Has anyone been watching question period this week in Parliament? Is anyone paying attention to how Trudeau is about to literally buttfuck our economy in the midst of NAFTA talks?
Has anyone been watching question period this week in Parliament? Is anyone paying attention to how Trudeau is about to literally buttfuck our economy in the midst of NAFTA talks?
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I stopped caring. I'm going to bribe/barter my way out of the country when shit hits the fan.
>I'll probably just end up hanging myself in the woods.
seriously though, your country has gone insane
no. it's a given that nothing good will come of it with weedman in charge
What's the final result from virtue signalling?
Nothing, it's a drug addiction and like all addictions it damages and destroys the host.
Who cares if the economy gets buttfucked, BRO.
Dude, legal weed LMAO!
>Dude, legal weed LMAO!
Trudeau is screwed because previous governments have been cheating on NAFTA, same as Mexico. Chinese content is "deemed" to be in compliance with NAFTA, but all it takes is one guy on the shipping dock with a clipboard to list the Chinese content coming in, and then none of that can be exported to the US as Canadian/Mexican made.
Previous leaffags cheated, and now Trudeau is left holding the bag. Not that he's not an idiot, but he didn't do this.
Canada ain't shit unless you are getting American gibs
Cuckdeau literally said "stay mad white bois" in regards to the Omar Khadr payout, which is a direct fuck you to US vets and the US victims. 100% likelihood that Trump kills NAFTA
Housing meltdown in Toronto will result in a financial crisis by Christmas
Expect Poloz to hyperinflate the loonie with negative interest rate in the 3-5% rate
Stop using words of which you don't know the meaning.
>Expect Poloz to hyperinflate the loonie with negative interest rate in the 3-5% rate
In case anyone was wondering, he's hiking the taxes on small businesses because "the top 1% use incorporation to shelter revenue and avoid paying taxes".
Both him and the finance minister both stand to benefit greatly from this change.
What's even more interesting is the Maritimes are FURIOUS about this change, when they're the idiots who handed them a majority government. Fucking Newfies.
No, you're right, fuck small businesses, and fuck the investors that help them. I don't think you understand just how fragile the Canadian economy is right now.
I can't wait for Trump to kill NAFTA. It's for your own good, you know. Economic collapse is the final ingredient for a revolution. How prevalent is gun ownership in leafland?
This will devastate any entrepreneur. An entrepreneur in leafland isn't an American entrepreneur, where if a burger has a good business model, people rush in with capital because burgers are natural risk takers and entrepreneurs.
Leafs on the other hand are risk averse as fuck and it's impossible to attract canadian capital even from government institutions.
So to survive, an entrpreneur incorporates, which is cheap, $200. Then you only have to pay the small business tax (15%) and can pay yourself out of the corporation via dividends, loans or a small salary. You basically store your wealth in the corporation, and pay for your living costs with capital taken out of the corp.
If you can't do this, you have to pay enormous taxes via personal taxes. In Canada, on income over $100K (which is nothing for a business), you're federal+provincial taxes are 50%, and go as high as 58.75% in Quebec.
So basically the government wants to jack tax rates on small businesses (ie. bar owners, store owners, etc) from 15-20% on already tiny margins to 50%+ and essentially put them out of business
Meanwhile the guy who came up with this and is pushing it, Morneau, himself uses a fucking elaborate tax-sheltering system using offshore Carribean accounts to basically pay no tax himself
>Welcome to LEAFland, where an honest working person gets FUCKED up the ass while refugees live like Sheikhs
>question period this week in Parliament
>question period
Is that what you colonials call PMQs? Are you fucking 12?
I want to kill him.
Literally this. That man is extremely incompetent, with no surprise. A good chunk of his advisors were former advisors to Ontario's Liberals.
canada is easily going to wind up being a threat to my northern border in the next one or two decades
Let's look at an example, a bar owner.
Let's say net annual revenue $621K ($200/day worth of food, $1500/day average liquor sales)
gross profit margin or direct cost of said revenue is $500/day for liquor and $100 for food so $255K
So gross revenue $366K
Now, operating costs. Bar will cost probably $5000/month in rent, so $60K. Hydro probably another $20K/year. Then you need a bartender or two, 1 when it's slow, 2 when it's busy, let's say 1.5 bartenders. Hours 11AM to 3AM when its busy, 11-1AM when it's slow, so 2AM avg. so 15 hours/day, at $20/hour = 300/day + benefits etc so lets say 400. Then you need a line cook, lets say 8 hours a day, 15 an hour, 120/day. Then you need a bouncer (or 3 when it's busy due to regulations), lets say 2, from 8-2AM, 12 hours a day at 15 = 180/day. So just for labour we have 700/day, which works out to $255K
>Gross Revenue: $621K
>Cost of Revenue: $255K
>Net Revenue: $366K
Operating Costs
>Rent: $60K
>Hydro: $20K
>Labour: $255K
>Insurance: $20K
>Phone: $1K/year
>Depreciation (on equipment): $3K
>Amortization: $0
>Total Operating Costs: $359K
>Operating Profit: $7K
Then come taxes...
The owner nets a whopping $600/month, and now they want to tax that away to negative territory
This. Someone just nuke us already before this shit spreads out of control, please.
He's going to get another majority in 2019.
me not leaf. explain.
Still better than Zog
Fuck my shit up. :(
Don't sell vice like a crook kike then.
Rather he burn down Canada than Hand it to Jews.
This was literally Harpers cabinet
>being canadian
>not having 3 backup citizenships
Are you crazy? This house of cards can fall apart any minute.
hmnMRfad is a fed
Trudeau apparently wants to bankrupt the country before he gets voted out.
Just like dadddy before him.
