Tradwife who isn't Christian

Where can i find a tradwife who ISN'T Christian? Do they even exist?

Why would you want one who ISN'T Christian?
Back in the shed, Sven.

I'm looking for the same. I don't want to force my kid into going to some cult.
Why are atheist women always degenerate?

It’s almost like atheism causes degenerate behavior.

Of course they don't exist

go to your pagan larp and fuck the goth porky pig chick

>isnt muslim
it doesnt take a rocket scientist sven, just look around for fatimas

isnt christian*
fuck i ruined the joke

Observe, the christcuck in its natural habitat. When threatened, he calls his opponent a "fedora" or "LARP:er". He can be recognized by his insecurity and lack of arguments.

Lol at this mate, in Sweden most girls fall into two categories:
1. The monkey brancher
She will get into a relationship early (13-16 years of age) and only replace her bf at regular intervals.
2. The "single" girls
These girls loathe men with a passion but they love attention so they act like they want to fuck/date but in reality they shy away fast if you get too close. Only if you fit her exact needs at that time will you get to fuck and not many who try will

>muh "Girls have fucked 44+guys"
Yes, but she has prolly rejected even more. Id imagine even the sluttiest of sluts only accept ~15-20% of guys who approach so do the math