Thinking of moving to USA, Europe is done for.
Could i pass as a local in your country, i dont wanna be out of place.
Also, how do i fix my accent, i sound like a russian villain in a shitty 90s hollywood action movie
Thinking of moving to USA, Europe is done for.
Could i pass as a local in your country, i dont wanna be out of place.
Also, how do i fix my accent, i sound like a russian villain in a shitty 90s hollywood action movie
Other urls found in this thread:
Look like an Arab
Lose the commie-look first.
Well you are fat so you will blend right in fatso
You'll be fine. Ladies like the sweet russian villain accent. It's cool.
>Lemme move out of my Ethnically Homogeneous country and move to a 52% white shithole ZOG pawn country
You could probably get in once the RAISE act passes. It will make European immigration the majority.
America is pretty fucked too, you could try out the mid west, Dixie states, or north east. It's only a matter of time before America turns into Europe though. This shit is a globalist epidemic and our politicians are bought out bitches just like yours are.
>4 gypsies
>5 t*rks
>Sofia's downtown is now full of arabs and Ghanaians too becasue muh EU forces us take them too
lmao, no
>fixing your accent
American women love accents. You will have vaginas rubbing on your leg the moment you say something even remotely funny.
He looks like the average American to me.
im sorry, i was asking only white people
Implying Europe is done. No my friend its just begining and we czechs will profit from fall of the West. Our is future and bulgarians shall unite with ruskies if they want survive.
I mean rate a living might be better. Better prospects.
If you're looking at the idelogical europe is going down than we are too.
As for the looks. Yeah you're good, pretty much here if you're not brown your white. As for the accent. Like everyone is saying. Yeah it will probably help with the ladies a part from that I don't think anyone will give you trouble with it. And really about the only way to loose an accent is to be around a different one for a while.
So if you really want to come you're good as is, well assume you're smart and if you work hard you can make a good life. I'd try to go rural, and stay away from major city's.
you are deluded
you are germany's bich like the rest of eastern euopoe in EU
you will be forced to accept tones of arabs and you will be forced to enjoy it
Why do americans on Sup Forums have this loser mentality
Stop posting this you fat shitskin
whatcha gonna do about it
I mean you're so dissatisfied with your country that you're trying to leave instead of fighting and changing it. I'm telling you what's going on in Europe is the same thing here. Globalisation is global.
This isn't a thread about what are going to do it fix the planet, this was a thread about would I fit in America and I'm telling the same shit you're trying to run from is going on here you dense motherfucker.
What do you want me to lie to you and say no everythings fine, America is perfect. Why don't you do that with your own country?
stop fucking posting this shit people do not care
But you have the exact same colouring as he does.
>Our is future
kek this should be a meme
Why do Pajeets feel so compelled to respond to a thread that is totally not relevant to them?
Because we naturally want to control stuff, because we're the Jews of the white race.
Because everyone in Europe whos not retarded or lying to himself knows that USA=the future
Hey I remember you. Yeah you do look like my friend here. I'm gonna say it again: Don't drop the accent. If you move into a city they will love you for the diversity aspect. Even if you're white. You sound different. You're someone they'll be able to show off to their friends.
>Don't drop the accent
Again it's the diversity appeal. You could have the worst accent and people understand only 1 word but they'll still eat it up. I'd honestly ham it up a bit. Miss a word or two here and there.
Innohienix Arizona you would probably get darker and be mistaken for Chicano Mexican....if you go to Scottsdale (more expensive) then there are Russian areas....I doubt they'd adopt you but no one would bat an eye at you in that area. You would completely fit it.
dunno lad, i fucking hate it
`pak li ti we mladej izlez do pazara vij kakvi hubavi ciganki ima navun we mladej kakva amerika kakvi 5 leva
>.I doubt they'd adopt you
u look quite white for american standards
>he's a fat shit
>wants to move to fatland
top kek
Damn Bulgaria, your country is so nice.
Its unlike any other balkan shithole.
Why leave?
>the future
тихo, paзвaляш ми мeмeтaтa
cos too many balkanians nearby :-DDD
There is this false sentiment that you will become super rich and successful if you go to the west. It's getting slowly dispelled, but there are still morons that believe it.
>cos too many balkanians nearby :-DDD
Good one
I still think bulgaria is far ahead tho
You'll probably get mugged by a feral nigger in the first week or so and end up owing 10000$ to the hospital for a simple check-up.
yea you could pass as based Italian. BTW my ancestors are mostly Austrians and I look like hitler essentially with blue eyes and dark hair . so your good.
You look like Rusev.
>thinking of moving to Europe
>America is done for
Grass is always greener my friend
stay away from large urban areas warning niggers and spics be there
its doing good, but at the price of people becoming more """western""" and getting that cuckold mentality
there are gay parades in the capital every year, lots of hipsters and repulsive "anti-racism" people
pic related, young woman from Sofia
why are you responding to me, kek
Buy a football shirt youll fit in.
Kys traitor, your kind will be the first to hang on the day of the rope
You just look like a white guy, if you put in the effort to talk without a thick accent, people would just assume you were local.
>living in Shitfia
top kek, lad
Shave that beard of and drop 20kg
нe cъм cтъпвaл в C*фия дбч
The country wont get better if everyone moves out you know.
no we don't want gypsies here
Actually if your motivated and work hard you will be middle class which is rich anywere else. A few breaks you can be upper middle class. $250 +
Sure most people in LA are dirty foreigners and have terrible accents you'll fit right in. American society is very segregated. There a white neighborhoods, black, Hispanic. If you want to hang out with the middle to upper class whites they will accept you but constantly ask where your accent is from and once they get to know you make jokes. This is the reality of life bud.
The chance of me being a gypsy is like 3-4%
The chance of you being a spic/nigger is like 40%
REALLY made me think, huh...
>drop 20kg
we are amerifats.
Trim between your eyebrows they are growing together.
Funny, I'm an American and I want to move to Europe after university. Why not stay and help save our people?
what are you, a fagot?
Come on over, we need all the sound minds we can get to fight off the mental illness brigades.
I really wouldn't worry about it too much, so long as your accent isn't so heavy that you're difficult to understand most people will just find it interesting. You'll get a lot of questions about where you're from, but that's about it.
Judging by that recording, your accent is a little heavy, but after speaking English socially for a few months you'll be fine.