The feminazis are writing about sexbots already

The feminazis are writing about sexbots already.

Other urls found in this thread:

Sexbots have finally given us the ability to cuck women.

> We are more than our holes.
> We are being left behind by artificial holes.

If they ever become mainstream it will greatly decrease woman's value.


Because the modern woman is a spoiled child who has no sense of moral responsibility or self awareness. She also looks down her nose at 80 percent of men and wishes they could be locked up for not being perfect.


I can't wait to just spout B URSELF :)))) when the estrogen jews start getting more riled up about men choosing sexbots over them.

For fuck sake, just make a male robot to fuck them too then.

lmao great read

That's not what women want.

You mean women will actually have to have something to offer their partner other than their vagina!

Unless the male robot also prints money what the fuck do women want with it?

Male sexbots don't have six figure incomes for women to spend.

They've been writing clickbait scare articles about them before the technology was even viable.

They probably have given more thought about these things than the people who would buy them. And trust me, when they do get released, only the super-rich will be able to afford.


So? lets speak out about dildos

Oh dear god

>Loser Stage
This is the starting stage, most of the people buying a sexbot would be an ugly/fat/thin who the women who wouldn't even look at when they are ready to 'settle down', one who has been divorced, falsely accused of rape, etc. At this point the only females that will complain are a few tumblrs, and those who are receiving money from them(as they would realize that the 'losers' will no longer beckon to their whims)
>Leftist/SJW stage
At some point in time, the liberal/left shits are going to give up chasing them, though not a the start but only when they notice that these sexbots are available. At the start only a few will begin to use these, but following the others the rest will soon start to move into the sexbot world. This will be the point that women everywhere start to panic, they'll see how they aren't being pampered/worshiped by their little slaves. They may get Chad/Ahmed/Tyrone's dick daily but to them that is not enough, they need to be worshiped by others to feel satisfied. At this point they'll definitely start rallying for legislation/bills to ban the sexbots. But depending when they do it (ie: at the start of this stage they'll have a strong support of most liberals which would help them in the long run. But if its happens somewhere in the middle or at the end of this stage, than the women will have problems getting what they want.)
>Chad/normal stage
It is completely possible for this to happen. As history dictates that humans have somewhat of a herd mentality, think about comicbooks, video games, and somewhat currently happening to anime. These hobbies once were for the loser/nerds for escapism and to distance themselves from the real, but normal people started to notice these things and eventually they joined which led to how things are today. What's to stop them from following others into the sexbot industry. At this point if women can't get any laws pass they'll go crazy.

Women already had them for more than a hundred years. Femtards are never gonna be satisfied.

this is degeneracy and nothing more

A sex bot for women would be a cash mashine


The overwhelming majority of women can already have sex whenever they feel like it, it's an absolute non-issue for them. The goal is to use their pussy powers in exchange for resources, attention, admiration, security etc., things robots can't provide (yet and when AI reaches such levels of sophistication, chances are good we will be fucked as a species anyway).

More proof roasties not only do not want to have sex with beta males, but they wish to rob them of all sexual agency period. If the tumblrites got into power masturbation would be illegal and all non chads would be chemically castrated.

We don't even have high functioning humanoid robots that can walk and run as great as humans yet, let alone sex robots. Most are just glorified silicon dolls with Siri. The frightening stuff will likely exist in about 25 years time, when nanomaterial science, human level general AI, robotics and Big Data converge. Sex robots of the 2040s will not only fuck you like a porn star, but will take your kid to school, clean your house, play Chopin, and will be your personal masseuse. It won't just be a fuck machine, but will make your life easier. Girls born today will be the main victims of this technological revolution , not 30 year old Stacy.

This. It's truly amazing how threatened they feel

I could see it going to the Chad stage easily if they did other things and were marketed not for sex but had sex parts.

rightfuly so, though. (((women))) are about to lose power

Time for an archive

Thanks. I'm lazy and ignorant.

implying thetes not hacks n updates n opensource n all that for your bots avail by then...

Only if the robot comes with an atm that dispenses free money at their whim.

>Alicia Sinclair, founder of female-oriented sex toy lines b-Vibe and Le Wand and a certified sex educator, tells Bustle that in her years of work, she's found that women often look for products that "serve a function," like heightening partnered sex or making masturbation easier, rather than sex toys that mimic a specific sexual part (see: the boom in women's sex toys with smooth, abstracted shapes, as opposed to older vibrators that attempted to replicate penises, complete with faux veins). In Sinclair's experience, she's often found that "women are really focused on getting products that provide them with an experience and not a replacement for something."


You retard, it's not necessarily because we want a "replacement" and more that we're fucking highly visual in our sexual attraction. We goddamn don't work like women. You'd understand us a lot better if you stopped assuming we did.

Imagine these things can be programed to act out fetishes.

Oh, and the very idea that it's a "replacement" implies that there's a real pussy that particular guy has continual access to. If he doesn't access to pussy, then well, it's not a replacement because it's not replacing anything.

The author is actually pro-sexbot, amazingly.
Even comes down on the stereotype of 'creepy doll people'.
Not sure why pol would hate this article, other than Muh Degeneracy.

Keep reading.

