Is the south as nice as it seems ? the north and western states blacks and whites hate each other . in the south is it different and why .
The South
It's pretty good when there's segregation.
White and black mixed events get really rowdy.
Like most parts of the world, some of it is nice and some of it is not.
It's really hot and humid. But southern culture can be super comfy, as long as you avoid places that are full of white trash. If a towns' social center is a wal-mart, avoid at all cost.
Full of dumb, incestual guncucks
Only this part is Northern as fuck due to all the transplants from up North moving here.
I want to drive through this winter to avoid the winter how do you know where to avoid
was there years ago and hated it just seemed like a giant flat swamp . Orlando fuckin sucks balls one big tourist trap
ehhh.....probably be easier to tell you where to go to. Be careful, some of these cities have dodgy areas.
Wow how edgy. No one really dates siblings, it's even illegal I think.
Lived in Atlanta, the blacks are openly hostile and racist against whites, but only sometimes and in some areas. Mostly they are pretty normal there. It's much nicer than NYC, Chicago, Detroit, or Miami. Most blacks are people you could have a conversation with. But a lot of things are segregated. While you can visit the other side now and then and it's welcome, people there mostly stick to their own. Like if you go to a yuppie bar, even though it's liberal, it's seriously 100% white. Every now and then there is a black dude but in a city 78% black, the fact that numerous streets of bars and clubs can be 99% or more white is pretty amazing.
Segregation just works. Our ancestors weren't crazy even if they were rude about it.
The big thing here (GA) is that many neighborhoods are insular and self segregating, nearly every inter-racial neighborhood is either super rich or super rundown.
Avoid white trash, heavy meth areas
Avoid black trash heavy coke areas
You'll be fine faggot have a beer on the porch.
currently living in ATL, anons exactly correct.
Dude, grew up there. Orlando has the best nightlife in the country, maybe there and Miami.
>Dozens of bars, food, and clubs within walking distance
>Not horribly degenerate, well besides the gay bars, but the Muslim bros cleansed that for us.
>giant parties that aren't focused on degenerate shit.
>Very low crime rate
>Can walk around downtown at 3 AM and it's cool, not scary.
With adventure island, theme parks, city walk, numerous concert venues, disney's version of city walk, and the beachs 30 minutes away, Orlando was a great spot to live.
Low home cost, low hurricane risk, low crime rate, awesome stuff to do all the time that other people spend years to vacation at for a few days.
I would be drinking pina colada on the beach like every weekend when I lived there, and got to go clubbing at the best bars in the country on Fridays.
Honestly, what the fuck else do you want from a city?
thanks man saving this
LAfag here, it's decent and as other anons said segregation just happens and when you avoid the trashy areas then it's comfy and nice. Hate the shit out of the weather though, it is indeed humid and hot all the time which is suffering in summer.
Because in the real South, the one outside of big cities and millionaire communities, honor culture is still very much alive. People don't shoot each other over words, usually, but the old policy of talk shit, get hit does wonders for a society's politeness.
Rude nogs like you see in the northeast and the west coast are mostly found in the cities down here, and mostly stick to their own neighborhoods - otherwise they'd be bound by the same rules as the rest of us, like the more respectable blacks in suburbia are. Suburban blacks know the local government isn't going to bend over backwards trying to please them, so they generally don't start shit.
The real wildcard is the spics, since they aren't confined to the cities and suburbs - either they're hardworking family men, or they're homicidal drug dealers. Not much of a grey area with them. Also, be wary of white trash neighborhoods, but that goes without saying.
t. Texasfag
well I was in high school at the time we couldn't drink unfortunately would check back if its really that great
It's pretty good
I like it. Warm weather most of the year, low cost of living, white people are mostly based, Christian types.
The big cities are cesspools though. Lots of non-Whites and their white cuck servants. Go to any shopping mall in a large metro area and you’ll see how demographics are not in our favor.
I love Texas, but I am stuck in Austinfornia. Please get me out of here.
There's too many niggers though, everywhere I look there's a goddamn nigger
It can be pretty good. In cities, blacks are a fucking menace avoid at all cost. In the country they can be pretty good most of the time, but the more mixed your community is the more likely you'll see mud sharking and the death of white southern culture.
growing up in the south in rural, white alabama during the early and mid 90's was god tier.
its boring af dont recommend. its work 5 days a week like any place else then church before the work week begins again so you really only have 1 real day off and if you dont go to church then expect to lose your job because favoritism is the norm
idk, why don't you go to Ape-lanta and tell us what you find?
south is nigger central
oh and a little fyi, the south loves to import gullible non southerners with the attractions being low cost of living low housing costs etc then you move buy a house then a new car and get laid off within 2 years and your house is foreclosed. the banks down here love it the foreclosure rates are the highest in the country and guess what youre now the new underclass because you werent a good goy who went to church or just fuck you because youre not from the south
cause they are all fucking broke, do you like poor people move to the south
>then you move buy a house then a new car and get laid off within 2 years and your house is foreclosed
Social-climbing lower-middle class yankee detected. Have you ever considered not abusing credit to live above your means?
