I hate Americans now.
I hate Americans now
I'll come do it
>Fuck off we're full
>We need an ambassador
You cents need to make up your mind
>no one in the embassy for a year
It belongs to the funnel spiders now. You'd have to be a mad man to go back inside.
Thats fuckin funny. the Muh greatest ally types must be pissed
The spiders probably own it now
Yes we have forgotten you we only remember when there is a shark attack or some shit
Has australia ever done anything significant all i know about you is that you fuck kangaroos let steve Irwin die and sent us that degenerate jim jefferies
Why bother? Australia went from respectable to degenerate SJWs imposing new world government rules on citizens who barely wimpered about it. Fuck you guys and your climetard bullshit.
>he didn't hate Americans anyway
Australia sucks.
Stupid Donald Trump, must be his fault
>Has Washington forgotten about us?
Didn't a hurricane come by & wipe you out recently? I thought I heard about an island of brown people dying in a storm...that wasn't you?
We fought by your side at a moments notice in every world war and major conflict yet you think Israel is your greatest ally, I'm an aussie visiting the US and there are millions of historically illiterate morons like you
>let steve Irwin die
A crime too great to ever be forgiven.
t. We own you
It’s all the shitposting, they can’t find anyone willing to put up with it.
That's not how t. works you fucking reddit scum
Trump is being an ambassador for nationalism at the UN general assembly that is good enough for me.
Normally I would be vexed by a comment like this but it just shows your lack of self awareness, I know not all Americans are seppos like you but you truly stand out from the crowd of your brothers and peers, I sincerely doubt you are white
American schools are super shitty
So read a fucking book and self research online entry level history, stop spending time watching YouTube celebrity drama and listening to bullshit music, at fourteen I was self sufficient enough to immerse myself in European military history and reading the dialogues
Of course it's Trump fault the Senate isn't doing their job to confirm appointments.
Why are you so bitter is this because of that time your pm bowed down to george bush?
Maybe you should write them a letter.
Australia is literally the most irrelevant country in the world.
We still remember Yahoo Serious. Dumping that shit on us. A price has to be paid, munchkins.
Why waste time shit posting whilst vacationing? Forget about this place for a little while and go enjoy yourself.
Australia doesn't know how lucky it is.
What the fuck is an australia?
>Hey, wanna be our new ambassador in Australia?
>Sure, where will I live? Sydney?
>No, Canberra.
>Oh I just remembered I have to wash my hair for the next 4 years.
We have our own shitposter-in-chief now, aussies redundant. KEK.
If you want our attention, try launching a missile over New Zealand.
You're shit. And your threads are shit too, only good for getting links to
Our last ambassador woke up to a 3ft wide spider on his bedroom ceiling and got on the first B2 bomber back to DC
Never again
What do you mean? I was just in Australia last summer...
Must mean you guys ain't full.
I'll go ahead and let Africa and Germany know. :^)
It was a nation that tried to reclaim its rightful territory near Poland
Because last time one of those fuckers from america came over, we called their 4 star general a cunt.
Merican education. Can't be helped m8.
Slightly controversial. After we lost the war it became illegal to teach kids about it at school. Bruce Hitler did nothing wrong.
Australia is a weird way of saying USSR
Agree, most of us grew up with Steve as a surrogate father figure.
We are busy you fuck. Go wrestle some kangaroos.
I like that in a country of 350 million people the closest you can come to a male role model is an autistic queenslander on television.
>insulting the only good thing to ever come out of australia
That glorious bastard died the same way he lived. With animals in his heart.
Ouch, that comment stung a bit.
We should send Hillary Clinton as ambassador to Aus. That'll keep you cunts occupied.
Then why aren't you speaking Chinese?
Even an autistic aussies is God Tier Alpha compared to everyone else.
>oh no Chad is ignoring me
I bet you will be off to cosy up with China you whore.
I know. I've seen youtube videos from your country. A homosexual tongan could rule it with an iron fist.
Do you need one? You guys are doing well enough without one, right?
His spirit has returned, stronger than ever.
>how to catch a kangeroo while disguised as an emu
KEK, sad but true. We really got lucky with Trump.
You are officially the most irrelevant country
Id make a webm of 5:16 - 5:23 but im phoneposting
Topkek, ol sport. Gotta keep the fokken convicts in their place. The don't need an ambassador, they need a Warden.
Lol where is australia even
Ambassadors are for countries that have fuck all for ties. It always seemed weird to have ambassadors for the US and the UK. Ambassadors are for countries you don't have much to do with, like Sweden and Mongolia.
It would have been the greatest video ever if the kangaroo he caught was just a guy dressed as a kangaroo.
Right now, Australia can't handle the Trump bantz.
They're not ready for an ambassador.
Somewhere close to China.
Call white house admin and say hey why no ambassoador to aussie land ill do it. Name price at under 100k and the job will be yours.
>Australia can't handle the Trump bantz.
Turnbull is a jewish merchant banker. He wasn't elected either, he rolled the previous bloke.
He was a cunt and most aussies hated him when he was alive.
With those trips I'm a shoe in. I've always wanted a Ute anyway.
How many other US embassies are empty around the world?
He didnt bow down they were besties
More irrelevant than new zealand?
Tehran for sure. That guy that married jennifer lopez had to evacuate it.
We don't have a ambassador from the UK though
central Europe I think
Good luck user.
Fine, fuck it; I'll go.
>boards plane
>unzips dick
Do we even need one? What is there to ambass? The USA and shtpostland have a long standing positive relationship as we do with all anglo countries. Do we have significant trade with assland? I do wish we didn't need a visa to travel to australia, and it would be nice if there were more incentives to boost tourism between our two countries. Though I believe the visa requirements are fairly limited.
He's gonna cut his damn hands off one of these days - no one bats 1000
Skitskin detected
We’ve been in every war with them for the past 100 years and they can’t have a dude down here? Probs using the imperial system and can’t figure out how far australia is.
You tried to send a bunch muzzies when Trump got elected bruh da fuq, thought we was homies
Considering under the Obama admin they upped the us military presence in our country and the US want to lease some of our islands in the Indian ocean for military bases probably. We're your biggest regional partner close to the south China seas though since best korea started going autist we haven't heard much about it.
spider ate the last one, m8
No he was an autistic over the top queensland fucked that acted like a complete utter faggot to appeal to American audiences. We fucking hated him then he died and all we got was Steve Irwin was a national treasure. Honestly he was a cunt then he died, thats it.
Our puppets in SEA are a diamond dozen desu. I've been trying to get to australia to see a motogp or f1 race for a few years now. Do your white women like white americans?
I will fight you for talking shit about Steve mate better watch it, you are walking a thin line
Checked out the weather and scenery. Sign me the fuck up.
Why didnt you hate them already?
Ur just mad irwin and crocodile dundee are the only Australians anyone has ever heard of.
After reading about Perth sluts and American men it would appear so.
No Irwin was a grade a faggot. That is all.
Don't forget Mel you faggot.
Whats the matter? Did a dingo eat ya baby?
>everybody is having normal discussion in a thread
>murrican enters a thread with his cringe reddit jokes
>immediately ruined
Can murricans like go away already?
>dude gets famous wrestling crocs
>he's just a faggot i swear
Sydney faggot whos never seen the outback detected
Is an American, born there grew up here.
But you've got Hugh jackman and the Hemsworth, theyre aussie.
understand that the murrican you're argueing with is an aussie on vacation.