Defend this

This is the right hand of president and this right hand is a business partner with a satanic pedohile. Is this how you MAGA?

Other urls found in this thread:

Bannon is part of the deep state trying to discredit Trump so this is no surprise.



>only one with no ties to GS or Soros
>"100% deep state"

>trumpfag doesn't understand what checked means
Go back to the_donald, retard

>falling for the cult of personality

No one likes this faggot, ballshavek

We're you asleep when Bannon said the Trump presidency we fought for is dead?

I didn't know he was our president.

oh hes not.

The CTR/Shareblue Shills and Payments:

Fuck off, shareblue.

Bannon's revenge

Thats the second time I've seen that happen this month

Jared and Ivanka are literally Trumps top advisors and on the Goldman Sachs and Soros payroll.


saw a guy call another guy satan when his post ended in 6668 today
is this place fucking dying

Based son of satan.


Good, take him down but I thought Kushner was appointed to a position that didn't require a hearing?

It died awhile back, the_donald just finished it off

First the email thing. Then the tranny thing. Now this.
Seriously. What the fuck? Anyone else would have been long gone by now.



nothing to defend I fucking hate this faggot and I wish Trump would tell him and his daughter to fuck off

I hate this fucking kike

Same here, fuck this faggot and fuck Ivanka. Kushner is a little bitch boy who has no fucking idea about anything. Every decision he has ever made has been a bad one.

It's misdirection. They're doing this to trick democrats into thinking that kushner is on their side.