It's great, except for here in southeast Texas the Mexicans are, and will continue to take over until the wall is built and ICE works some overtime.
Otherwise i wouldn't want to be anywhere else
Move to the hill country. It's not crowded out here and you can still get to Austin easily.
I can tell a little bitch from the north when i see one. Like anywhere else it's has loads of rich areas, while some areas are poor. No different from the rest of the country
case in point. if you're not from the south you're just an outsider and southerners regularly stab each other in the back imagine what they feel about someone thats not from their precious south
I used to think the South sucked, then I moved down. That was a decade ago. People are friendly and not as fake as they were up in NY.
What is it about south and white people
>south africa
>south us
>south brazil
really makes you think
Im gonna be near that bbq place next week im going there shit looks good.
the problem is a city to the average southerner is a overgrown town to the rest of the country. the south only has one major city. atlanta
>disney's version of city walk
That shit's dead man, they finished converting Pleasure Island into an outdoor mall to go along with the rest of Downtown Disney. Few of the bars and clubs remain there now.
>South US
I love the South, and have lived here all my life. But it has the most niggers per capita in the US.
I'm not being rude because you're a northerner. I'm calling you out for acting like a fucking idiot and then blaming your problems on the system.
Literally nigger-tier logic. No one forced you to take that loan, friend.
If you think 50% Africa and 50% uneuropeanized European barbaric masonic judaized subhumans is good
the most stds per capita the most crime the most poverty the most obesity the most cancer the most illiteracy the most trashy degenerate retards
the "hill country" is huge. can you be a bit more specific? i am looking to buy a house but the market around austin is so inflated that i'm scared to buy
Fat state worshiping rich worshiping retarded slaves of Jews, if you nuked the south the US kike military would collapse.
texas doesnt deserve to be lumped in with the south. that just implies the south is anywhere near as decent as any place else in the country
I've heard a little saying before but I'm not sure how true it is.
In the North, whites love blacks in theory but hate them in practice.
In the South, whites hate blacks in theory but love them in practice.
The worst enemy of Whites are those that equate the state with whites, "patriots" are worst than communists, they have a cup of water with a drop of poison heresy.
The state is not you, the state is not your interest, the state does not grant freedom, the state can only TAKE AWAY freedo.ñm, it can never grant it.
All that comes with the niggers.
southern society benefits from someone elses misery and black people are the primary source whether its from selling a car to them with 30% interest or approving a loan for them to buy a house knowing they cant afford it or using them as slave labor by locking them up in prison
Has the worst boomers of anywhere, provides consistently shit Republican candidates since they will always win.
They are the people most screwed over by socialized education.
The public schools are pretty bad and the private schools are filled to the brim with posh cunts that like to pretend their station in life has anything to do with them
Niggers ruin it. It would be nice once all the niggers are gone.
>Day of the rope, when?
>slave labor by locking them up in prison
Makes sense, all the funnier seeing as prisons like Angola were former plantations
No it would not, the whites are subhuman judaized brainwashed retards.
Right OP, Missouri and Maryland blacks and whites get along right fine.
if it werent for the south america would be a fucking utopia instead of the cancer that it is to western society
But user, the South is only so shitty because the North rebuilt it like that
It's the US's very own third world shithole. I wish China, Russia and/or North Korea would nuke the fuck out of it.
shouldve sold it back to spain
Americans as in identity seperate from europe Prospers from the devdlopment of European technology with literature but lacks the European culture to reproduce it, favoring non culture which results in cultureless people without their ancestors culture.
>Implying "Reconstruction" had lasting effect
Once we were done pushing their shit in, they tried sum o' dem programs for about 10 years, but reconstruction was called off after Grant left the White House in 1877. After that, the South has been pretty much whatever it wanted to be, apart from a dam or an army base here and there.
The French could've done some nice things too but hey Anglo superiority and all that
The first and second picture is the same nigger, are you telling me she won 1st and 4th
The only thing the Frogs did in the Mississippi Valley was give all the smart city-building Indians French AIDS and destroyed them by plague.