If your business makes $600/month before taxes, income tax isn't your problem.
>now they want to tax that away to negative territory
No they don't. Nobody's going to get charged income tax on a loss, or charged more income tax than income earned. Nor is anyone's genuine earned income (as opposed to income divided up between non-working family members to defeat progressive taxation) going to be reduced to less than a reasonable middle-class salary.
I don't disagree with the principle of doing away with tax loopholes, but they're not lowering taxes in general to make it revenue-neutral, and they're targetting the loopholes used by the middle class rather than those used by the rich. So it more tax on the middle class, particularly the enterprising portion, and that's the problem.
They're not only taking more money, they're focusing on taking it away from the incentive to start a small business.
Liberals are big-business globalists.
I didn't include accrued liabilities in that analysis (withheld taxes on salaries, withheld sales tax etc). Bar owners live on their lines of credit, when they have good years they pay it off otherwise they eat the astronomical interest costs as well..
In Canadian tax law there's already the concept of tax equality, I forget the accounting term for it, but basically there is no benefit to incorporating in order to reduce your personal income. If there's one thing that the CRA is good at it's making sure the average joe can't game them (the rich they rarely go after because they have tax lawyers and the amount the CRA has to spend on lawyers to prosecute a case usually doesn't justify the tax amount evaded). The CRA usually just nails an average low-IQ joe who fucked up some line (who can't afford a tax lawyer) and gives him a jail sentence with some fine that's double what's owed and makes it front page news on its site to scare others.
Basically what they're going to do, from what I understand, is treat small business incorporators like a sole proprietor, so they will disallow tonnes of business deductions used to generate revenue etc to get the "net income" up on paper and then tax it at personal income rates (50% at $100K CAD+, etc). Which is complete and utter bs, and a blatant tax grab
The libs are fucked economically, the deficits will grow and grow as the economy gets fucked from the housing bubble bursting, NAFTA getting blown the fuck up, people not wanting to invest in a country where political tensions are going to steam up etc.
So let's say a small business makes $100K EBIT on paper as a corporation, the small business tax (revenue
Popularity is dropping as we speak.
scheer madness
I'm still sad we didn't end up with Mad Max, though.
trudeau fears the scheer. he makes trudeau ooks like a buttflustered pussy.
you gotta get over the mad max thing.
I stopped paying attention since Trudeau let in at least 9000 syrians, I know then I have to vote him out no matter who the alternative is.
It has only gotten worse since then, bruv.
He could've brought English and French Canada together. It would've been magical. He was #1 in the election up until the very end. It took literally every other candidate to die off before Scheer could beat him. The guy had good bants, too.
this real?
I haven't seen much criticism of Castro's son outside of right-wing pages.
Yeah. Here's the source: poll.forumresearch.com
kek on that jewbook post
>tfw you lose because even though way more people preferred you as their first choice, more people preferred the other guy as a last choice
threadly reminder reminder that ranked ballots are fucking bullshit
Pretty sure Trudeau is actually creating a real physical buttocks for our economy so that he may insert his penis into it. I think it was one of his campaign promises next to dude weed lmao.
what is trudeau's plan when he has to renegotiate nafta with trump? If trump doesn't like the new nafta deal then trump will leave nafta so i am interested on how trudeau is going to save nafta
>what is trudeau's plan when he has to renegotiate nafta with trump?
Probably offer to suck his dick, and then when that fails he'll steal a few billion dollars from our government and flee to China.
come on surely you have heard trudeau mention something about renegotiating nafta with the burgers?
He's "taking it really seriously" and has a team ready. They'll get fucking destroyed because Trump has an army of the most ruthless Jews in the world ready to unleash on us the second the negotiations open up and Trudeau is the man who decided a bunch of Africans with fans were the best possible team to handle a massive province destroying wildfire.
what's that saying about glass houses again, Ahmed?
But dude he obsessively trolls around pride parades looking for ethnic cock because he's too spineless to just break up with his beard, he's the progressive we need
Justin gave a terrorist who openly committed high treason 10 million dollars for past hardship.
No wonder the rest of the world loves him so much, who wouldn't want to negotiate against a wet napkin?
This is who is in charge of renegotiating NAFTA.
Chrystia Freeland, Minister of International Trade, Foreign Affairs Minister
>BA in Russian Studies, Masters in Slavonic Studies
>career prior was as a journalist
>as a journalist criticized Russia's "brutality" in dealing with the Chechens
>got banned from Russia and was fucking proud of it
>called the democratically elected Viktor Yanukovych's presidency illegitimate and supported his ousting
>supported the Maiden protests
>supports the new Ukrainian government
>blames Putin for Ukraine's current state
>called on Canada to ban travel from the previous ukrainian government's officials
>called on Canada to confiscate personal assets owned by previous ukrainian government's officials and their families
>thinks Angela Merkel is a good politician
>thinks antagonizing/opposing Putin are good ideas
>is a self-professed globalist
>has met with George Soros several times and highly regards him
>believes that in order to work in public affairs/public policy you need to think in international context because national boundaries are too narrow
>cried on camera when the Canada-EU trade deal wasn't going her way
>made a serious fool on Bill Maher's show
It gets worse.She wants to renegotiate with a focus on gender equality, LGBT rights - in particular trans rights, cultural sensitivity and climate change. She has already demanded the U.S. pass “a federal law stopping state governments from enacting right-to-work legislation“.
In other words we're gonna get deep dicked.
The fuckin dairy farmers got so assblasted they joined the conservative party *just* to vote against him.
Literally, the only candidate even talking about reducing immigration, fucked because milk would've gone up a dollar.
Fuck dairy farmers and fuck neocon cucks that voluntarily threw Canada away to the kikes.
you guys are fucked.