Kraut/pol/ - AfD General - Gott Strafe England Editon

- News
>Petry and her husband leave the AfD
>Gauland and Weidel elected leaders of the AfD Bundestag group
>Seehofer struggles to maintain power in the CSU
>Nahles wants to hit opponents "in the face", no outcry by MSM
>Kurz gets BTFO by Strache in one-on-one debate (who'd have thought?!)
>Denmark posts soldiers to checkpoints at German border
>Hussein K. trial continues, new outrageous statements

>15.10.2017 Regional election in Niedersachsen
>15.10.2017 Austrian legislative election

>AfD Basic Program's list of contents (in english)
>AfD's Basic Program (in German)

>AfD MEP on Trump's victory
>60 Genders - AfD's Steffen Königer gives the Greens a Reality Check
>AfD pro-Syria on FB: "Merkel must go!"

>Meme Collections 2.0
postimg org/gallery/18y2lj7ka/

>Einzelfall-Map (Isolated cases - crime map)

>Resources from the 2016 election

>WTF is going on with German politics? (in english by google translate)

>Angela Merkels downfall will come (english language by Zeit de)

Other urls found in this thread:

Do the math now for America and Britian, it's even higher. Germany is actually way behind the average.

Of course much of that traffic goes to Sup Forums and other boards that are not necessarily Sup Forums in their beliefs. I've seen data that Sup Forums gets around 1/6th of Sup Forums's total traffic. Of course many people visit occasionally without hanging around, so the boards footprint is actually much larger

Also this data was before the trump election, so it's probably higher now. Sup Forums traffic has absolutely surged since then
You can check the traffic of most of the boards here:


>Gott Strafe England Editon

No more brother wars, you fucking LARPing faggot.




why did Petry left the party?

>They problem of this guys is that, the girls choose an german or german born (like turkeys or sth) over such refugee guys.

Them going with Turks or paper Germans is bad enough, mongrelization is the end goal.

Because she's giving birth to Martin Schultz' child



Sup Forumss polling of the german election is never not going to impress me


she was a carrier politician, just like her husband, who didn't get things the way they wanted them
some anons actually predicted this a couple of months ago and i turned it down as utter bullshit
welp, mommy is gone for good i suppose, still sad

With how many people in the previous thread were dreaming about a Germanic Union, another war between European countries is pretty much a given.

I can't wait

>With how many people in the previous thread were dreaming about a Germanic Union, another war between European countries is pretty much a given.


What are you talking about??

The Anschluss of Austria and Swiss is no reason for another world war, you fucking shill.

All we want is our land back

>I can't wait
Obviously. You're American. When has the US not gained from war in Europe? I can't think of any such time.

I heard a different theory. Two parties are needed to make an Ausschus so they fake this split as nobody else would like to work with the Afd.

Don't you understand my friend? We are bred to fight. It's in your blood

Can you feel the heart pounding in your chest, the testosterone surging in your blood? The sound of mighty footsteps, the clash of shields and swords?
This is who we are

What up mates. I am going to the gym. Will finish my bachelor of science soon. Then i will get a woman and children.

What are you doing?

>The Anschluss of Austria and Swiss is no reason for another world war
It is a reason for another European war though. You can also bet your ass that every non-European power will get involved in Europe in case of a war since they stand to gain from it.

>All we want is our land back

Don't you think there are other priorities, you LARPing faggot?!

We got to cleanse Europe first from every muslim invader.
When this is done we can continue with our stupid brother wars, but first we got to fucking cleanse Europe.

What makes you think I don't understand? My whole point from the start was that
>no more wars among "brothers"
rings hollow.

A purge is done within 12 months with the right government we need to think bigger

Genociding muslims should fullfill your needs.
But stop this stupid brother war bullshit, you fucking LARPing faggots.

>we need to think bigger

Stop LARPing, what do we gain from this bullshit?!

>all outer-space is free for the taking
>crave patches of dirt on Earth with 0 resources instead
Ah, Romantics...

Yes, but at the end of the day, they are nothing.
We are only a threat to each other

European's conquered the Inca with 1 warship and a hundred soldiers. Conquered their entire civilization
Our power is overwhelming

good if true, but i currently wouldn't count on it, there has always been a known conflict between Petry and Höcke wanting to run things differently
both, she and her husband, are keeping their mandates tough so nobody really knows, could be something, could be nothing, time will tell

>Our power is overwhelming

So go for China and Africa, but leave the old Europe alone, you warmongering fucks.

>heart pounding
>testostorone surge
>migth footsteps
>total war trailers
lel. come back when you have cleaned your own house.

