You convinced me Sup Forums

You convinced me Sup Forums


Nothing but Jews pushing agendas and SJWs infesting everything with thier bullshit.

Let me tell you I was a mindless good goy fan of my local team, the Chicago Bears, but after seeing all thats happened lately and the constant bullshit of the Jews and ESJW I'm saying fuck it.

I even realized that my own teams owners the (((McCaskeys))) are nothing but old decrepit jews making money off good goy fans like me.

So I made this thread to say thank you Sup Forums for opening my eyes to this bullshit. I'm never watching another fucking bullshit goyshow game again.

Fuck the (((McCaskeys)))
Fuck (((Mike Glennon)))
Fuck the Bears
Fuck the NFL.

Other urls found in this thread:

What would replace the NFL?

I want to say Baseball good old america's past time but even that is susceptible to be corrupted by the left and jews.

Same here
Lifelong Bears fan and the last 2 games are the first I didn't watch in years. I'm done, fuck everything about a multimillionaire telling me I have privilege and he's oppressed.

Its fucking ridiculous. Even more so when you realize that all of them are paid by us buying tickets merchandise and giving them ratinga. Its our own faults and when we realize that we can stop all this bullshit.

I used to be a layabout on Sundays watching football (Bengals are hardly ever televised in my market) and drinking. But I stopped watching this year and I am getting a lot more done around the house. Dropping the NFL is not a bad thing at all.

NHL. They keep political activism out of sports. It's a fast paced game with tons of action and it's over in 2 hrs 45 min. They have a ton a young stars that will dominate the league for the next 10+ years. Reigning MVP is 20 yrs old. This is a great opportunity for NHL to capitalize and grow their fan base. But I doubt it will happen.

Shit that's what ive been doing every Sunday for the past so many years now. I look forward to not having to give these Jews any more of my time or money.

why is there a need for a sport consuming countless hours of your life, with zero actual improvement of yours or your society?


The league that just blocked its players from going to the Olympics?

Go cheer for your brand new desert team, idiot.

The XFL.

user, there's not going to be much left of SK in 2018...

Nothing or hockey if the good goy needs an outlet for his manlet rage

They don't heckle in the be crowds like in Finland/Sweden/Russia


OP, how do you watch NFL games all the way in Russia?

And why do you care so much? Isn't your national sport Wife Carrying or goat fucking or something?

Shittiest sport to watch on tv.

My vote is for Indycar!

>Most fans are white
>Drivers from all over the world
>No pussy power steering like F1
>Actually competitive unlike F1
>Drivers risking their lives for the thrill of it
>Driver with the coolest name in sports (pic related)


>Insane crashes that drivers walk away from

its a US flag you retard

Fuck you OP. Fuck you sideways in the ass with a flaming cactus for making me agree with a godman BEARS fan. I'd rather give a blow job to a black hassidic rabbi than do that. But here we are, in perfect fucking agreement.

Look, Rodgers? If you have pissed off the kinds of people that are in this embed here you have fucked up. You have fucked up HARD. In ways that just should not have been possible.

God dammnit I am LIVID. [spoiler] I ATE REGGIE WHITE BARS FOR FUCK SAKES[/spoiler]

american sports are retarded anyway

If we can make this into a team sport, you got a deal.

Yeah that was so fucked up. I hated rodgers for constantly shitting on the Bears but respected him for being good but now he's lost my respect too.

Why should we continue wasting our time watching roided out negroes chase a ball?
The sooner the circuses go, the sooner society starts improving.


Watch a few good matches and you'll lose all interest in the Negro Felon League.

>McCaskeys, bracketed
good goy
no but seriously, we're generally not the sportball types here.

I always hated football, so watching it implode because of social justice warms my heart. Jocks finally get a taste of what nerds have been dealing with for years now.

if you watch the much better football all day saturday then you literally dont even care about nfl

Easy enough to do: Red and Blue tabbards. Problem solved!

>convince you
Fuck off you cuckold you watched this nigger ball game for years
Both the niggers and the cuckservative fat boomers who watch nigger collision can die

Well, tabard. We can't be perfect, faggots.

Nationalism, you fuckin twinks

Another Bears fan checking in. The whole point of being a fan in Chicago suffering, the same way the Cubs used to have it.
>I'm done, fuck everything about a multimillionaire telling me I have privilege and he's oppressed.
This is why the blue-collar die hards are fucking done. Most of the fans are in skilled labor or middle management. They're exhausted of this shit. Football is their only refuge from mediocre paygrades and absurd bureaucracy. They took private parking away and we didn't scream, but FOOTBALL? Fuck off.

