No buyfag thread in general. Cannot be allowed.
Read the guide
I hope i didnt fuck this up
No buyfag thread in general. Cannot be allowed.
Read the guide
I hope i didnt fuck this up
You fucked it up by adding your gay extra commentary
You fucked up, and your book at the bottom explains how I feel right now.
Is anyone else super excited about this? I can't wait to welcome our Miku overlord.
Mind posting more pictures of your books?
If you really want some i can take a few but they are all pretty boring really. The black one is all just straight genga that was scanned into the book and the other is all backgrounds. Some look nice but its not terribly interesting.
I've liked all the swords nendos so far but for some reason I feel nothing for this one.
I expect a new version of this to be made once it's released.
Not too many as i dont want to spam the thread too much and frankly many just arent that interesting.
I really enjoy this one a lot so its a shame its not colored.
Make a photobucket account, don't spam this thread with images.
Thanks! They look great, nice buy, user.
Are you an idiot?
>Im not making a lot of images so i dont spam the thread up.
Really? Its three images. Im just being nice and fulfilling a request. Calm down.
I don't see the issue with him posting some pages out of a book someone secifically asked for. It's a breath of fresh air after all of the people bitching about the exchange rate for days straight.
Holy shit, someone asked him to post. Quit your sperging.
Shut the fuck up you whiny cunt.
God forbid someone actually contributes something related to buyfagging in this barely alive thread.
I don't think that would fit in my display even if I wanted it.
Hair looks good.
>posts photos of buyfagged item
>called out for spam
Can anyone really be this cerebrally challenged? Either this is bait or someone should've been terminated at birth.
>Don't post images on Sup Forums
Let's ignore him and get back to discussing plastic butts and merchandise. Has anyone preordered pic related?
I'd never use this but it actually looks pretty nice. It's lame that there isn't one for Nico.
>being this new
Just fuck off already.
No, it looks stupid.
No, my mother wouldn't like it.
I did. My dick took full control.
>he fell for the ruse
You're not funny. Stop posting.
He asked for bootlegs, not original figures.
>3 images
>too much
For those of you purchasing artbooks, what's hte average weight/shipping costs of a 250p A4 softcover book?
Fuck how can you say these aren't interesting? I love this shit, wish I had them, especially the keyframe one.
Just get it from amazon, it's like 900 yen.
Reddit tier taste.
i think there's some making off somewhere, you might want to watch that.
sorry kiddo, you're not old enough to post here yet.
Oh they are interesting from a production standpoint and the backgrounds are beautiful its just they lack the oomph of more traditional artbooks. Since one has no coloring and is bare genga its not nearly as pretty as it could be and the other has no characters present in it. To me they just seem incomplete.
I still love them and they were worth backing and having its just i wish they were more fleshed out with more stuff in them.
I like the original better
Why wouldn't I?
Just happy it's finally up for preorder finally. Feels like it's been so long now.
> That bottom left shelf
Every time.
>being new
Here's where you get an email in a few months saying she's been cancelled.
Don't be mean.
What? It makes me laugh every time its posted.
Looks kind of meh, her hair has huge ass seams and her sweater doesn't look like plastic rather than wool.
>doesn't look like plastic rather than wool
Isn't that a good thing? Or did you mess up?
I messed up, I meant it looks like shiny plastic rather than a matt wool
Looks shiny to me even using her in-game shot.
nope, pic related is the lewdest i've ordered so far.
>current year
Got uncensored pictures of this? I'm on the fence.
Any figures of these two?
Any of you buy figures used from people off reddit? I've done it a few times, pretty good results. Some people are fucking retarded on there though.
>20 fucking thousand anime dollars
i'll pass
It's really all on how much you like the character. Seaport is love, so I couldn't pass on getting this at all.
I don't think there is one with both of them together
how would that even work without a reddit account? make one?
I don't think we're going to have to worry about Brexit
The pose is glorious. Wish there were more figures with it.
Got this from Japan figuring that I could sell it to someone who wants it. It's still new and sealed. How much could I get for it?
We've had a 5 yen per £ drop and not much else has changed it seems.
Still, I'm still hesitant to buy things right now because of it.
I saw it, blacked out, and when I woke up I was short 16k and my dick was rock hard.
very good taste
little wish academia?
more like little witch cuckademia, amirite
the real issues for british buyfags might come in about two years. Untill then, nothing actually happend.
I don't think that they will have made every important tradetreaty in time
(you) are not
Why are you telling user to reverse the tilling? It is unlikely that he's a farmer.
>return home after one week of absence.
Holy fucking shit.
Yen's worth skyrocketed so much after Brexit, that I will need to pay additional ~30$ to my pre-orders.
I've been waiting for her to get announced for a long time now but I think 200+ dollars for a single thing is my limit. No way I can justify her unless I sell something to partially pay for her. I have been hemming and hawing over selling my Shamrock for a while now, though. And I guess I don't need bunny Hartmann, regular Hartmann, AGP Hartmann AND nendoroid Hartmann
It depends on whether we succeed in obtaining a special status as a "Partner of the EU" as Germany puts it, or whether we get access to the EU trade but not actually part of the EU like Iceland and Norway. In both of those cases trade will then be relatively unaffected
In the event both of those fail, that is the point at which the economy will probably implode as the UK will now have to re-negotiate trade with the rest of the world. I doubt it will come to that however as that would also cause the EU economy to implode
will Amico show me how much I'm paying in american dollaros when I'm going to make a final payment on a non-preorder or is it just going to show me Yen? I went throug hsteps 1-4 and I'm at the "submit charge" part but I'm still only showing Yen for shipping and amount
If you look at the norway deal you'll notice that norway is still subject to tons of EU regulations and pays into european fonds for the market access without getting a vote. both things that Leave vowed to abolish.
If Leave were actually to deliver on what they promised then the EU would have to treat the UK like some random non-associated country, including border checks, trade tariffs and the like.
Found this fun Wario toy in a comic book shop, fun playing with him and my nendos
Look, I'm not saying go there for entertainment, but I picked up a nendoroid of Sakura and Mami from Madoka Magica for $30 and got a sailor Jupiter for $20. You can get some good deals off some people, unless there's a better place to buy used figures that isn't ebay?
You will receive such a status such as norway, switzerland etc. but it will not be done within the two years. 5 years are a far more realistic guess. and it'll cost the end you will probably pay nearly as mush as if you would still be in the EU (same as the mentiond examples) and for trade with EU countries you'll still have to follow the same rules.
I really don't see the benefits that half of the brits think to see.
It's only going to show in yen, because you're going to be paying in yen. Paypal/your card company will transfer the yen to dollars, but you need to calculate how much it'll be in USD yourself. If you check out through paypal, they'll show you the dollar amount when you pay, if you use a card I assume that you'll just see the amount in your bank statement, depending on the card companies transfer rates.
If you Paypal, wouldn't you be locked into that price?
>place to buy used figures that isn't ebay
geez, if only there were a platform that specialized in figures.
Do tell, because I can't think of any shop in the link.
any chinese seller on ebay is where you'll get a good deal. usually when resellers like amiami no longer accept more of X figure, the chinks will sell whatever is left from their warehouse for a low price to get rid of them
Mom would freak.
Looks like a Brit.
Yeah, but there's also the fear of Bootlegs.
I like it.
Please don't bully the Maki.
I just bought this used from a guy . Being a poorbuyfag is the worst.
Was it worth to buy a cum-drenched figure?