It's official. Italy has ceased to exist. From now on it needs to be called Niggaly, because niggers are ruling over everything. There are niggers everywhere, destroying everything, raping, murdering, starting fights over dumb things, stealing our jobs. Nobody does anything, and if you say something against them then you're labeled a racist. It's seriously the end for my homeland. There's no going back now, the niggers have conquered it and nobody noticed. I'm getting the fuck out of this shithole.
Italians. Niggers. What's the difference?
So sad it hurts user
Wow this sounds familiar...
Why didnt you blow up the boats arriving ?
Do you understand you have borders and have a DUTY to protect them?
Fuck The EU, its has made us all soft, Im sickened by the EU, I want to burn the fucker down.
Well alright, I hope you're gonna do well wherever you intend to go
I'm gonna take some of your land though if you don't mind, my old friend Luigi
Niggtaly sounds better, rolls off the tounge easier + niggaly sounds like and adverb.
May God save Italy. I don't understand what happened to this once glorious nation.
>if you say something against them then you're labeled a racist
milanese spotted
I have literally noone that like niggers. Everybody in my village hates them with a passion. People are so much against it that the didn't dare voting Ius Soli. PD's vote projection is absymal. The fuck you're talking about? Everyday we hear about people protesting against gypsies or niggers
I would date an italian woman, and i would hang the counter-part
Yeah! We Italians are really dark skinned!
Source: my arm.
Come to the U.S. pastanon. Lots of good paisans in the states. Plus Trump is curbing refugee flows into this country considerably.
I have met literally noone that likes niggers*
wtf I thought meds were based
tell the fucking mafia to kill the niggers
jews happened
What % of the population are they as of now?
RIP in peace Italy you sweet prince
Nah srsly though I know it sucks right now but just wait for the mass deportations to start
You can thank those nigger fucking germans for everything. From Shitler making nationalism a taboo to Merkel destroying what was left of Europe after the war.
America should've tested those atomic bombs on Germany and wiped it off the map.
It's the mafia that shill to make them come here. They have free manpower for their fields and get funds for hosting them in terrible conditions through fake NGOs
the foreign population in Italy right now (so any immigrant, even whites or asians) is 8%. Not sure about the niggers. We rock a 92% native population
The mafia wants them here for cheap labor, do you think they care about anything but profits?
This. Burn the union
Italian women are welcome to croatia as refugees.
almost 10%
and they keep growing in numbers everyday
Lombardo-Veneto-Croatian Empire when?
That's good.
As long as we don't have too much blacks nor Muslims we're mostly likely fine.
That's scary, you mean 10% are blacks? wtf
For the first time Poland may be an example. We don't give a shit about what others say and we say everythng what we think in public. Pic related. What you need to do is to stop being afraid of what you are really thinking. I wish you all the best. Don't give up your land to filthy niggers.
Just kill the mafio then dude
>stealing our jobs.
if a nigger can do your job,
it means you're shit and do shit jobs.
Well, anyways, come visit us in Nova Trento.
Most of us can speak Italian and are formal Italian citizens and we don't have any blacks/muslims
sounds good 2bh
>italy pizza mixed with african ingredients
maybe I come over there before all your women are blacked.
We are still much more conservative than the rest of Europe (together with Greek bros)
Get out of your shithole in the North, maybe
Hello future Apeninska Oblast
Crazy liberal sister in law was trying to get a green card out there. She has some liberal arts degree and wants to do some teaching there but has been denied several times of a green card. She always talks about the young poor nigereans who live in the street and how she feels bad for them even though they have stolen her purse and phone a few times. Funny how she as a white "educated" women gets denied but them niggers get the run of the lot.
Amazing how a nation of "niggers" has had such a massive influence in European history and culture.
I have to agree, when i visited itally it was a fucking shithole thanks to the north African and the niggers. It's nothing but panhandlers and criminals in the streets. Its fucking sad.
when you get rid of southern italy
anything bellow 95 percent non european is bad as fuck.
Government is severly related to them. After they did an attack and killed two important anti mafia judges (Falcone and Borsellino), the government started a military operation pushed by the people outrage, and most of our miitary was sent to Sicily to make a trillion roadblocks and insepct even under small rocks. Mafia got severly damaged by it, and then they stopped the operation
We have many organized criminalities in Italy, Mafia and camorra are historically the worst, they destroed them and now Ndrangheta (from Calabria) filled the power vacuum, owning everything
Do you mind explaining to me why my Italian family has Croatian ascendency?
> Eggplant
pls adopt
We've been trying for decades.
hurr niggers offering ultra cheap manual labor is fine because everyone should go broke pursuing higher education anyway
durr what do you mean there's already a surplus of jobless graduates
I love your fucking country.
