>thinks he's Christian
>is a white nationalist
Either you're one or the other. You can't be both.
Thinks he's Christian
Why do people use that feel character for a woman? They dont have deep realizations that trigger that level of feelirinos. Da fuck.
I'm a white christian nationalist, and there's many more. What are you, some type of pagan/atheist faggot?
This. Cuckstianity is universalist religion and middle-eastern one.
This desu
I can do whatever the fuck I want you commie bastard
We got many white nationalists here in America who will defend our christian roots. And we don't want to unite with you little forest elf thor fags. Go make some runes or something faggots.
What if I'm a nationalist who happens to be white?
Op is both
God created the nations separate. God created peoples separate.
It is doing God's work to keep them that way.
It just dawned on me that the Chimeras mentioned in the bible are trannies..... fucking abominations
>American flag
>anti-christian view
Why I'm not surprised.
When you have no heritage and culture besides being "white" and you have fuck ton of weird forms of christianity in your country see:mormons, of course you are going to hate it. Please ignore the fact that christianity was a main the main reason for unification to fight against the turks.
Lies. We are united in spirit for those who choose to be united in and accept Christ. We are not united in the flesh.
Amen. Anti-christian pagans get your ass back to europe and Larp about pillaging some villages like your great viking ancestors. White niggers.
>hanging someone (even if you think they're sub-human) on a tree so they die a slow painful death and cheering it all on is doing God's work
The point of my post is that you can't really follow a religion that has a huge basis on being compassionate and caring for other people when your political beliefs imply the opposite. Don't call yourself a Christian it you aren't one.
We can call ourselves whatever we damn well please.
guys. why the fuck do you actually post in obvious fucking bait threads. you guys are all fucking cancer.
""White nationalism" is a controlled brand
Plus most of these dumb fucks are left wing progressives without realising it. One of the reasons they dislike Islam is because ""wimminz rigjts". Their political knowledge is dumb anyway.
Not to mention that white isn't even a fucking race, but instead just a spectrum broad term , and a buzzword for the left
ask your local priest
which is more preferable to marry, a christian of different race or a non christian of the same race?
You haven't read my two pictures, have you?
>any discussion apart from circlejerking is bait XDDD
Yeah. We'll call it "The United States of America". It'll be wonderful.
Seriously can all you filthy minorities just leave my beautiful country?
well, the people were all one nation until mesopotamia tried build the tower of babel and get to the heavens.
I gave you the chance to know the truth.
>Everyone is equal before God
>It is self evident that groups of people are different
>Christians must therefore believe everyone is valued the same by God
>They are under no obligation to believe that differing groups of people can coexist peacefully
>It pleases God to leave peacefully with our neighbors
>Making your neighbors your race accomplishes this for all groups
>Christians can therefore be white nationalists
1/10 you made me respond
Most of the people persecuting my race all have mixed-race mongrel features like big lips, noses and black eyes. I was just thinking that when I saw a thread about 'gun chick' and then behold I see this thread attacking white nationalism.
Really makes you think.
Fucking Googles and Skypes made me make a typo
*Live with
The tower of Babel showed that God intended us to not be able to work with other races peacefully
Genesis 3:15 And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.
Do you believe that means what you're talking about?
Nationalism is loving your nation
Christianity is loving humanity, basicly international communism
Wrong. If that was the case, Europe would have ceased to exist as long as it has.
The current example of Christianity is flawed in retrospect to that of the past and is another animal entirely. There is no need to throw the baby out with the bathwater.
When the tower of Babel was built God said that humans would be too tempted to try to reach God so he separated them.
That would imply God doesn't want us to have the ability to work together in perfect harmony.
Jesus says to render unto caesar, he never says dismantle your nation. He says to actively help it.
I'm more interested in the reason why God's enemy is trying to genocide white people. As if there's something important about the 'seed' of our people.
Oy vey shut it down.
I am both
suck it
That might be one of the cringiest pics i have seen in a while, much more cringe than leftist stuff ofc, because it seems bad by Sup Forums standards.
That's about controlling the population. When you rob a people of their history and race, they will have less reasons to get uppity.
pagans cant meme
WTF! now i love 'Evolutionary Creationism'. who knew? it's exactly like the magic sky wizard delegated duties to nature and biology so he could focus on the larger projects, except different; amirite?
