Can these countries be anything better than what it has been for the last 7 decades?
Latin American Thread
Maybe you stop bothering them and it will happen. Maybe you stop making drug lords rich and it will happen.
LatAm is perfect as is. fuck off you will only make things worse.
To be fair, our spooks have been fueling drug trade and other shenanigans for decades. South America is used like a giant testing area for different covert programs to control population.
Also, they seem to always make the same dumb mistake of basing their entire economy on one particular resource. Happened with Venezuela with the drop in oil, happened in Argentina and Uruguay with the meat industry. The only countries down there that sort of understand they need to diversify are Brazil and Chile.
>racemixing everywhere
>leftists everywhere, especially in schools
>politicians don't give a fuck about anything
>muh democracy retards everywhere preventing shit from getting done
no escape.jpg
Just stop consuming drugs and everything will be solved instantly.
Literally the whole reason the region is shit is because druglords discovered the infinit money cheat
If you leave us the fuck alone, yes.
sorry for being Off-Topic, but is that Brazilian guy i talked with in the Mickey thread here?
> Happened with Venezuela with the drop in oil
muh oil
Why do people who didn't research shit about the Venezuelan economy insist that their economic crisis is the result of the oil prices dropping?
No, it's because most countries are inhabited by low IQ monkeys.
All western countries face the same problem, by your logic we should all take the blackpill (and maybe we should)
im on the verge of taking it
>It's always someone else's fault and not the people who let it grow in the first place
The people is the same than 2 or 3 generations ago and crime was much lower then.
Pretty much this. the muh drugs is the problem is a fucking meme.
All you have managed to do in destabilizing Latin America is drive hordes of refugees toward the USA.
It was still shit back then, just had less crime.
No, never, this is the same as asking if an african country will ever be developed, we all know this won't ever happen, without a white majority a country is doomed to be a third world shithole
It's always the Dominican Republic with this shit. Yes, our country is fucked, but it's not like you guys coming here is going to make things better for either of us. Maybe fix your shit and not elect commies LIKE VENEZUELA JUST FUCKING DID
we been geting better but unless we start taking measures here, soon enough we will be a shithole.
please we need a right wing pres.
>we need a right wing pres.
not that fucko.
We are becoming whiter every day so yes.
The rest? Unlikely
You get all our worthless trash.
Enjoy them, this is what you get for invading us twice for absolutely no fucking legitimate reason.
Venezuela's business is Venezuela's business, not your's.
Nigger haven Haiti shouldn't be a part of Latin America
Latin America is literally JEW OWNED, and that mainly why people here live like in germany pre Hitler.
Only countries with good natural resources can be decent if they get rid of the commie population, brazil chile and argentina can get ahead (but won't because of commie infestastion).
Countries like mine have no hope, ever.
native/indio-majority countries like peru arent part of latin america
I think countries here are importing those niggers more and more every year, I know mine is
White here European, in Colombia right now because of GF... On the coast it's full of poor black people it's a nightmare but they know their place and stfu. Colonisation was very successful here.
Blame the Clinton foundation and the democrat party, they wanted to get rid of haitians in order to buy the island.
I'm talking about the colonial parts of South and central America, native live hapily with their crops, but people in the capitals of our countries live fed by circus and bread.
It's our fucking business either way since you guys can't go one fucking second without fucking up your country's. Brazil just got out of economic turmoil because of stupid fucking socialists and now they may re-elect them again. I wish I could turn back time and tell Spain and Portugal to kill of you, but I can't. Instead, I have to slowly watch as the average person of your country fucks up my country because you can't seem to stop being such insignificant dispshits with massive victim complexes that rival Jews.
>Yeah! Take that America! Once you fall everything will be okay! ...America please help! We elected another Communist!
Chile is doing well for a mestizo country. Probably ahead of some lower tier Eastern European nations.
man i fucking hate them, they dont know basic stuff or basic hygiene, a coworker nearly got killed because the bastard let vehicles go trough the workzone which was supposed to be closed for our safety
Only if Chile, Argentina, Uruguay, and South Brazil form a federation and build a YUGE wall.
Modern day Trujillo would be really nice
brazil getting a taste of of what typical LA corruption does to a socialist-type model redpilled a lot of their voters
Totally agree, we don't have a serious right-wing newspaper.