Its like I said we are the ones funding and paying for this shit with tickets and merchandise and shit. Fuck all that. They are working for us and we are fed up.

SJWs just got to ruin everything and we can't stop them. There has be a way.

I agree. Despite my schadenfreude, I still think SJWs need to be stopped. They're literally ruining everything.

Well as we see many now are waking up more from seeing whats happening to the NFL and other orgs that bend backwards to these mental freaks demands. Maybe if it happens more the backlash will eventually come and be quite wrathful.

Poorfag detected

boxing. it will never be PC because trash talk and division/tension are quintessential to selling tickets.

isn't boxing well dead though?

well except for the meme fights like mayweather vs macgregor or whatever

good job user. I grew up watching handegg with my family but we can break free of this terrible sport and terrible use of time

Another triggered snowflake, did they hurt your feefees?


A new report from The Armstrong and Getty Radio Show has sent shockwaves throughout the sports world after it was claimed that members of the NFL’s Oakland Raiders may have purposefully allowed their star quarterback to get sacked multiple times after he refused to kneel during the National Anthem.

>If true, this would essentially mean that an NFL football game was illegally thrown over anger that one of the teams star white players did not believe that kneeling during the nations anthem was the correct way to protest supposed racial injustice in America.

>The radio show then revealed bombshell “insider information” from an “extremely reliable” source who claimed that members of the Oakland Raiders did indeed throw the game as a sort of punishment for Carr choosing to not use the countries anthem to make a political statement.

>“He wants to stand alone, he can stand alone on the field,” one of the teams offensive lineman said, according to the shows source. Keep in mind, the offensive line are literally the guys whose job it is to protect the quarterback, in this case the star player who didn’t kneel.

>Amazingly, the circumstantial (and possible direct) proof didn’t end there as the show then claimed that this same source also revealed that a local team reporter got wind of the story and asked a team official for comment. What he was apparently told in response has all the hallmarks of a team trying to cover up a major scandal.

>“If you report on this, you will be blackballed, you will not get access to the Raiders period,” the reporter was supposedly told. “Your career covering the team will be over”.

pipe down loser

major happening. Spread the word


Kill yourself shill.

well this shit is fucked up.



Go away

If this is true, it would essentially mean that Raiders players were intentionally trying to injure their teammate, the White Quarterback.


public executions of communist


$0.02 shillbucks have been deposited into your stormfag account

Translation: But even that sport has people who aren't white in it. How do we get a sport thats all white people that is actually entertaining. LOL.

Dumb racists. You're so predictable and transparent. Just stop already. Stop the hate and stop the ignorance.

>suddenly shills

I like rally car races.

Raiders are a bunch of niggers anyway. Fuck Cooper, fuck Mack, and fuck Lynch(his last name is ironically what should be done to them).

look up HMC, IMCF, the ACL, SCA, etc.

Medieval Extreme on instagram covers many of these medieval combat sports.

Stay away from hema unless you want to look extra faggy for your SCA or LARP meets...



I admire your enthusiasm, lmao.

Its kind of a lame sport, boring to watch. Bunch of dudes in tights throwing a ball around and somehow that gets people excited? I dunno seems lame, but if youre a stupid idiot I guess theres nothing better to do with your time...



Took you long enough retard...what do you want a medal?

Fuck sakes.

>suddenly defensive

My team of niggers from my favorite city are way better than your team of niggers from your favorite city goy.


>white man

MMA would be awesome

>white man

Carr goes an entire season with his offensive line protecting him like Trump's Wall, only slipping once for one sack that had his leg broken because of a faggot knee drop.

In a single game he's sacked 4 times and had the ball hiked to his knee at the wrong count 3 times. The faggot offensive line that lead the "take a knee" bullshit stated "if he stands alone, he stands alone on the field." and stopped doing their jobs that they're paid for.

Fucking bullshit. Meanwhile, the Titans told patriotic fans "if you're a patriot and you feel offended - stay home."

Friday nights are even better than saturdays

yep that sounds incriminating as hell

F1/WEC/Blancpain. Fuck, bring back Can-Am.

You were the one implying that the left and jews is synonymous with non-whites. Maybe niggers should stop being kike loving faggots.