>isn't it great to have a National Globalist in a leadership position?
Go back to pray to your little rabbi
It'll be ok, user
All religions are universal you dumb fuck.
>Hurr our gods created only our patch of earth and all you foreigners are just make believe!
YOu can be both. Pic related faggot.
Jesus said, “My kingdom is not of this world. If it were, my servants would fight to prevent my arrest by the Jewish leaders. But now my kingdom is from another place.” John 18:36
I am a dual citizen.
Adam was the first white man
The Bible is white
>All religions are universal
LMFAO yeah whatever Shlomo
>neopagan intellectual Varg says nationalism is Christian so should therefore be avoided
>neopagan intellectual De Benoist says monotheists literally created racism
>neopagan intellectuals on Sup Forums say the opposite when confronted with nationalist Christians
I've figured out what kind of game you tards are playing, it's called 'Christians did literally everything wrong ever'. There's no fixed standards or objective truth here, and neopagans are always on the 'right side' even when one idiot thinks the opposite of someone else. If tomorrow our friend Varg decides he doesn't like bananas he will make Christianity the scapegoat once more, "why should Nords eat tropical fruit? This is evil stuff, the food of the negro, and the Christians are responsible for introducing this into our diet, because they hate White fruit"
This is from the book Hitlers table talk which I am currently reading. There are dozens of quotes along these same lines, hitler really despised christianity as the book burning bolsheviks of the Roman Era.
He even stated that after the world war his next big task would be to rid natsoc germany or christianity and replace it with something else. He does recognize the need for people to be spiritual and does not like atheists either. There are multiple times he speaks highyly of the Romans and their gods. I suppose this explains his choice of symbology too.
Mormons are great though
k try saying that in literally any church in america, or find any pastor willing to say that, anyone ever. No christian will agree with you except some larpers on Sup Forums. Meanwhile, you can find many (even normie) pagans who will say that only their ethnic group can practice their religion.
By all means try and reconcile your belief in a religion that somehow only applies within an area of a few thousand square miles!
christcucks B T F O
Redpill coming through
>current christianity, ealrier christianity
The raw idea of christianity is a fucking deathcult.
Europe didnt suicide because people missused the religion.
Why does the church AND christians support nigger "helping" charitys
Table talk is fucking bullshit leaf.
The "misuse" of the religion was the religion and can be again.
>vikings killing monks who literally did nothing to antagonize anyone ever
muh strawng anzesterz!
>crusaders killing hordes of violent uncivilized savages and bringing them salvation, out of love.
evil nasty violent kektianitians! reeee!
Of course you can trap people into this if you consider everyone that isnt a bleeding heart progressive to be a "white nationalist" or you consider white nationalism and white supremacy to be the same thing.
I'm going to assume you're a troll and arent actually that stupid and came here fresh from Facebook.
All the sources are Wikipedia.
I meant that the power games, and "imperialism" isnt christian
...we europeans are worthless...we need a jew made religion to be great...by ourselves we are nothing, pathetic shit. Scum. Praise Rabbi Yeshua bar Josef and Yahweh.
*bends the knee*
*submits meekly*
*lets based chrisitian nigger fuck daughter*
*gives wealth to the poor nonwhite christians*
*seeks salvation in next life and lets earthly matters decay*
>Meanwhile, you can find many (even normie) pagans who will say that only their ethnic group can practice their religion.
Have you really? Because the few I've met IRL were total SJWs. The larger community seems to be the Heathens Against Hate crowd, and on the other side you only have MacNellen and a few others. The ones in Iceland are extremely pozzed too, they support gay marriage and other shit
Also you may want to look up Proposition 127
>exterminating people out of love
kek, sound just like the communist SJWs of today. truly christianity is anti-white
Nor was Christianity opposed to either of those things at the time.
Declaration 127*
That wasn't my argument. I never argued modern christianity or modern paganism had moral superiority. You guys always try to bring it back to morality and desperately avoid the universalist argument. I said, let me repeat, christians are all universalists, most pagans are not.
As for morality, christianity is jus as pozzed, both faiths are succumbing to modernity in that regard. But you christians value being anti-gay more than being white so many of you are beyond hope
You become an ethnic nationalist because you love all humans and want what's best for them. Multiculturalism serves death and is not compatible with Christianity, it's an instrument of Satan.