Because the media doesn't want to blame socialism like they should.
Gee wiz, I wonder what happens when Chavez decided to fire half of PDVSA and then anyone with a brain leaves and emigrated elsewhere, how competitive can the oil company be after that ?
Not to mention nationalizing farms and other turned dangerously close to a command economy and now they suffer because their mismanaged government stolen businesses can't compete at $40/bbl.
Middle East isn't hit as hard, Russia isn't, Norway isn't but MUH OIL CRASHED VENEZUELA, NOT THE SOCIALIST POLICIES THAT RUINED BUSINESSES.
There are no troops here. Unless you count the 5 soldiers or so in the embassy.
I'm not saying that the US are saints or something, but most countries in the south are shit because of corruption.
Maybe you don't.
both what that other user and you said can be true at the same time
in the end their econ plan did heavily lean on petrol money, and yes they massively mismanaged the resources they did have after going full commie
How are things in Mexico? So-so?
chile only export copper. the know how to manage their profits properly, that's the only diference.
Yes you're correct but the media should emphasize a "socialist country using their oil company as a slush fund to fund all their public programs" can no longer fund all their free shit. People really miss the point. It's not "oil fell and all those workers lost their jobs and it's a massive depression :(, capitalism has failed us!".
Aw fuck it and fuck them. Hope they all eat shit for letting their government """provide""" so many things.
>Can these countries be anything better than what it has been for the last 7 decades?
same as always, except mass media can keep distracting normies with news about the earthquake survivors for the rest of the year
argentina was OK once
dunno what happened
Them being white didn't helped.
I think that Latin America and the new world in general have a better future than other areas of the world, especially in Europe
The uncontrolled demographic growth of places like Asia and Africa along with the aging and the advance in Europe of the Islamism will generate in the future enormous centers of conflict
I think there will be a great migration in the next 100 years to the new world, half of Europe will flee to the new world, the other half will perish
I am an entrepreneur in Brazil and things are great, even during this economic recession. My business is thriving and I have a great life, knowing I am doing my part in making this a better place.
People should stop complaining and get to work. Of course it would be easier if I was born in a wonderful first world country. But honestly, I prefer to be here. I feel I am building something and my life here is meaningful.
Tldr: Complain less, work more. Life is great in LatAm.
Jesus fucking christ, the fuck is going on with the immigration of niggers in this country. At least don't let the nigglets grow up in closed communities ffs, ghettos will be formed and blahblah.
We need to focus on economic development again, yes, but fuck that reptilian motherfucker straight in the ass. And fuck the unpatriotic shits in UDI and RN and the traditional right.
Compren ARMAS: los fusiles 22lr están relativamente baratos, son letales a distancia decente, y la munición es abundante y barata.
We're trying to fix that but takes time and a lot of tourist. Pls come
>Tfw wagie in states
You make me a little jelly. I'm well off but working for someone else is eh
No one destabilized it except commies who America tried to fight by funding people like Augusto Pinochet.
It doesnt matter though. Hispanics are too low IQ to accept capitalism and vote for socialists in every country they inhabit.
Yeah, it's pretty fucked up that Chile is by far the most developed and stable country in Latin America and probably the entire Third World and yet it's fucking itself over by importing Haitians.
If you must import nonwhites to feel liberal, at least try to get Vietnamese or Filipinos or something.
>No one destabilized it except commies.
They all did motherfucker, euros, americans oligarchs, right wings, jews.
They had zero understanding of the amerindian idiosyncrasy and they fucked up time after time.
Bolivia had near 40 coups in the XXth century.
SA will only become shittier
racemixing killed those countries long time ago
>vote for socialists in every country they inhabit
You might want to consider informing yourself. Latin America has been moving rightward in recent years:
But who am I kidding? You think deranged cult leader Molyneux is a reliable source, so you're basically a retard.
> At least don't let the nigglets grow up in closed communities ffs, ghettos will be formed and blahblah.
Oh sweet summer child
>and yet it's fucking itself over by importing Haitians.
And Colombians
And Venezuelands
And l shit you not, Syrians.
