Need communist memes pls
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Communism is a meme.
Let me help you out
Fuck off back to leftypol
Communism is retarded
Fuck Mao and Maoism.
pic related
here's one
here is another one
Communism is a meme itself. In fact, you're a joke just by larping as one.
Communists get the rope too
got plenty more where this came from
this one is a favourite of mine
You will be the first to go on the day of the lock.
resistribute vagene.
commies in Germany i think
I find solace that all of our grandchildren will be socialists.
here is the people who controls the "commies" through the EU parliament and commission.
That's why communism will fail, because EU and all other political orgs are based on greed, in the same way 95% of all communists are in it for the greed.
communism cant ever meme because only retards believe in it not autists LOLOLOL
commie leaders of europe
How much you can pay for them?
this one is nice, lots of hitler cats to bash
You are a meme.
>muh population growth
25 years (with a post-war baby-boom at that) is a long time.
Also, At the time of Stalin's reign, Russia had a fertility rate similar to that of today's shitskin countries.
If you look at some of the countries that experienced episodes of mass starvation (Bangladesh, Ethiopia) during the 20th century, you will notice they do not have a population decline either and keep growing. Even China, which has more than enough proofs of its population starving and massively dying out by millions thanks to gommunism, has its population growing. Even with restrictive child-bearing policies.
Conclusion: Growing population does not mean no episodes of mass starvation and this shitty commie maymay is absolute BS.
Now please go kys, commie faggot
nigger kike first you really think those stats reported by the USSR are true in accordance to population?
You fucking kike turd, do you really not remember the USSR absorbing populations with the other communist "republics" could not some how account for population increase all the while have people starving in the Russian state (Russian & Ukrainian Christians as we know them to be ones to starve and get slaughtered of course due to your rabid blood lust kikery).
>>tfw 2017 and you kikes being this dumb
Also this:
Fun fact: The (((person))) in charge of the economy of the EU is a communist jew.
>(((Pure coincidence)))
lolololol benis
>what stalin did wrong?!?!?! XD
Cause it wasn't real communism amirite OP my fellow faggot kike?
The lefty/pol/ shills are very active lately, What happened?
my favorite