Why is pride a sin?

Why is pride a sin?


Gay pride more like. 30% of male lions are gay. The loser lions.

Because goyim should have nothing to be proud of

Don't question it. Now be a good christian and turn the other cheek for me.

>pink ID

Counterproductive Pride is a sin. Not all pride.

What separates counterproductive pride from normal pride?

Surely lions aren't used as a symbol of Gay Pride though, the reason lions are depicted in symbolism is because of their other mythological qualities, one of which is pride. Read some Paul Tillich and maybe then you can into symbolism.

Because it leads to delusional exultation of one's self, instead of God. Because it is a direct opposite to humility, which is a virtue.
Can we have some real questions that require more than 10 seconds of thinking?

Are you my brother? are you white? To those who are not my brother I dont turn my cheek but my sword

Don't let pride get in the way of progression, just look at Hillary Clinton. Hubris is a terrible thing to have.

There's a problem with too much pride because at the high league, you give yourself more importance than God. The natural hierarchy of importance you should give is:
1) God
2) Other people
3) Yourself
If you switch out and re-arrange any of these it becomes chaotic, pride is the worst sin because it's the cause of most avoidable conflicts

Because Hubris was already taken and the jews needed to come up with something similar for their shitty religion.

So if I build a cool pile of rocks and I'm really proud of myself for it, you mean to tell me it was actually God who built it and I'm sinning for not paying attention to him instead? Explain this in retard terms for me plox

Read Paradise Lost

Where does Jesus tell you to do that?

because it gives credit to self, and not God

or at least to something OTHER than God

simple as taht

t. christfag whose people murdered untold millions of pagans, burned libraries, destroyed temples and holy sites

ay baby real quick; taken by who? is there a singular source?

Modernity is actually the result of pride.

Why are you proud of your pile of rocks?

"So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God."
Corinthians 10:31

Man now thinks he is god - there is nothing more sinful

Saint Peter did and he got a pardon.


cause a pile of rocks is something somebody from your side of the hood would should be proud of HA

>Why is pride a sin?
Because it cometh before a fall.

Because being strong and successful is bad and being weak and worthless is good. Jesus says so.

Xtianity is a shitty ripoff of the surrounding desert folklore and european paganism.
Jesus and Satan both = Pan - shepherd god, part man part divine, goatman etc. Easiest way to kill him and replace him with the hip new shepherd is by turning his image into the worst demonic entity in your theology.
Great flood = Epic of Gilgamesh
Immaculate conception = not new
Xmas = Yule
and such. Christfags can't even come up with their own religion.

>burned libraries
They actually plundered those before burning them down tho fem

makes men do stupid shit

Because sinful things happen in summer.

Because I took the effort to move those rocks together in a way that's satisfying to me. I didn't get any help from YHWH but he's supposed to get credit for it?

>I'm a pagan

pride goeth before the fall. just look at all the gangbang niggers, hitler, and lefties getting killed

I'm not a vikang either.

Wasn't he the guy saying that it's better to be naked than without a sword?
>captcha: speed 9200

From a Christian standpoint, it means you attribute your success to yourself and not giving the credit to God who created you and allowed you to succeed.

>humility, which is a virtue
Only for the small and worthless who have nothing to be proud of.
>you give yourself more importance than God
As is natural. Living people are more important than imaginary characters.
>1) God
>2) Other people
>3) Yourself
Wait, no, you're just joking, okay.

>Christians consider this guy to be above them

The actions of the past of another group dictate all of my actions in the future?

So does he have favorites? Why doesn't he allow the starving negroids down in africa, or generally poor people to succeed for example?


because it is laughable, you are just a little worm. we humans are weak, slow, but very clever.

Silly goyim pride is for Jews

disregard the self, refuse to admire it

He created you, and you exist by His allowance alone. What other favor does He need perform for you to be worthy of your respect and glorification? What does God owe you? (spoiler: Nothing)
You on the other hand owe Him everything just by merit of your existence alone, disregarding everything else.

Pride is only a sin if you're not careful, pride in your accomplishments is good, pride that keeps you from accomplishing more is a bad thing.'

Vegeta has good pride.
Freeza has bad pride.

there is a difference between feeling good about yourself and acknowledging your achievements and forcing yourself as some some sort of gift to mankind everywhere you go and demanding respect from complete strangers with nothing but anecdotes of how awesome and cool you are.

