Ask a genetically thuggish, uncivil, shitskin, low IQ, subhuman, nig-nog living in the UK anything
Anonigger here, AMA
serious genuine decently intentioned question - how deep is the self-hatred in teh african american community. how deep is the inferiority complex? whites notice it. when you are freaking out about being called words you don't like and stuff, to us we tend to see it as "insecurity" and "self-hatred" acting out. and i'm fairly certain that in this case i'm even speaking for many of the non-racist, non-alt-righters.
and i'm DEF speaking of the liberals, who actually have the lowest opinions of blacks of ANY white group, they just won't admit.
What's your favorite frosty beverage? I like Rolling Rock, DosXXX, and Stella.
What is your favorite movie and why is it Attack the Block.
Show hand
Fried chicken is fucking delicious. Can't ever hate for that.
First off, I was raised in South Africa and moved here, so not sure about African Americans.
I wouldn't call it self-hatred, but I'd definetly say, that there is a sort of acknowledgment of how shit other African countries have become and are becoming as a result of black African rule. Not all African leaders obviously.
Also, I wouldn't term "self-hatred" as getting offended by racist words. I in particular hardly take offence to them, but most black people would take offence for obvious reasons
Don't drink alcohol unfortunately
Hardly watch movies now. I can remember the Book Thief being a good one
Nuffins of a dindu
My nigger
Why don't you get out?
what is like to practice zoofilia with British women?
That I shall not do.
Have to take it on phone and then send to laptop
Why do you always say ask as arks? Is it because niggers cannot grasp the English language?
Because I was born here and moved back to study A-levels? Also I love the city I live in. Splendid people, also has a good university I'm trying to get into
Oh boy, I guess I'm the animal in the 'zoophilia' part then?
I don't know hey, it's a pretty linguistic thing of west africans (Cameroon, Nigeria, Ghana etc)
And to be perfectly fair, a fair few native English people where I live don't speak the language properly either.
I think that was the joke
How are you doing user? I hope you have a great day.
Why can't you and your people Make Africa Great Again?
Damn, well I feel dumb now
Can you tell how to get with Kate beckinsale?
The same to you user, have a splendid weekend!
Seriously question though, if you really are black, what is it like to be fed, housed, educated, fostered, supported, nurtured, and simultaneously feared and reviled in the white country that you occupy? Do you ever get angry about the fact that your ancestors failed you?
You could have just said "British"
Why you larp
LARPing fag
I'm telling you guys, there are honestly people, tens or hundreds of thousands, who want to make Africa great again, I'm not just saying that as a meme.
Thing is, it's extremely tough when you have dictators violating human rights and screwing elections every damn election cycle, frightening people to leave in the first place.
British women are pretty gross though
You said dick
>Implying I know who this woman is
I'll get back to you with an absolutely chad response user, promise
I have to take a picture on my phone and send it to my laptop. I'm responding to everyone else
Will you go back and try to make Africa great?
How does it feeling being such a pathetic creature? Would you convince other niggers to move to africa?
Some of my ancestors were white. My paternal grandmother and her lineage is all white. And as far as I'm concerned, my father and his father before him have worked hard to provide their sons with all that they have and need. I'm not concerned about an entire race in that regard.
Bro don't you think Paul Kagame is based? He is loved by his country, he wins like 90-95% of the vote each election. African has functioning democracies, you guys just need to run the right candidates.
Do you retards even try to be subtle anymore when youre larping?
Sage and hide shitty threads. Dont let bad trolls continue getting (you)s, make them work for it.
I've given and still continue to give it great thought. If anywhere it would probably be to South Africa, where I grew up for 17 years
How many posts until he "off-handedly" mentions his white girlfriend, I wonder
Not OP, but I would love for nothing more than for Africa to get its shit together. It's the continent with my favorite animals and overall just feels primal. If I could go there and be in a civilized society while being surrounded by nature, I would have no problem going there, to live even.
I'm quite enjoying my patheticness, thank you.
If they want to move back, they can.
In the u.s. melanin apparently goes for $130 per gram. What does that equate to in tonnes or kilos or whatever you bongs use for currency? Also /r/ time stamedp photo of your palm. Good'ay mate
Wow, never even heard of Kagame before. Thank you user, I think you certainly have a point there
Don't have a girlfriend. I wouldn't mind nor care is she was white as I honestly do view them in the same light as black women and women of other races.
