Swedish Left-wing women about sex with young refugees: "We All Do It"
The trial against the so-called "Arboga-woman" has drawn attention to how middle-aged women in the asylum industry are having sex with refugee children. "We all do it", says the testimony of an asylum woman on the left-wing site "Blankspot".
Previously, the issue has mostly been discussed on sites like Flashback, where sexual relations between what users call "Dye witches" and refugee children have received extensive attention. But now it is the well-known Communist Martin Schibby's website Blankspot, who has published a text in which an anonymous leftist-woman writes about how she takes home so-called "unaccompanied refugee children" from the Migration Board to her residence.
Swedish commentator Ann Heberlein says that she personally knows of numerous cases of female social workers having sex with young refugee men. Heberlein says she even knows examples of married women who decided they would rather have sex with young refugees than continue their marriage. Many women sign up to be a foster home for so-called “unaccompanied minors” for the purpose of having sex with them. Most of these “minors” are actually in their teens and early twenties. A large majority of the unaccompanied “minors” are male. (Sweden classifies lone male refugees as old as 25 as “unaccompanied minors.”)
>Sweden classifies lone male refugees as old as 25 as “unaccompanied minors
absolute STATE of Sweden
David Myers
Take note swedes, old cunts sacrificed your country and culture so they could get laid.
Aiden Hill
Dumb birthmachines
Robert Reed
Cat ladies with kebab toy-boys.
They are usually useless people, working for the government in the bullshit industry.
The more I see of this, the more do I think that the Saudis got it right when it comes to women.
Kayden Cook
get laid pls, loser
Hunter Kelly
So basically Sup Forums is pissed that women exist who enjoy to have sex.
If the roles were reversed and most refugees where 18-24 year old single women, as men you'd be doing the same exact shit these women are doing.
You're saying it's okay for men to constantly lust for sex but as soon as woman try to get some it's somehow a big problem?
You would be in support of refugees and open borders too if 80% of refugees/immigrants were female. That's all this boils down to, sex.
Learn 2 introspect
Brody Reed
Yeah, they're all cat ladies who were empowered feminists in the 70s and 80s but are now lonely and need any form of companionship they can get
Nathaniel Gutierrez
nailed it. I'm a sexless adult male but even I see through this shit
Elijah Garcia
Islam will save a cucked nation like this.
Once the imams take over, these vagina cunts will be shoved in hijabis while having their rights taken away too.
There is no "saving the west" with classical western values. Its too late, and same goes for every other western nation. Do you really think women will give up their rights? Do you really think my makes will stop racemixing with monkey gook flips? No!
As long as "liberalism" combined with degenerate capitalist consumerism are a thing, nothing will be saved by western ideology.
The west is now culture less, with nothing other than consumerism, identity politics, hook up "culture", celebrity "culture", and adultery. This is why IT WILL FALL since civilisations are not build on this degeneration. This is abysmal, and will continue to fall until a stronger culture (Islam) takes over.
This is a blackpill you little trump cucks need to swallow, and same goes for you nazi bois.
Sheeeeit, even ""far right"" European and American groups like generation identity , and dick cuck spennys little virgin boys are all progressives who are first wave feminists who think women should vote and have careers.