Because thinking yourself to be more important or more skilled than you actually are can get you and the people around you killed.

All of the 7 Deadly Sins involve large generalities. 'Sloth', for example, doesn't just refer to doing very little work or loafing around, but also not putting any care in your work as well as a lack of charity. If a blacksmith spends his days making numerous tools that are shoddily built, then he is slothful. On the flipside, someone who is cripple is not slothful for not being able to walk or run, as the Sin only covers what you are capable of.

In the same way, the sin of Pride covers several different ways of being an awful person.

One is known as the Dunning–Kruger Effect, where you believe that your mediocre or average level of skill is in fact expert skill. A person could believe themselves to be an excellent fighter or excellent horseman, only to fail spectacularly when everyone needed him to put his proud words into action.

Another type of Pride is more traditional. Arrogance. Believing yourself to be superior to those around you, or the sole being in existence, or that you are always right and never wrong, etc. All of these are destructive to not just yourself, but your community. Yes, maybe there is an individual or a group that is superior in some way - and them recognizing that fact is not the sin of Pride - but the danger of Pride should make them wary of getting overly comfortable. Let's say a band of England's best warriors went to the Holy Land on Crusade. Are they still the best warriors? Maybe, but it'd be wise to assume that there might be someone better and not get sloppy or too loud about how great one is.

While one could parrot Nietzsche's arguments on how Christian morality is 'slave morality', the fact is that most Christian theologians looked to the Greeks - like Plato and Aristotle - when considering morality. The two moral systems aren't the same, but the Greeks influenced Christianity heavily.

Fuck off loser. Man is the next god. All you godslaves can suck my ascendant dick.

checked for truth

You said pride is what causes most avoidable conflicts yet your religion has been responsible for killing more europeans than anyone else combined.

It is in high quantities
Some pride and you have dignity, self-confidence and feeling of self-worth
Lot of pride and you don't listen to others, because you always know better, you are so stuck in your ass that don't acknowledge your faults and successes of others

>for Him to be worthy***

god of what? living in some camp while niggers fuck your women and rape your children?

>Man is the next god
you mean jews right?

Isn't he the guy who discouraged his followers defending him and themselves? Who gave an example of pacifism and non-resistance that his close followers took to heart because most of them were killed like him? One of the greatest Christian stories of humility is the story of St Peter's execution.

Pride leads to every other vice: it is the complete anti-God state of mind.

Yes, and pride was avoidable, just because the ''name'' christian is there dosent necesarrly mean they know how to act

>w-why doesn't God eliminate all evil from the world?

Low hanging fruit, user. Go read some philosophers.


(((YHWH))) may have created me but that's it. He didn't help me build the pile of rocks so he doesn't deserve credit, and I have every right to be proud of myself for my creation.

And here comes the snake from the modern babylon spouting hatred in the name of his profane god, the devil. The Lord will judge you and your kin.

>He created you, and you exist by His allowance alone
No, that isn't true because he isn't real.

false, the muslim invasions that sparked the crusades have a much higher death toll and saw to the enslavement of many more.

So you're no different from the 6 gorillion different sects of "true" muslims.

That's not at all what I asked but okay.

>explain to me why this is in Christianity
>explain it
>b-but it's not real
Every time, so predictable.

Because we're all equal. Except for you, youre the niggest

Fuck off godslave. Muh muh nothing good ever comes when man plays god!

You and your kike fairytales can fuck off. Man, and especially white man, was meant to rule the universe with their vast intelligence and capabilities.

Man will become the next god by ruling the universe and creating another universe through sheer willpower.

Your time is up, Aether daemons!

The devil is also one of the most popular greek deities apparently.

nice reddit spacing, demon
return from whence you came

Out of proportion comparison, just compare the holy book of christianity with the one of islam, the quran teaches brutality and superiority, the number of muslim extremists today compared to christian ''extremists'' (if any exist), etc

good job outing yourself as an unread troll

The Christian reason? Something Something humbleness before god. The logical moral reason? Pride makes you do stupid shit and make bad decisions to sustain your ego I.E every cocky military leader who ignored the warnings that lead to his armies crushing defeat.

Pride is the root cause of Satan's rebellion.

Something about it's better to rule in hell than to be a servant in heaven

Pride can lead you straight to hell if it is on the expense or backs of others but good if the opposite. Hell is full of good meanings, but heaven is full of good works.

