoke earlier when I said "easy to get". I should have said "cheap to get" along with "us having the first damn clue where it's at". We tend to only look for oil near where known formations are. Wildcatting is just too risky of a venture to go randomly punching holes all over the place. Shit, there could be a trillion barrel formation right under NYC for all we know. There are some clues that we know will tend to indicate a more oil rich area, but even those aren't foolproof and we're you're talking about how a proper drilling rig costs around $25k/day to operate, you don't throw those out there unless you're pretty sure you're going to hit something.

>Do dry oil patch refill.
Yes, oil can flow into one part of a formation from another part. More generally though, what happens some flavor of stimulation happens...maybe they frac it, maybe they push liquid nitrogen down hole, maybe they put acid down hole, etc. Hell, sometimes you can get an old well going again just by changing the type of pump you've got on it.

Guaranteed Basic Income that is supported by a Federal tax who's sole purpose to circulate that BMI. A closed system. The money is there. It has always been there.

Our black hole of a military "defense" budget could give a little.


In 1930 America did not lack industrial capacity, fertile farmland, skilled and willing workers or industrious farm families.

It had an extensive and efficient transportation system in railroads, road networks, and inland and ocean waterways.

Communications between regions and localities were the best in the world, utilizing telephone, teletype, radio, and a well-operated government
mail system.

No war had ravaged the cities or the countryside, no pestilence weakened the population, nor had famine stalked the land.

The United States of America in 1930 lacked only one thing: an adequate supply of money to carry on trade and commerce.

In the early 1930s, (((Bankers,))) the only source of new money and credit, deliberately refused loans to industries, stores and farms.

Payments on existing loans were required however, and money rapidly disappeared
from circulation.

Goods were available to be purchased, jobs waiting to be done, but the lack of money brought the nation to a standstill.

By this simple ploy America was put in a "depression" and the greedy Bankers took possession of hundreds of thousands of farms, homes, and business properties.

The people were told, "times are hard" and 'money is short." Not understanding the system, they were cruelly robbed of their earnings, their savings, and their property.

without a gold or silver standard its the interest that gives the money value. if you give someone $1 and they give you back $1 nothing happens there was no change in value but if you give someone $1 and they give you back $1.10 your dollar is now worth something at the very least it is now worth $0.10

Is there a worldwide map of oil wells that are still producing or that were dry but started producing again?

The biogenesis theory doesn't pass the smell test. They came up with it because there were fossils in coal, which is hardened oil, and Rockefellers propagandized it. The people who had monopoly control of everything.
Oil, healthcare, banking, the Federal Reserve, all education, drugs laws, media, world religion and more.
I don't believe it because it's from them and it suits their scheme.
Also, everything else I said. Defies common sense. It's miles and miles under the ocean floor. On other planets. In space clouds.

I'll also maintain my suspicion Bank of International Settlement central bank countries have one cartel that controls the oil in those territories.
If oil exploration wasn't dependent on a banker printing a bunch of money out of nothing and loaning it to the oil man I might not have these suspicions.
If ownership of oil companies was public, (in other words if shell companies and investment funds that owned private and publicly traded companies could be published and traced back to a few people) I might think otherwise.

Also, like I said in the first comment you commented on, I can't know for sure if petroleum is monopoly controlled and used as another leaver to increase the demand workers have for dollars.

which makes it confusing like how can a dollar be worth $.10. but its not really like that a dollar is worth what we think its worth that $.10 is just the minimum value that dollar can possibly have meaning now the currency has something to be based off of (even though its basing its value off interest put on itself)

But you get to pick your job. And if you work hard you make more money. But yea its a bit like slavery for middle and lower class if you just want to punch a clock. Your choice.

Reminder to disregard and ignore threads with sexual/pornographic/lewd images.
This is a concerted effort by one large company. OP is a shill.
They are trying to classically condition you to association complex topics with sexual release, so you'll learn to masturbate/seek out porn each and every time you see something requiring critical thought.
Fuck them

The OP made many complex topics clear with additional posts that didn't contain "lewd" images.

>"teehee, are you excited to do my laundry tonight user?"