So you say. Maybe the globalists have a point after all. Maybe nationalism is the Great Filter. You sure seem more excited about killing "brothers" than conquering alien planets.


just went to a bar and saw 1 nigger wearing cheaply made lederhosen when i stood outside for a cig

of course this guy has been sorrounded by 3 german girls because "aaawwwwww the negro is so dang cute in this/we are so iunique attention whores"

why is my city such a infested shithole?
partying and drinking is for degenerates
i will spend my night on pol

Firebombing civilians and not being able to finish a war against goatherders and rice farmers doesn't sound like good fighting to me, Amerilard.

>just went to a bar
normies raus

i think the minority want this, we want at least to keep europe clean or clean again.
This what the Identitären all over Europa are doing.
A quote for immigrants, and just import immigrants, who are wealth for german, a quote for refugees. And this should be all over Europa. That the main culture ("Leitkultur") in the european countries is saved. The big problems are the fuckrate of the african population and their growth, because they are stupid and dont prevent pregnancy. Furthermore the aids of the Islam, the minority of islam is for revolution and keep the religion as part of their lifes, but the most just follow it blind and some of them follow it extreme, this guys are the problem, because they see every other believer as an enemy.
Go steps backwards and make borders and more duties and controls would be not rational and against developement.
The big threats are from the middle east and africa. And we need defend Europa against those threats. But it is atm not working because leftist politicians, except in the eastern countries.

Coalburners and roachburners get the bullet too.

The greeks fought each other, and it made them powerful.
We Europeans fight each other and it's what makes us so powerful

I really cannot imagine a future where we are free from war, it's so exciting, so invigorating, and so necessary. The test that proves the mettle of the man, the thing that forges nations, and defines a people.

You could say that modern society is rotting because of a lack of this necessary bloodletting

I mean we doesn't want a war between european states, my first sentence is wrong. Why start a war against buddies, if the threats are somewhere else.


a nigger in Lederhosen is the least Bavarian thing i can think of
and i am pretty certain its against the law

better than the wiesn here
THAT is degeneracy
all the time i looked at them i imagined their faces when the cattle transporter starts rolling

yes, in the future we'll have to stage wars that limit the battlefield, and the technology available to use. And keep civilians out of it.
But we as men need this

>We Europeans fight each other and it's what makes us so powerful

Go back to school, you LARPing faggot.

And try to understand history, Jesus christ.

The Ancient Greeks are dead for well over 2000 years now.

Bazis raus!

>A quote for immigrants, and just import immigrants, who are wealth for german,

That would only be other NW Euros, everyone else is pretty much a loss. Those people also have nice countries to live in so in effect we'd have close to 0 immigration, fine by me.

>And this should be all over Europa. That the main culture ("Leitkultur") in the european countries is saved

Culture is downstream from genetics, if you want European culture you need Europeans. Ideally though we want Dutch, French, German, Spanish, etc. culture so we need Dutch people in the Netherlands, French people in France, etc. None of this civic nationalism bullshit that's going to result in a grey blob of consumers like the USA has right now.

>The big problems are the fuckrate of the african population and their growth, because they are stupid and dont prevent pregnancy. Furthermore the aids of the Islam, the minority of islam is for revolution and keep the religion as part of their lifes, but the most just follow it blind and some of them follow it extreme, this guys are the problem, because they see every other believer as an enemy.

Islam is sort of prevalent for us but I wouldn't want migration by Indians or Chinese either. Everyone deserves his homeland.

i wonder they aren't any rapes at the wiesen, very quiet around there, heard at least nothing from the newspapers

It is though. As much as we Swiss-Germans love our Germanic familiy, we also love our Swiss-French and Swiss-Italian brothers. Many Swiss-German like me would rather die alongside their Swiss brothers than to give up the sovereignty of Switzerland. Freedom or death.

>i wonder they aren't any rapes at the wiesen, very quiet around there, heard at least nothing from the newspapers

No one is going there, they are all afraid of Trucks of peace driving there.

The evolutionary process that took place in Europe was basically a competition for who could create the best nation-state

That's why white people love status, power, heirarchy. That's why men love the idea of fighting monsters, and carrying out orders.
That's why Europeans are so adept on the battlefield

This is what we evolved to be really really good at, winning battles and winning wars. This is how we succeed.
In a rotting world where economic success is the defining measurement, jews win. In a world where your ability to garner sympathy and have a high birthrate is the measure of success, Africans win.

