Is dieting violence?

She makes a good case.

She can do whatever the fuck she wants. Just don't complain if no man wants to pork her crumbling ass.

No she doesnt

Laziness is violence

I bet she makes a better sandwich

>Bitch can't even look at herself while she's taking taking the selfie

is she taking a shit or just squeezing out a fart?

I want to do violent sex to the fat miss peggy

people like this poster are the problem. no matter how fat and disgusting these sluts get theres always some desperate retard willing to fuck them

when the fuck did women start thinking that sloth lack of discipline are good

it's like women lack onto every negative character trait and try to turn them positive

god forbid they fucking take care of themselves and not turn into huge piles of shit

i work out like a motherfucker because i know that people judge you based on appearance

you automatically get less respect if you are fat and out of shape

women need to wise the fuck up