What are your thoughts on Jerry Seinfeld? Obviously an unapolegetic turbo-Jew who was rewarded accordingly in the (((business))) - he's a billionaire - but I have to admit, I don't get any real degenerate kike vibes.
>Stays out of mainstream Hollywood
>Hates the media, hate journalists, doesn't really do interviews
>Doesn't really like or associate with any celebrities except for a handful of comedian buddies from the 80's/90's
>Has a strictly clean routine and doesn't promote degeneracy
>Has a large nuclear family
>Genuinely enjoys the craft of comedy and doesn't push any political agendas
What do you guys think?
My opinion is that he's culturally a new York Jew but always rejected that as his sole identity.
Jerry Seinfeld
I don't care about him.
He actually might be a normal dude.
I have nothing against him.
annoying voice and personality, but I love Seinfield, although I know it's written by two jews
His a good example of why you dont need to be a degenerate to be in comedy. His just got good clean family jokes. Most comics need to be edgy faggots to get a laugh.
The only Jew I love for every reason you mentioned, also hates PC culture, and Seinfeld is still the most patrician show of all time.
Dated some younger gals if I recall correctly, but nothing like Jewy Allen
I like him a lot, he's really all about comedy and not about pushing some jew agenda.
Larry David on the other hand, I started to have a problem with. Rewatching Curb on Plex, I noticed a lot of "fellow white" bullshit spewing from his mouth when this guy is turbo-jew incarnate.
Example: youtu.be
"I don't think white people should have anything". Dude, you're not white what the fuck are you talking about?
A south american
It does not fucking matter if this Jew or that Jew is less reprehensible than the rest.
He is still benefiting from the criminal business of his tribe, what is even the point of this conversation?
Shouldn't have existed in the first place.
Sage you fucking kike.
He's keeping it quiet, he knows what happens to goyim, and he knows he's a goyim.
Yeah he was in his late 30s/early 40s dating a 17 year old. Cant say i wouldnt do the same if i was the most famous comedian of the 90s. Pussy is constantly being thrown at you, i imagine it would be hard to turn that down. Its not like it was illegal.
This should have been him and his mother quite frankly.
Stop promoting kikedom.
Kick ass car collection, so I think I've heard.
Seinfeld's whole routine is based on observing and commenting on the irony and quirks that people commit without realization. He is a keen observer and very shrewd. I am 100% sure he sees the hypocrisy of the left and the right. He even stated he will not go to universities and speak because of the SJW bullshit.
Having said that, I saw his recent special on Netflix and gotta say, was a little disappointing. Not that funny compared to his earlier works.
White males also benefit from white patriarchy. That's at least what shitskins say.
Face it goy, you're a nigger to us.
he must have always been wealthy or had a family that would back him up on anything. that's why he has that untouchable carefree attitude, he's never had to care about money. and then he made billions more telling peanuts jokes.
ya'll should watch his appearance on Norm Macdonald's podcast. pretty good tbqh
this post is not spam you spam filter fuck. jerry is a cool dude but lets be real.
i guess hes the likeable jew front that everyone knows. all they know about jews is jerry seinfeld and hes a nice, funny guy. so when you mention degenerate jews and bring up their crimes against humanity it makes you sound like a raving lunatic nazi who hate jews for no reason.
i dont believe its his plan, its just how the game is set up
His show was very anti Semitic, loved it. It’s no accident the characters wind up jailed at the end for their crimes against humanity.
>You're a nigger to us
For as long as you're alive.
>he's a billionaire
He's not a billionaire.
>Most comics need to be edgy faggots to get a laugh.
enjoyed the irony of this post
Read his Jew wife's bio and be red pilled.
>met Seinfeld four months before her wedding
to a Jew theater manager
>he was wealthy, from a prominent family but not well known
>while still on her honeynoon she cucked the beta-bux and married Seinfeld, who was by this time famous (1999).
Absolute classic hypergamy, even within the tribe.
TONS of OLD air-cooled Vw's and Porsche's. His car collection is full on 1488
Except the kike problem is real.
Niggers above us and niggers below.
He's hated by tons of kikes just because of Seinfeld alone.
nah, goy. Your countrymen (clinton, soros and many other antifa goyim) told me white patriarchy is real and jewish conspiracies are wrong. I'd rather believe them than a schizophrenic on Sup Forums.
Seinfeld is the bull to his marriage partner who was hotwife to a Jew cuck. Everyone involved are rich. Isn't cucking a fellow Elder of Zion something you'd think wouldn't happen?
Poor man's Larry
I got to see Seinfeld's act at the Chicago theater a few years ago. I was pretty starstruck, I mean fuck I may have spent a cumulative year of my life watching Seinfeld reruns in my leisure time. I probably know every line of the series
One of 3 best comedy shows ever. During one of my visits to NY I had a chance to talk to him after his stand-up show and he is a great guy.
>only a year
The other two?
well kept secret is that he is obama love child
He was interviewed on Howard Stern yesterday. Seemed like a pretty cool and genuine guy desu.
fucking wasted
His Howard Stern interview was pretty good. Seems like a normal-ish guy.
nice waste you fucking retarded nigger
Love is work, seen him live, and he doesn't seem like an obvious leech. He still needs be shipped to Israel with all the rest.