Blacks and Whites in the South (real South, not the big cities) tend not to start shit with each other. The simple reason is we've been living together since the 1700s or whenever our colonies were founded, so it's a lot harder to cause drama with people you've lived with for generations. We know each other enough to know not to start shit. The other reason is as has been mentioned: honor culture. Start shit, get shit. Most people don't have time for shit so there isn't any shit. Rural blacks are actually halfway decent and have jobs or love off the land. Suburban blacks are often from up North and are too scared of southern blacks and southern whites to start shit. Urban blacks from the bigger cities and other urban areas are utter trash, though. Lock your doors and conceal carry around those types.
I live in the suburbs next to Atlanta (Gwinnett). It sucks and doesn't even feel like the south anymore. Maybe if I moved to the mountains it'll be better but I feel the Midwest is a better bet at this point.
Please unhighlight Texas. It's an embarrassment to the other southern states
the french wouldve been worse slavery would still exist
Eh, I meant more that it permanently destroyed the only semi-Aristocratic class that North America had. A lot of Antebellum culture reminded me of upper-class England, albeit with a distinctly American twist. I just hate to see this disappear and be forcefully replaced with niggers, who up until then had a place and purpose. Just my two cents
>Maybe if I moved to the mountains it'll be better
Stay down there flatlander.
I had to go to Atlanta yesterday in the Druid Hills area. Encountered 2 trannies and one faggot whining to some girl about his boyfriend
Oh I see. You actually *like* the Tuckahoes.
France banned slavery in 1794, that's why Haiti exists and is a shithole beyond comprehension. Mind you, Napoleon brought it back for a bit, but still. Yanks and the Brazilians were the last ones to ban it
also that youre both inbred and know youll piss off half the town
the french wouldve stripped the south like they did haiti
Yes I like distinct cultural expression. I don't believe that the universal, bland & meaningless culture of the North was any better
The South hates state intervention you dumb cunt. Compare cucked blue state laws and bureaucracies to ours and you wont look like a dumbass
>stripped Haiti
okay now I have no idea what you're talking about. Haiti is poor because they overthrew their masters (White French) and seized control of the state, creating the first black-majority democracy in the West. The fact that Haiti is indistinguishable from Sierra Leone, Burkina Faso, or the Congo, is not a fucking coincidence
Those cotton snobs weren't expressing culture. They were just too lazy to pick their own cotton or fuck their own husbands.
>Muh northern shithole is better
>BBC cuck meme
Are you an angry black or native? Or just a self-hating white guy?
>Compare cucked blue state laws and bureaucracies to ours and you wont look like a dumbass
Dumbass half the South outlaws beer. You wanna talk about cucked?
Stupid cunt, have you looked at your gun laws? You are almost as disarmed as Europe. Try again cuck
I'm a Cohee and I have utter contempt for nigger choke-fucking coastal "aristocrats". You're a fucking leaf and have pretty much no idea about American culture North, South, or West.
>Stupid cunt, have you looked at your gun laws? You are almost as disarmed as Europe. Try again cuck think NY and CT are "The North"
I had to look up what that meant and it was "non anglo", among others. So again, are you an angry native/black? The "Aristocrats" are all dead and gone, that's my point
>ur a fucin leaf
never heard that one before d00d
Look at Ohio and Marylands laws. They pass anti-gun legislation on a regular basis and you take it without a whimper
>, the blacks are openly hostile and racist against whites, but only sometimes and in some areas. Mostly they are pretty normal there. It's much nicer than NYC, Chicago, Detroit, or Miami. Most blacks are people you could have a conversation with. But a lot of things are segregated. While you can visit the other side now and then and it's welcome, people there mostly stick to their own. Like if you go to a yuppie bar, even though it's liberal, it's seriously 100% white. Every now and then there is a black dude but in a city 78% black, the fact that numerous streets of bars and clubs can be 99% or more white is
So, everywhere there's blue...there's the state's major university. Fucking spoiled college kids.
oh I'm an idiot, I meant to ask if you were a spic as well
I'm from PA, we're nowhere near disarmed. everyone is hasguns, even fucking philadelphians.
>Look at Ohio
What exactly are you referring to?
>oh I'm an idiot
You're really upset that I thought Southern Culture was neat, wow. I was being friendly but you genuinely seem insecure as hell
>I thought Southern Culture was neat
It is. And it has fuck all to do with hoop skirts and imitating Euroscum.
I recommend visiting Daytona. Meet a bunch of Leafs coming down every year for winter. Most of you people are pretty awesome. Just don't try to pretend you only speak French. We fucking know you know English! ha
Any culture in the US is a barbaric culture, created through ignorance, therevis no such thing as American culture.
>Talk shit get hit
>Muh honor culture
Christ southerners are so retarded.
so... black, native, or spic? I'm starting to doubt the first two more and more
Great Lakes would side with Dixie, splitting the two Soviet powers of the West Coast and New England.
It's illegal and no more common in the south than it is anywhere else.