Well what do they want? That's a rhetorical question btw

Well, by the time it reaches the Left/SJW stage I'm sure that the bots would be updated to do more normal things. Considering there may be a increase in demand.

I wanted to add that but the word limit fucked it up.

BWAHAHAHAH HAHAHAHAH! HAHAHAH! I'd say to top it off "we" males should ban all dildos and vibratos for women :D

When did /pol converge with /r9k?

They have battery powered dildos the size of an arm that make the tip of the head spin around

do you understand the effects on the end of sex to society? Sexual drive is weighing down men's true potential so heavily.

See what happens when you leave your child hooked up to a video game 24/7. .it will replace you

I think just the opposite. Females would learn to please their spouses if they would ever want to have relationships. And its not like males dream to have a slave or a housemaid instead of a wife. Most males today are on the submissive side in relationship by choice.

I hope this lessens the number of thirsty thirsty guys out there.
The only thing wore than a roastie is thirsty men with zero standards who will fuck anything

It will decrease certain value though. Like guys searching for hook ups or sex will decrease. A lot of guys who might be in the market will not be but the ones looking to date will likely match what a woman is after.

I am talking about hypothetical better than human sex capable dolls or VR though.

You've watched so much porn nothing could be created to satisfy your needs

I tend to disagree. I think it's the lack of available intimate relationships between every man and every woman that is going to fuck over society.

It's not that a man's sex drive pushes him to do better, but a woman's constant demand to keep him from getting complacent.

Also, she has to be a supportive and desirable companion that a man wants to make her happy.

But Feminism has destroyed that already.

Women are like dogs, they don't default to good behavior, they have to be trained.
No woman has ever had a good character of her own accord, a man made her that way, be it her father or her husband.

Sup Forums and /r9k/ users are retarded the thread part two the gay buttsex.

Wait, women can sometimes offer more than just a wet hole at great emotional and financial expense? Well ill be a monkeys uncle...

Roll for your sexbot waifu

BTW the best near term solution isn't robotics. Robotics is still shit mechanically. It's going to be a tactile sex doll combined with VR experience. Much easier to get realistic visuals and audio with VR and rely on the doll/toy for haptic feedback and stim.

Nah, Male sex drive is largely physically/visually driven. There is a large ego dump and satisfied feeling after sex that is unique to relationships but even this can be simulated with good VR.

women are socially driven and not very individualistic on average. If it's higher status to have sex they will fuck 50 strangers a week.


They have them, but their use is incredibly risky.
>pic related

Hasn't it occurred to them that the desire for a fucking sex robot in the first place indicates something is wrong with gender relations?

Sex bots will make men value real women as more than walking holes.
If all a woman has to offer is sex, then she'll have a real problem attractive a mate. Which is a good thing for both men and women.

Why did it not happen sooner? Both boards are retarded shitholes full of faggot that don't know anything and don't add to world in any way.


women like to whine and complain. Until the end of time...about other women/machinewomen being prettier/uglier/sexier/older/younger/richer/poorer/betterhaired and so on ad nauseam about EVERYTHING, it's like what keeps them going complaining about shit.

...and for the sake of my nookie I put up with it.

well I used to....


I'm rolling on a leaf's table. I'm going to get a trap robot aren't I?

What if I don't want to train a woman? Like, I don't feel its my job? Like, I'm being cucked by the womans parents into doing their job for them?

I want to raise children, not a grown woman

Women are not capable of the introspection necessary to do what you are suggesting. They will not learn how to be interesting, or dynamic, or somehow more interested in more kinds of men. They're going to keep demanding free things and commit suicide if they don't get attention.

let's roll

So /r9k/ is full women?

Et tu, brute?

oh shit i almost forgot about that dusty old meme

More than you think.

But it is mostly men whining non stop.


It will cost you! You will see your prices rises like your cell phone bills!


Women don't actually care about this. They don't want the type of man who would buy a sex doll in the first place. They think good for that guy getting his sex doll.

I officially have robo-phobia!

Tomboy with trap option, come on!

I don't actually want a sex bot, but I do like the idea of making women jealous/angry over something insanely stupid.

You may not know this but most women don't care.


True but what happens when guys who make 100k a year would rather a robo gf over an actual because it's easier and less stressful.

I would take a sister robo wife if she did the dishes and cooked

>sex bot revolution
I bet not even 1% of the population owns a sex bot and majority of beta virgins couldn't even afford one

Woman once again are overreacting and cannot see the irony in their bullshit.
>"I'm more than just a vagina"

Yeah me too


>Too damn stupid to see what op the fag lord posted is clickbait.

ok so im a tomboy where da white wimmin at

Why are women mad, wouldn't this severely reduce the demand for women being kidnapped and forced into the sex industry?

But Galko-chan is a virgin though

women are now obsolete
we'll have no use for them soon
can't wait to see the feminist chimpout


They are not, it's clickbait.

> heterosexual cis men

oh one of these idiots. Stopped reading

It doesn't clean for you


Who cares what women want?

Actually, the general theme of the article is how the writer wants a vibrating sex doll herself, while lamenting that nobody seems interested in making one for her.
Maybe she should use her equal rights and her equally creative brain to start making them herself?

They will uses it once and it will be wore out and broken

gotta give it a roll