Brit/pol/- British Motor Works Edition

>Henry Bolton elected UKIP leader
>Henry Bolton: Born in Kenya, ex-Lib Dem candidate, worked for UN, former army officer, now UKIP leader

>EXCLUSIVE : Former Lib Dem MP John Pugh to stand in Southport Council by-election

>Discussing the European Refugee ‘Crisis’ and the UK’s Responsibilities.

>My tactics 'saved the Lib Dems', Farron tells party conference

>Vince for PM: How it might happen

>Liberal Democrats almost included a £10bn ‘blow job tax’ in their election manifesto

>Bi-Visibility Day – How Lib Dems can make a difference:

>There's nothing like a singalong with tired and emotional Lib Dems

>Lib Dems GAIN two Council seats from Labour

Other urls found in this thread:

White sharia now!


>White shariah
>slut who would get stoned by shariah police

Has Lineker gone bald.

That's my point dufus.

>STILL lib-dem general

i've started learning guitar this week, i've mastered the d chord in 2 days

call me the white jimi hendrix

Modern day Tanzania, Papua New Guinea, Vanuatu (if you count it), Palestine, Jordan, Iraq, Northern Cameroons, Namibia. Basically all of the land extracted from the Germans after WW1

Watching the One Show. A Syrian who got given a house on the Isle of Bute is talking about how he got a loan of £6k and a grant and then opened a salon there. He's doing well, making plenty of money. All the islanders go there and greet him with a 'salaam alaikum'. All great friends

>I think it's great they came here, we need to help them
>It's easy to ignore these situations but meeting people like him humanises you
>War, wherever it is in the world, is to do with everybody

>He doesn't know what National Insurance is used for

I was thinking this
>Captcha is another obscure place I've visited

Turns out he has a fair few kids already and his wife is pregnant with another.

>Congratulations! You're going to have a Scottish baby

See, Scottish. His son/daughter will be JUST AS BRITISH as you or I

>Not drinking Old Engine Oil
Best black ale on the market.

Most of them are league of nations mandates, and not really part of the Empire.

the options on this strawpoll are abhorrent
this one is better

I prefer the other one, more honest

It'll be funny to see Theresa May struggle through a speech, looking at an auditorium of people who hate her yet must pretend they don't for the time being.

>ex (((army))), lib dem, EU worker is leader of UKIP

what mongs voted for this?

That’s true, but we’ve got more in common as Europeans than we do with Africans for example. I always phase it as a question:

Would you rather have Pakis and Africans or other Europeans in your country?

>not black sheep ale

Good post
Bad post

Corbyn's speech was abysmal so she really doesn't have much to compete against. Course, she'll still fuck it up.

drinking a glass of tribute lads, it's a great beer

>drinking anything alcoholic

What does Brit/pol/ think of Dominic Raab?

I thought it was just added to the official definitions of anti-Semitism. I didn’t know it was actually made illegal.

I didnt even know who he was until today. They should have just kept Nuttall

I would wine dine and smash her fucking back doors in

>promise to give £20bn to the EU
>"c-can we have progress now"
>"no, pay us more money"
What a colossal dumbfuck.

>wicked poison

Generic "Global Brexiteer"



Good stuff user

Juden raus.

is there still Tooth Sheaf?


You're a Judas.

>wicked poison
>increases longevity

Why is he using an ak47 in photo if he was in the British army ?

Did you go for your run today?

dirty fucking sand nigger wants putting in the wicker man

>Not enjoying a fine merlot with your cornflakes for breakfast


Learn this-


send the buggers back

cuck: the speech

americans need to fuck off with this alt-left meme,
it just reenforces the "Sup Forums is the same as a bunch of intergrationist trotskyist commies"

>tfw I can play the first few seconds of smoke on the water

learn penatonic scale, master it.
learn notes, google "guitar notes"
learn all chords and what notes are inside of those chords.
learn CAGED-system
youre professional now

well done user, you'll be fingering a minor in no time

He's not American. Maybe a Canadian.

Fat pathetic cunt.

wtf i just mastered guitar hero?

A girl with short blue hair tried chatting me up today after I sat next to her in a class. Kept asking what way I was going home so she could walk part of the way with me. Seemed a bit mental. A proper Rightly. Told her I was going to be late for my bus but she ignored it. Kept trying to talk to me. I had to resort to literally running away across a road. Feel a bit bad.

great post

Phoenix nights was comedy gold

>the purple lib dems

oi swede cuck what the fuck you on about

>tfw going out to the pub at 9 and am already slightly tipsy

No bullying.

Why didn't you smash it? Are you one of those homosexuals user?

being this much a virgin

i'm using lessons

fingers crossed

That’s okay.

There’s always tomorrow.

She was weird. Not my type.

Yeah its all PC shyte now I luv watching on the buses

A fanny is a fanny.

lightweight ,get some spice down you its brill

No we're their overlords and they know it

Anime is for fucking paedophiles.

We probably won't know until it's tested in the courts.

We're not talking about Pubes.

So instead of just walking home with her, and then telling her you weren't interested when and if she decides to make a move, you run away like an autist?

Is this how you usually handle social situations?

>no camera shots of the hall (i wonder ever why)
>the only people there are translators, bojo and a couple african representatives


you are a weak ,should of fingered it in the bus shelter and got a blow job

>Is this how you usually handle social situations?
When I'm late for the bus and the other person wont fuck off.


and your point being caller ?
thought he was a Quare

To be fair, that happens for literally every world leader address to the UN. They are purely for domestic consumption.

Shut up you cringey twat.

Any of you lads into genealogy? I've tracked my family line back to the 1861 census, would like to go further. Any tips?



Why do ethno-nationalists love Hitler so much? He was a civic faggot

Quieten yourself or you'll get a taste of my shoe, son of a thousand bitches.

>nah, trust, I'm totally watching these cartoons featuring little girls for the story haha not a nonce

I just call him a cunt.

them fucking chink tourist are evreywhere in london, i live in a suburban area where there is a hotel that they park their busses and take the train into london

Brilliant bet the pakis and apes will be after more victim monies , and considering they caused the fire they should all be deported to Syria or NK

I will go tomorrow

>White shariah

Stop associating Islam with race, because in that case, Christianity isn't "white". Both ideologies were formed on sand anyway.

But yes, this country US burning into he ground, and Islam US probably the only traditional ideology to save it if you don't want cirperate big brother society with masses of negro Africans pouring IN as the nu slaves

Get that fucking Anjem Chaddy faggot out of prison, put him up on a podium where he becomes leader, them get yourself up a hill and watch sharia police "oppress" lefties, nu males, racemixers and sluts while you sit comfy and calm

Shit would be fucking jokes, he might even drop bombs on Israel and los angeles, and cause mass butthurt, right before we get nuked

Go out with a fucking blow .

cartoon paedo is CP

Do we hold the views we hold because we started developing political beliefs on Sup Forums? If we didn't find Sup Forums and our political beliefs developed on /r/unitedkingdom do you think we'd be all lefties?


dumb frogposter
go back to ribbit

I can't take it any more.

There is no escaping from politics or taking a break to cool off. I saw BBC propaganda about Syrians in Bute and I can't calm down. Why won't this shit country just collapse into civil war? I don't care if the economy never recovers, nothing is worth this constant humiliation and degradation of a great people.