Black Brits are in many cases more civilized than Americans. They dont cling to their skincolour as much as American niggers do.
What do you do for work/study?
How do I extract my melanin bruh?
Post hand, or else I wont believe you
Alight, alright fine. You'll get your timestamp in a minute.
Michael Jackson died figuring this one out
Apparently can only be done postmortem without ancient kangz ayylmao pyramid power l33t russian haxxor technology
No they need to move there as do you and you should be doing everything you can to get them to move
I have a question:
Well Shheeeeiiittt
I hear axe
And why is that my good friend?
Fuggg. But seriously if I were a nigger I think id kill myself no joke
Indeed. And what if I told you that racemixing was degenerate?
Absolutely gobsmacked at such a question mate
>implying my low IQ stupidity knew you culd extract melanin
do you like grime
This comment provides me with much comfort and self-security user
trim those nails my diverse friend.
No need to scratch up /our/ white women like an old LP on a turntable
But I love you
Nope. Not a fan of any particular music.
what do you believe about the theory that says ancient egyptians were black?
You should see some of the nails of the guitar players at my college
Post bbc now.
Ok but a real question how did you wind up on pol why are you on pol and do you think the nigger hate is just a meme?
If you were a nigger you'd have an immense sense of self pride and accomplishment for absolutely no fucking reason.
Haven't researched it myself but I don't buy it
Oh shit, you werent trolling! I find it hard to understand why someone who isn't white would visit Sup Forums. Doesn't it get tiring to see so much racism towards your race here? What kind of political views do you have and do you consider yourself as different than most other black people?
As long as it's just a 'nice idea', it won't happen. Caring is doing.
Well yeah and id lack the intelligence and self awareness to realize what a sack of shit I was but I guess I wish that id be smart enough to suicide
Are you ashamed of black U.K. (((Culture)))?
Oh yeah. I know for a fact that the nigger hate threads aren't just a meme. It's probably a real thing. meh
Also, I kind of like Sup Forums. It was ever since they started trolling Shia LaBoeuf and Sherlock Holming Antifa memebers that i started to explore this place more often. Kinda used to the racism now but there are threads where genuinely interesting things are talked about that isn't just pepe and wojak and other memes
You seem like a cool guy. Sadly most Africans in the US are quite degenerate compared to Africans in the UK.
I feel similar to you as I'm mixed race (White and Asian), and I'm also hated in the Sup Forums community
Honest question, why don't blacks trim their fingernails? It's that way in America too. Why?
I was raised in South Africa to west african parents and moved here a year ago I don't associate myself with people who do criminal things or behave in a criminal manner. Hell, If I saw a pack of those guys right now I'd veer of into the opposite direction.
Have you seen stats here like pic related and thought yeah these people have a reason to consider niggers inferior or at least bad for society?
Or do you think it's all bs and nigs are just the same as whites and asians?
The same reason they don't shower or work or dress well or strive for anything. They literally have 0 ambition and 0 self awareness
Don't live in America so I can't speak for them.
Honestly, I don't notice that kind of thing. I do recognize that black people's nails are marginally longer, but once again, not something most people pay attention to
Why are so many black people getting involved with ISIS and other gangs? It's very disproportionate when compared to other groups of people.
>can't save the image because that requires an IQ above 60
>I'll just screen shot it on my phone instead
Hi nigger
I legit love Thomas Sowell. Why cant more blacks (and whites) be like that guy? Also who do you look up to? Cheers
It actually is something most humans notice. Animals don't
Yeah. I've kind of noticed this whole culture of "yeah yeah, my nigger my nigger" drug and gang crime lifestyle is prevalent in the african american community. Obviously not all black Americans are like that, but it's the slight majority that give a bad name for the rest
Hi friendo.
Also, I just found that on google images.
Guess I'm an animal then
Whites are set to be a minority in every country they ever called home. How happy does this make you?
Digits check out
>no timestamp
nigger pls
You sir, just restored my faith.
As long as you don't destroy British culture and follow the law, good on you.
Don't ask me friendo. I may not know much about him but if there was any prominent figure that I wanted people to emulate, I'd want everyone to emulate them, not just blacks
You've got the date buddy
That's a question that demands a sort of long answer from me. I'll respond when I'm done with the smaller comments
Are you a muslim? I have no problem with you being dindu but if you are muslim get fuck out of this board.
Get off pol faggots go to rebbit for your based dindu fag shit