So now that we know Anne-Marie Waters didn't win the leadership election...

So now that we know Anne-Marie Waters didn't win the leadership election, can we talk about how to build an effective anti-Islam party? It's depressing seeing even Germany and Sweden doing better than us in this regard.

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>build an effective anti-Islam party
The best way to do this is to start your own version of Islam.

It needs to happen

We need to end Muslim immigration

Encourage Muslim to FUCK OFF

Its for their own good, then can leave now or they can stay and face the consequences.





how about ending muslims in general instead?

It needs to happen, but how? The appetite is there for it, people are fucking angry. Should we meme LibertyGB? Their leader is BASED as fuck.

Meh, it's probably a good thing. UKIP's name is absolute dirt in a lot of people's eyes for reasons other than "dass raysiss".

>We need to end Muslim immigration

You do understand that is never going to happen?They will just keep coming and coming and you already have Muslim mayor of London. Maybe Muslim Prime Minister one day, LOL

this is why

Even if we did stop them, the ones already here will outbreed us in no time. Closing the borders to Muslims is a first step only.

brit/pol/ party when?

Waters was useless and a shill. She's massively in support of general degeneracy (LGBQT+ and all that) and is literally from the Labour party you fucking numpties. A single issue "anti-islam" party would go nowhere anyway, in Germany and Sweden they're running on more than just that.

There is no political solution. When will you fucking spergs realise this?

never mind the need for an anti jewish party.

>being upset that an anti-racist lesbian philosemite who wants to end British nationalism didn't win

>Anne 'faggot' Marie Waters

You mean like antifa?
All we have to do is keep our cool and the muzzies will shoot themselves down in flames. You really think the british public are going to put up with endless attacks for ever? The strain is already there. I speak to people everyday on this now, and literally no-one is saying "you shouldn't say stuff like that" as they used to.
We should ignore the mainstream political parties completely, and not even form our own. Just concentrate on outing the muslims for the liars and terrorists they are. Bug their mosques. Inform on them, even if you're just suspicious. Tell people about Islam. Troll their town centre leaflet parties. Make it well known that Islam is a political cult of extremists, so the propaganda doesn't work any more.
Like with antifa.

It's over, don't try to fight it. Embrace your future bongs

>being too much of a sperg to realise that political parties are still a vital tool for organising and guiding people
>being so much of a sperg to think an insurrection is gonna manifest itself spontaneously

I'm glad she didn't win. It's just frustrating that we haven't got anything better, while every single other country in the West does.

>we haven't got anything better

this sums up every britbong election i've had the unfortunate occasion to observe. it's like choosing which laundry detergent you'd like to eat for dinner.

Even more frustrating is that on Sup Forums of all places, people's only answer to this problem seems to be "maybe the Tories might suddenly go really right-wing for no reason or something".


>Wanting a kosher dyke ex labour under Blair whore to be the leader of UKIP
Fuck off back to the_donald you Paki

We did though. It was Nigel's UKIP.

Then he went and resigned just as we reached peak victory...

I couldn't care less about UKIP, they were doomed whether she won or not. The result, hopefully, will make people realise this rather than focusing their energies on a dead party.

This is why I think it's so doable with a new party. They got, what, 14%? This could easily be improved upon if there was a nationalist party with less right-wing economic positions. That sort of stuff puts off working class voters who hate Pakis but hate Thatcher too.

Wilders, Le Pen, Sweden Democrats all have centrist/centre-left economic programs.


>implying UKIP without Nigel is worth your time

UKIP was done when Nigel stood down. It was a huge mistake for him to do that - he should have seen us out of the EU. I'm sure he wanted that well deserved break, but the cunt had basically threw the ring into Mount Doom but didn't bother getting back to the Shire.