>porlanido6chandefinition spacing
Because the oil price drop had a lot to do with it. I never said it wasn't also because of socialism. I was specifically referring to their oil based economy. Their nationalization of all the industry in the country after Chavez took over did a lot of damage, obviously.
I popularized that spacing.
More of this.
Lol no thats no mistake let me tell you, its great if you are one of the rich landowners with enough dough to purchase politicians.
Then when things get rough you have everything saved up in a tax free heaven somewhere else.
>Mexicans in Florida
Suddenly, i'm starting to miss Cubans.... Everywhere I go now all I see are 4'5 taconiggers.
>> At least don't let the nigglets grow up in closed communities ffs, ghettos will be formed and blahblah.
man it's turning fucking horrible right now specially arica and some parts of santiago.
Holy fuck, are you retards actually bringing Haitian niggers into your country!?! As a former Miamifag do not do this. Haitians are the most feral type of nigger you can find.
>And Colombians
>And Venezuelands
And they're probably the Blacker ones, right? At least castizos/mestizos can be assimilated into Chile.
Only if they stop being subordinate to the rentiers and start printing money. Inflationism is the true economic policy to be followed my friend...
nigger please, I've toured pretty much every state in your shithole country. Nothing but fat brown goblins and shanty towns. With the exception of the super rich Santa Fe area of Mexico City.
Actually they are kind of hot and are destroying the high class.
Actually most of the Venezuelans l've seen are mestizo looking and would probably pass as a local but yeah Congolombias are darker than coal. At least they all behave but thats true with all first generation immigrants.
Once their little spawns reach their teenage years, we in trouble.
white californian thots and fuckbois are turning Baja whiter and whiter every day.
i don't mind it.
I think most of us are fine with mestizo/castizo immigration of skilled workers and people with professional degrees, the problem is niggers. We never had them and I frankly don't see the reason for that to change now.
And Iquique, like holy shit. My uncle works there and has told me the non touristic parts of the city, i. e. basically everything apart from la costanera and casco histórico, is virtually an afrolombian colony at this point.
The next AIDS tier disease can't come soon enough. Holy fuck, we need to cull those niggers before it is too late.
What's your business?
How were most of these countries even mexico before foreign intervention from commies and us occupation and cia drug trafficking? Developing with greater living standards and decent infrastructure and governments. This isnt a fucking meme its the truth, commies and the US fucked South america.
>And l shit you not, Syrians.
This and the Iranians that have been creeping up in power in Venezuela/Argentina concern me. The last thing anybody would want is a muslim majority South American country. I mean Venezuela literally has a Hezbola agent as their VP....
i did my service on the north and believe me we had a whole unit ready the whole year just in case of a chimpout. is so bad, is sad
Look at mexico in the 50's
now it's a shithole, all thanks to commies and retarded puppet politicians
Baja is nice but I feel like going there for vacation kind of defeats the purpose of going on vacation. It's literally nothing but a tourist trap for drunk 20 something year old americans.
When someone from guayana posts, he appears with his normal guayana flag
But when a french guayana posts, will he appear with his normal french flag or his guayana flag? Do people (besides the french rocket men) even live there?
All part of the global plan to fuck us all over. Uncontrolled immigration is happening everywhere.
>You think deranged cult leader Molyneux is a reliable source
All Molymeme does is regurgitate data. His stats are legitimate look it up.
Don't let the thread die!
Redpill me on Honduras.
Why are their murder rates so high?
It remains one of the most violent countries in the world due to a serious organized crime problem associated with drug trafficking and gangs.
most of central america and part of mexico is filled with MS-13 members, they have the culture of gangs and violence being praised
fuck em', we need to build a wall.
Will we do it someday?
Does this need updating or are we okay with it?
My little sister (blond haired and blue eyed) unfortunately dates one of these motherfuckers. She flies to Honduras with him occasionally and stays. She tells me that everyone stares at her. I try to warn her that she sticks out like a sore thumb and to quit going there. But, she does the opposite of what you tell her, and continues to go anyways. I really wish I could save her. She's going to fuck up her purity.
Yeah, it's straight up dangerous there.
Stop bullying us
>Can these countries be anything better than what it has been for the last 7 decades?
They can be a lot worse. Does that count?
The fundamental problem with latin american countries is their continental state law system