I thought the satyr look of the devil was more inspired by hatred towards celtic pagans?

Kill yourself you worthless yugoslav rape baby. Your ancestral history is just a dadaist pastiche of random ethnicities tht took a collective shit in your geographic vicinity. You have no coherent thought or ideology. You are basically a genetic memelord spouting the ideas of the idiots that conquered you numerous times.

Only when you let said pride blind you & transform you into a prideful idiot
There's no harm in some pride tho,everyone needs something to be proud off

That's Lucifer. Man is not God. It's a delusion.

T. Quebecois liberal arts major

Abrahamic virtues and sins are binary, pride and humility, lust and chastity and so on. So it only allows for an excess of the sin for it to be a sin, for ancient Greeks it was a spectrum, the classic example was cowardice, courage, idiocy, which allows for a golden mean of a characteristic rather than opposing characteristics. But pride in itself is not a sin, excess of pride is.

>more hateful vitriol
Taking pride in humanity fuckyeah memes to feel powerful for your own lack of accomplishment.
keep going, you just confirm what I am saying.

The bible isn't exactly a great source of benevolence either friend.
>mutilate your penises because I said so
>kill your disobedient children
>kill fags
>kill people who curse my name
>kill or exile people who work on sunday
>*destroys entire cities with a hail of fire because they were kinky and didn't like outsiders*
>*oops also turns Lot's wife to a pillar of salt because she looked back at it lol sorry*
>*tries to kill moses because he forgot to cut up his infant son's dick*
>*intentionally hardens pharoah's heart and genocides egypt with demonic plagues*
>*gets mad at juden for questioning moses, sends venemous snakes and murders them

this desu

>Your religion has been responsible for killing more europeans than anyone else combined

> Ethnic/Migratory Conflict between Pagan Germanic and Christian Roman Empire: 15,450,000+ dead on both sides (rampant disease and famine, speculated to be caused by natural climate change, likely contributed to this number)
>Hundred Years War - Religious War between Catholics and Protestants: 2,300,000–3,300,000 estimated dead
>Imperial Conflict of WW1 - Entente (Catholic France, Protestant Great Britain, and Orthodox Russia; as well as majority Protestant USA and Catholic Italy later) vs Triple Alliance (Protestant Germany, Catholic Austria-Hungary, and Islamic Ottomans): 8,545,800-21,000,000 dead
>Ideological Conflict of WW2 - Allies (Protestant UK, Catholic France, Majority Protestant USA, and Catholic Poland; along with Orthodox/Atheist USSR) vs Axis (Protestant Germany, Catholic Italy, and Shinto Japan): 15,843,000–85,000,000 dead, along with MUH SIX BILLION POOR JEWISH INNOCENTS

Riiiiight. Europeans totally just butchered themselves over religious differences. The biggest European wars TOTALLY didn't involved mixed Denomination alliances. It was alllll those big bad Christians.

Pan was already a half-man half-divine shepherd god, the easiest way to destroy the competition is to make it look evil.

I have read most of the bible and I never saw a verse like that.

That's why Christians aren't faithful to the text, but rather the philosophy.

It is only a sin if you let it consume you.

Because all other sin is ultimately derived from it.

It has to do with viewing yourself as superior. Our modern understanding of "pride" is not the same as the old. We think that pride means "being happy with yourself" or "being confident about what you think is good about yourself." The sin of pride means "believing yourself superior to others because of your traits or actions" or "believing that others owe you respect, power, or payment because of your narcissistic self-inflation."

About Pharaoh it's possible the earlier myth was that the Egyptian God hardened his heart and when Judaism switched to full monotheism later on it kinda stayed there. The Bible also mentions Asherah who was Yahweh's wife before monotheism, the old testament as a whole is not a good example of consistency or virtue.

Pan was "dead" in grecco-roman lore by the time Christianity took hold.
Celtic horned deities had far more importance in their religion.

Pride is the devil's substitute for honor.

Remember the 6 million

Ishitar was El's wife, fucking jews got so cocky before their switch to monotheism they probably claimed she was actually Yaweh's wife.


It's possible. All of christianity is just one massive pile of stolen theology.

Because the kike god likes you to debase yourself before him.

Jews also call Yahweh Elohim which the plural of el (god) same name and root as El, funny that they use the plural to refer to a single god, probably also a remnant of polytheism.

good goys don't have any pride