Don't deny who you are, and what you evolved to be

Gutentag mein fellow Krauts! Dat bratwurst ist gut, am ich right? Mein leblingsband ist der rammstein ja. Das anglo ist kaupt! huhuhhuhuuhuhuhhuu

But the Greeks didn't fight each other when they were invaded by Sandniggers. That's when they bound together and set their differences aside. Now it's not the time for fighting between Europeans.

this year something changed
i saw hundreds and hundreds of fat chinese guys wearing lederhosen
never saw that before
there are some uncovered by the newspaper
but many many molestations
there is a so called wiesn ticker by the police - always very funny to read!
i mean the wiesn is actually a melting pot for chinks, burgers, aussies and italians
also the police is on high alert here all the time during wiesn
hoid dei babbn sonst reiss i a packerl bockfotzn auf du scheiss kanack

>The evolutionary process that took place in Europe was basically a competition for who could create the best nation-state
Pseudoscientific Whiggery at its finest.

To my fellow Kraut bros if you want some top tier cringe:


>Don't deny who you are, and what you evolved to be

We all know this, this Sup Forums.

Still brother wars will get us nowhere, do you even know what Geopolitics is you underaged fuck?!

Yes I agree that right now we should unite. But in the future we will go back to fighting each other again, and it will be beautiful

There are still a few true Greeks left. My grandmother for example is greek with blue eyes and blond hair. And no she isn't a slav.

>Still brother wars will get us nowhere, do you even know what Geopolitics is you underaged fuck?!

You just outed yourself. Germans hate Rammstein, they aren't popular in Germany

>and it will be beautiful

Just kill yourself, you warmongering LARPing fuck.

What about helloween?


>Still brother wars will get us nowhere, do you even know what Geopolitics is you underaged fuck?!

God damn it! I thought I'd had you all fooled

you know what one the two main ways to sell a show to males is?
>sex appeal
>exciting battles

Almost every single show, anime, tv series....etc that appeals to a male audience has some kind of warfare involved.
There is a reason for this. It's because we crave it more than anything.

And that's a good thing, it's part of what keeps our gene pool healthy. If your goal is a peaceful world free from conflict, starvation, and hunger, pic related is the future you will achieve

The satanic american holiday?

You almost fooled us

everybody know Scooter is the nr 1 band in Germany

Question to people in Germany. Do you guys think we'll see in our lifetime how the German military marches into those islamic parallel societies to restore order and stomp anyone opposing them?
I think the tolarance towards such isolated communities are one of the biggest insults to a nation.

>muh blonde-haired Herrenrasse
I'm blonde too. So? Undue focus on outward appearances is the mark of a dying, degenerate culture.

>you know what one the two main ways to sell a show to males is?
>>sex appeal
>>exciting battles

Maybe we should evolve from this bullshit, Deep Space Exploration would be a good target on which (white) humanity could work onto together.

You fucking LARPing underaged fuck.

Helloween were a German power metal band who were fairly big in the late 80s. I think they might still be going actually

>will germans march again?

> Those people also have nice countries to live in so in effect we'd have close to 0 immigration, fine by me.

This theory is too hard for me. I think immigration and emmigration, should be allowed everywhere, but there should be hard rules. I thought my life about emmigration too, i prefer nice weather over german gründlichkeit. But if the rules are hard there wont be so much immigration, like it is in japan. But forbid it would be hard and this would be the end of multikulti, which can also have advantages. I like other foods, perhaps clubs with other cultures, but they just should subordinate in every country like it is in japan.

Thats why we need quotes for that, australia and nz is doing the other way we are doing, they import lots of really good people, which can replace their own folk in some years, thats why there should be quotes and it should be observed, if they get more children, you just lower the quote or make the standards higher, that the quote is around 10-15 percent of immigrants in each country.
I'm totally against this isolation from immigrants, like you want it, but i heard it in this thread 2-3 times.
I'm pretty sure multi culture is an enrichment, but it really depends on the quote, which need to be stable.
There shouldn't be replacements, like you see here in germany, the born immigrants fuck more, has more kids. There should be laws, like for example Kindergeld for kids born in germany, just for the 1st kid, and limit the kids rights, like an one child policiy for kids born by immigrants here, and make laws which help germans to get children again.
But the problem is treated as racial discrimination, so it will never happen

Never heard of them

Japan is a much better example than Australia or New Zealand. It's pretty much what you're hinting at: conditions are very punitive for 'unskilled' (=euphemism) immigrants.

They are good stuff.