>The source is an opensourced encyclopedia that is generally accurate. Usually Providing other sources and citations fir claims that may need further examination.
>clearly I have an argument because "anybody" can write anything.
You people would piss on the argument if the claim was that peanutbatter has nuts in it. And the source was wikipedia.
>christiancuck mental gimnastics
feels like the Nicea Counciles all over again, when will christfags be consistent?
>Meanwhile, you can find many (even normie) pagans who will say that only their ethnic group can practice their religion.
and they're idiots.
If they genuinely believe in their gods then they recognize the fact that their gods are autonomous entities with free-will. Who on Earth are they to speak for the gods?
Especially when their tales are rife with their gods making compacts with all manner of entities.
>their god bargains with trolls and dwarves
>somehow won't listen to fucking niggers
Get real.
This. If God believed in "Love thy neighbour", and in mixed communities, Heaven and Hell would not be distinct concepts, they would be one.
>Christians are universalist
This doesn't negate racial realism.
It means that Christianity is applicable to all men.
>paganism is not universalist
According to whom? All humans are related by blood if you go back far enough. Where do we draw the line?
If you draw the line by the time Europeans became distinct, then you let Arabs in( related to Europeans via Neolithics).
You draw it later, then you draw the line so late that Europeans had already been worshipping Christ for half a century.
Every European is related from 1200 AD. The Spaniards and Swedes are related by blood and descent from the same people since 800.
There is no such thing as a truly "blood religion" anymore. Paganism was never a religion either.
the feel character is called a wojack fyi
>The Norse who had been raiding the Saxons for years somehow found a new kinship with them and attacked the Saxons (English) for the crimes of the Franks
>That wasn't my argument. I never argued modern christianity or modern paganism had moral superiority.
I didn't think you were arguing that, but okay
>I said, let me repeat, christians are all universalists,
You throw the word universalist around but what do you even mean? That Christianity isn't for one particular race like Judaism? Let me ask you then - is Buddhism universal? Hinduism? Shinto? The way you go on it sounds like somewhere along the way neopagans picked up this Jewish idea of racial religion, which is unknown even to actual pagans
But wars are fought because of imperialism, I think christianity is opposed to that, judging by the christians I have talked to
>greatest king at the time puts some savages to death
>savages get mad
> destroy some villages and rape some innocents
"yeah that's gotta show that evil Charlemagne!"
how many books were taken out of your Holy Bible you fags?
Christianity is about loving Christ not humanity. Humanity is too degenerate. I was looking through an old Roman Catholic Catechism and it mentioned that you're suppose to treat man like God would in different degrees. It said that promoting your nation rather than others is behaving orderly
You are the ones redefining history to suit political motivations. You don't believe in objective truth, morality, logic, documented history or science. The whole movement is pure postmodernist subversion, your greatest allies are communists, jews and afrocentrists. Anyone claiming to be a pagan on here probably isn't, it's just an excuse to promote postmodernism, nihilism and lack of personal responsibility.
>You can't be both.
Or what? You gonna call the police?
you have to go back
>humanity is sent out to spread civilization across the world
>immediately gathers together instead
>devotes its energy towards creating a giant tower
>God smashes the tower and then scrambles the people's languages so that they are forced to disperse
So clearly what we should do is intermix all of these people again so that we can go back to building vain monuments. If we didn't conclude that then we'd have to concede that Christianity is nationalistic or something.
Why are pagans such anti-christian faggots? I would rather have an agnostic friend over one of you toxic barrels of trash.
While I generally agree with you. God does believe in love thy neighbor, but he also believes in love thyself, and destroying your nation to appease the world is not "love thy neighbor" nor is it "love thyself", it is ethnic and spiritual suicide, and there is nothing more anti-Christian than suicide.
A nation's border is its skin, and the body can't survive without skin. God would NEVER command a Christian civilization to destroy their own borders. Loving humanity does not mean accepting all of humanity into your home.
You can love minorities while helping to improve their lives in their OWN countries. Just because the spirit takes precedence over the body, that doesn't mean that the body doesn't matter.
based hungarian
The word hueman doesn't appear in the bible.
You're right, and I agree with you.
Why are Christians so anti-white?