He's actually legit as fuck.
He did some ads for an australian building society (read: a bank that is actually for the people and not lead by investors) a few years back. Most based bank in Australia and instead of jewing for the Rothschild ones, he did ads for them.
That and his suspiciously redpilled car collection, I'm led to believe he might actually be a good guy.
I also remember him being one of the only fucking people who got up and showed their love for George Carlin after he died. The same Carlin who just weeks before death ranted about the globalist scumfucks live on stage.
What a fucking waste
But her face
Getting paid, getting movie and tv deals has long been dominated by Jews. No secret there. I liked Michael Richards stand up.
Well what did you expect, there's quite a lot of Jews, you think they're all in some sort of evil hivemind?
Jerry Seinfeld confirmed /ourguy/
>Two Jews bullshiting on the radio
fucking waste
fuck that unfunny kike and fuck (You)
what did kek mean by this?
Half of the jokes on Seinfeld would be considered "problematic" in the current year
/ptg/ reporting in
kill yourself faggot
He refuses to go "perform" on college campuses because he considers the institutions too politically correct. Surprising for Jew Yorker such as himself.
Mel Brooks has made similar statements. Jews honest about comedy know that political correctness is a danger to their craft
He can have one of these, provided he remains non-degenerate, and that he doesn't try to reassurect Seinfeld for more money.
Wasn't that the one he married though?
Jerry is kek approved
He's funny.
Also this was awesome: youtube.com
Waste? Why is that a waste? He's a good guy. Kek has confirmed it.
the only answer to the "okay jew comedian" question is andy kaufman
Kek has taken the Jew pill
Looking kind of the same.
I saw him live in Hershey last year because I got a ticket for free. He was surprisingly funny, I didn't think I would enjoy it.
holy shit
That was harsh but funny hahaha
Do goyim like Seinfeld show because it's good or because they were herded into praising it by jew hypnotism?
a bit of both. the show had some pretty funny episodes but it's also pretty overrated and driven by the hype.
His Netflix special was his earlier, if not earliest, works. That is what it was about, Seinfeld recalling his story how he got to where he is and telling the jokes that got him there.
Like a stand-up auto-comediography.
It was good.
maybe he is a good goy? who knows.
this is the only jew i like
he got banned from howard stern for making to many distasteful holocaust quips
Seinfeld is what made me realize that the SJW bullshit was gearing up when some years back he said he would NEVER do stand-up at Colleges anymore because they kept getting offended at his jokes. hahaha. Fucking idiots. He talked so much shit about them after that it was VERY funny.
would you look at that... Kek's blessing upon Jerry Seinfeld confirmed.
what did you mean by this
Hes a jewish conservative, theyre a pretty common thing. Typically happens as they get older. Also a hilarious guy generally
Who are we to place judge kek`s blessings. Praise kek and jerry is a pretty cool and genuine guy.
>I don't get any real degenerate kike vibes.
what like that 14 year old girl he was dating?
He isn't political. He built himself to be one of the safest standups in the country, yet the left still managed to nitpick his shit and get triggered because they politicise everything.
He's pure. Leave him alone!
Aussies and Brits fuck little girls in Southeast Asia a lot and nobody bats an eye.
I didn't think I'd live to see such digits.
>most patrician
unfunny bullshit?
why are you shills here is he about to release a DVD boxset with new commentary or something?
of so you get Seinfeld, not funny, all his humor is about how he has to hire everyone else to do everything for him, he gets rich and dates a 14 year old girl
Julia is like the 44th richest woman in the world
Michael is the only funny one gets caught saying nigger probably because he isn't jewish enough
the short fat bald guy isn't funny
what are we supposed to be getting out of this horrible mess? fond memories of overpaying for boring entertainment put together by wealthy pedophile pervert racists?
yeah because their nation is driven by the whore industry
but people didn't think it was funny when Woody Allen started adopting them and bringing them home to bang and later marry
this isn't a jew thing, if somebody was getting away with that Errol Flynn shit I would say the same about them
>He's a good guy. Kek has confirmed it.
that was a false get, they used code to nail that, it's no good
Jerry is scum, don't give or Howard Stern any money
tits of truth
>Face it goy, you're a nigger to us.
you're darker than we are. who's the nigger?
The Romans would also like a word..
Praise Kek!!!!!!!
The jerk store called, they're running out of you.
I like to think that Stormfront only makes up 80-90% of Sup Forums.
For the rest of us, I don't think his jewishness registers or not. Seinfeld was a great show. Holding up well. I don't seem to hear about him mouthing off politically one way or the other, but you just know he's a leftist, commie fuck. Couldn't have made it big otherwise, and Larry David sure is a leftist POS. Still, he doesn't seem to make an effort to be a prick, so I have no reason to dislike him. I imagine he's living large and not giving a fuck about what Sup Forums thinks about him.
Jerry is good jew
hey the jerk store does good business, what you don't like capitalism? what are you a communist?
ok yes let's praise these wealthy hacks who thought they were the funniest thing ever and forget about Don Rickles, Red Foxx, Richard Pryor
a million other people are so much funnier than Jerry I'm surprised he bothers to call himself a comedian
>Seinfeld was a great show.
it sucked then and it's worse now