Ironic that you will be the new vanguard of racialism in Europe, since you held the camps and all that.
I can actually relax around Italians
Ascendency? Idk but many italians lived in the parts that is now croatian coast, maybe they are from there.
Simply because we saw first hand the fucking shit and waste coming through the mediterranean.
Nice digits btw.
you'll miss the food. don't do it.
jesus christ man go outside.
If things go south like in France, UK or Sweden the italians will riot before gifting their nation to the invader
You heard it first!
Keep in mind that we were ruled by liberals for the last 8 years. The left in Poland also has a lot of supporters, especially people who were born in the 60' and 70's support libertards. The war is going on in Poland too.
>>hurr niggers offering ultra cheap manual labor is fine because everyone should go broke pursuing higher education anyway
>durr what do you mean there's already a surplus of jobless graduates
why would you decide to be a farmer in 2017?
This meme must die
If someone has a degree in medicine of course he won't do the farmer. But many people study meme shit like educational sciences because there's no more credibility in being a metalworker or a farmer, and that's because they're shitty jobs and the people who are in charge are basically jews in the common sense of the term.
If farmers were paid a decent salary (clearly, lower than the worth of the job), with assured pension and assurance, I assure you that many of the people that now go to physical education uni to be a personal trainer would take up the tractor and be a farmer. It's a good job and well paid at the end of the day in countries like NZ
Instead we prefer to let the mafia handle it to create toxic products and buy off the rest abroad... how else could it be? We have a government that wants to close foundries and increase start ups...
man.... when this pot boils over.... Things are gonna look real bloody...
I'm getting more and more convinced by this
because some people don't have a choice and they need a job, you spoiled shithead
why would you legally assume an italian and give him a real paycheck when n'gongo is willing to pluck potatoes all day for 12c an hour under the table?
blocks your path, what you do?
il eu jew morto italia.e' molto triste.
Spit on her face germanic cunt
many people are becoming farmer right now.
she's a slav
tackle her down and take the plate
inferior genetics anyway screw her
If every white person in America said what they actually think about niggers openly within 1 day kikebook would look like a Sup Forums nigger hate thread
True story
Wouldn't it be better to call it Niggaty?
>>because some people don't have a choice
neither do niggers.
so you're just like a nigger.
fun fact: Italinigs started the first drug smuggling rings in America
you literally have no point
>Finds whitest person left in Croatia.
>Pretends she represents the majority.
Are you fucking 12??? You look like a praying mantis with those noodles
>Finds a person thats white in America
>Pretends america isnt a 50% white shithole.
19% white, actually
well you have a point unfortunately.
last time I was in Triest two months ago there was literary niggers at every corner selling shit and probably even some to steal us.
Although we have greviance with Italy and hate it for historical reasons, we would still wish for Italy to remain Italy.
then give back Istria.
i don't care, it's italy.
in a few years probably
you would make african colonies there, you should give us trieste and the africans would move to other italian cities.
No, you will pollute the halfisland with niggers and muslims.
We saved it from niggerisation which would follow if it remain Italian.
Why though, aren't you just going to flood it with niggers?
>le it's the germans fault meme
t. shlomo circumsteinbergotwiz
Does your dad keep you locked up in the basement?
How? They're really fucking loud and constantly yelling in public.
I have 1k friends on facebook.
We'll come soon to take it back.
I have never seen so many blacks than when I went to Rome. I would say they are about 25-30% of the population in Rome. Train stations are 100% black.
yes, rome is one of the cities that got hit the hardest
it's fucking disgusting now
that is funny af
yeah and they arent shades of brown like the american ones ,but black like coal, atleast the ones i saw.
How the fuck are you so pale ? And why do you have the arm of a 12 year old ?
But how bad is it really? Does anyone have the numbers?
I always thought that the migrants arrives in Italy and continues to northern Europe.
my town has little to no niggers, stop living in the cities and come back to the countryside my man
you must shave 3 times a day
t.i have italian blood
I can accept UK and France becoming niggers but Italy... that hurts.
> Greek bros
Lol. They are commies and still hate joos
Sicilians are the quietest "Italians" i ever met
When ? I went to rome in 2015 and the only nigs i saw were selling fake gucci belts and selfie sticks, i'd say that they are less than 5% of the population, even at train stations there weren't that many of them.
impossible without physically removing the (((Government))), if that happens we'd be instantly getting a fuckton of (((democracy)))
i see that you're enjoying a NEET lifestyle such as myself
who team neet here?
wtf, why are all of your fingers the same size?
Ha ha, good point. Mutants now roaming in Italy
its the perspective of the photo
Good.It will be more easy for us to conquer the italian lands back.
Welcome to the club