KKKomment this below the video, pls, I thought up this OC:
Ein Großteil des GEZ Geldes geht an die Pensionierung der Systemlinge hier.
Ich sage Systemlinge, weil es tatsächlich eine Kooperation in einem einvernehmlichen Gesamsystem mit
eigenen Teilzielen gibt.
Es sollte kein Geheimniss sein, dass Staatsmedien in der Tat Pro-Regierung berichten.
Schon witzig, wenn Satire mehr Wahrheit enthält, als das, was man in der tat "Lügenpresse" nennen kann,
wobei ich positiv anmerken muss, dass die Satire tatsächlich von ZDF kam, aber, es sollte entfernt werden :^)

Sagt mal wo kommt ihr denn her?
Von staats-seite bitte sehr!
Ihr schürt Meinung für eure Zaren.
Fuck you das kann der Bürger Zahlen!
Ihr habt an Fakten kein Interesse.
Halt' die Fresse Lügenpresse.
lala lalalala la la la la
lala lalalala la la la la
Warum seid' ihr so gut drauf?
Wir ham' die Steuern eingesaugt!
Habt ihr sont noch einen Zwecke?
Staatsfernsehn' als Denkensdeckel!
Wir müssen wieder unseren Medienmonopol erzwecken.
Und fühlt ihr euch mal kritisiert?
Passiert ja nicht, ihr seid dressiert!
Der Propagandapperat bricht 'zam.
mi mi mimimimi mi mi mi mi
mi mi mimimimi mi mi mi mi, mi mi mi
Wie hält man den Klimawandel auf?
Der Bevölkerungswachs der scheißt darauf?
Ihr seid nur Propagandaposten.
Die Rechnung darf der Bürger kosten.
lala lalalala la la la la

> it will never happen
There's no need to be this pessimistic.

>But forbid it would be hard and this would be the end of multikulti, which can also have advantages. I like other foods, perhaps clubs with other cultures, but they just should subordinate in every country like it is in japan.

The end of multiculturalism is the goal. We are not against Islam because it threatens gay rights, feminism and diversity, those are just as harmful to our people. Multiculturalism offers absolutely nothing, nothing besides some 'food and clubs' while it destroys the fabric of the nation. Just check out the putnam studies on diversity for example. I don't see how Japan is a bad example, they will still have Japan in a hundred years. We wont have Germany if this continues, whether it we are replaced by Arabs and Blacks or Russians and Indians.

Also NZ and Australia are getting flooded by Chinese and Indians because of their quota rules that will soon become the dominant forces in their society.

>There's no need to be this pessimistic.


We are in the beginning phase of paradigm shift, and when this shift is completed the world will look whole lot different from today.

We dont need another Reichsprogramnacht, the rights should just limited, the social welfare money should be more observed (many doing illegal work nearby) and hard decreased. It should be mentioned civilised to them, that their culture isn't a part of the main culture but they are accepted and should subordinate.
But swiss got the same problems (Imam Abu Ramadan, i m sure you heard of it, if not just google).

We dont need an march in first instance, we just should start to mention what position this guys has here in our country.
This should do all authorities. If this guys are treated like this one, i'm pretty sure they understand their status here.

This one's my favorite

Hi Zoni du feierst. Während du feierst stirbt dein Volk. Du wirst sterben wie dein orangenes Schweinchen mit dem KURZEN Schwänzchen. Gott mag dich nicht und dein Volk noch weniger. Bring dich um.

Better quality

Tue mir einen Gefallen,sage mir was "zoni" heißt, sorry, spreche kein Untermenschisch.


I mentioned AUS and NZ because they have the same problem, this country will be replaced but not by black enrichers, by robotic asians.
So that we a stable quote.

but there other researches, that diversity can strengthen the own genetics.

Like i said above, which we needis a quote and that should be stable, always around 10-15 percent in the country,
if the immigrants make more children we need to lower their rights towards child support, so it is harder to get children for them here, and nearby strengthen the rights for non immigrants children

ye because they have there fix quote since years, i think they lowered it a little last years, but it is too much. The Quote must be controlled and changed every year.
It is important to hold immigrants at a stable quote of 10-15 percent, if this percentage increases there will be the effects of replacement and cultural changes.

Culture is downstream from genetics. You can't teach some immigrant from god knows where to become German. It's not even desirable in the first place.

Cheers lad

>Like i said above, which we needis a quote and that should be stable, always around 10-15 percent in the country,
>if the immigrants make more children we need to lower their rights towards child support, so it is harder to get children for them here, and nearby strengthen the rights for non immigrants children

And all this bullshit so you can eat Döner?!

Fuck off with this bullshit.

See pic related, Mulit-kulti kills.

>Like i said above, which we needis a quote and that should be stable, always around 10-15 percent in the country,

That is nothing less than Volkstod. Why do you hate your own people so much?

>Union Jack

If this is because you think England and the UK are synonymous then I'll take it as a compliment

>Why do you hate your own people so much?

I don't know if he's a lame leftist shill, or just underaged, or still bluepilled.
He wants all this bullshit so he can eat his Döner in every backcountry village of southern Germany.

Or maybe he's on psychopharmaka and a weirdo, at least this is Sup Forums here.