“He explained in great detail, how he had been cutting off dead men’s genital organs and collecting them for more than ten years.”
“He explained in great detail...
some people collect mickey mouses, some people collect donald dick.
What the fuck? What was he doing with them?
>mfw one american poster less
Only someone white would do this shit.
The most important thing you can do for the white race is keep your own life in order. Start with yourself. You must be competent, reliable, hardworking, and, above all, happy. Do people in your life trust and respect you? What does your family think of you? Are you capable of raising children? Racial politics doesn't have to be the only factor of your life. And if you can't achieve these things for yourself, then the chances are very high that you are not ready to be a political activist, either online or in real life. Because how can you make a difference for the race, for the lives of many, if you can't even make anything of your own, individual life? How can you make a real difference in society, when the greatest extent of your capacity is to be out-organized by jews on social media?
Always remember: we live in first world countries and have opportunity that most people born on this planet do not. Things aren't as good for us as they were for our parents. But billions of people in the third world would still kill to have the opportunities that you do right now. So take care of yourself! Work your ass off, every day, to build a good life for you, and for your family. Clear your mind of self destructive thoughts, and keep yourself focused on realistic goals. Work hard, but also do fun and wholesome things with real people in real life. That is very important. Nothing on the internet should ever take away from your real life.
why would you even want them when they're flaccid
movie when
Uncle kouzuki would be proud
how much you wanna bet this guy is "trans"
Chris-chan has really gone downhill
>source: WorldNewsDailyReport
literally fake news
>not mentally ill
Fake news you faggots
That hair screams 'tranny faggot'. Odds are good this dude's a homo who had a penis fixation stemming from early childhood sexual assault.
Youre Straight and don't cut off Women's tits and I'm gay and I don't cut off niggas dicks.
We I never understood stamp collecting ether
How many of the "embalmed" penis had his saliva samples on them?
Reminds me of that aqua teen hunger force episode.
I wonder if he was building a spaceship of dicks.
I am surprised nobody has posted this yet - about the time Ophrah got trolled by Sup Forums:
Sup Forums, I am disappoint.
The Icelandic Phalliologocal Museum in Reykjavik doesn't need that many examples.
>FBI agent busts into perps house and yells, "SO! THIS WHERE ALL THE DICKS HANG OUT!"
Came here to reference this.
Without even looking this up...is this FLORIDA MAN?
He looks like Antifa.
he was only 6001 penises away from pranking oprah
This is what happens from a lifetime of lead exposure, xenoestrogens, and shitty food. + medical malpractice (bad medications or x-rays) and shitty genes.
what was his plan?
Are these the penises that Oprah warned us about: the over 9000 penises that were raping little children?
>that evil left eye still looking for a dead dick to severe
Typical White people
Man cant even have a hobby these days.
One eye on the streets
One eye on the penor(s)
Thats a specific number there...
Some rookie had to count all those dicks..
lel. i wonder if they might have just boxed them all, weighed them, then figured an average weight of penis. or maybe penis thief had a tally somewhere. or maybe all the senior cops gathered around in the station, drinking, and yelling numbers at the rookie counting the penises in an attempt to make him lose count and start over
That's like a dick a day. Holy fuck. Anyone who still believes there are no evil people please raise your hand.
So how did the police find out?
An anonymous tip?
So you have burned the coal?
Looks like kane.
>what was his plan?
When he got to 10,000 he would finally have enough to settle once and for all the "average dick size" question with standard deviation and error bound.
I want to be cremated now.
This is my favorite pasta
>Not over 9000
Oh no
Remember that next time you want to fuck with white people. We will cut your fucking dick off and put it on display in our homes.
Moral of story: Don't fuck with white people.
The Handmaiden was a very patrician flick, so have a (you).
fake news, faggot. ban all shills.
here is the plan
>create fake news meme
>accuse places of fake news
>create fake news
>lump them in with real stories to make everyone seem gullible enough to believe fake news
>offer your bullshit as guilt by association proof of the unreliability sources like infowars breitbart pol et al by the FAKE NEWS self-inserted
He waits until rigor mortis sets in.
tfw egyptians are right and there are thousands of eunuch ghosts because of this man
being this triggered
It's from world news daily report, it's a low brow version of the onion
"Happier than a sissy with a house full of 3000 dicks."
At least learn how to do it properly
Check his bouffant, there's at least another penis in there.
It's a shame he couldn't get away with it for two more decades, so that he could have
OVER 9000
>or maybe all the senior cops gathered around in the station, drinking, and yelling numbers at the rookie counting the penises in an attempt to make him lose count and start over
I stole this pic faster than a nigger stole a TV during Ferguson chimput.
Really? You think a majority of white people go around cutting dicks off?
dont misgender her
praise kek
>FBI seizes over 3,000 penises
Dude proabably kept a log of all the penises that he had in his collection.
Maybe ids for redisdribution of benis to da migro-benis andifa gucks?
>3000 dicks
If he or anyone at them at once would their own dick grow by adding the inches of all of them?
How much length would 3000 dicks be?
over 9000 inches
Please never stop spurdo posting
No reputable news outlet, local or national, has reported this story. I hate even saying this, but the # 1 internet search result was Snopes, claiming it was false.
The DM has been regularly reporting outlandish fabricated stories like this, lately. With zero proof of truth, and an audience of millions, I'm highly skeptical of the DM and their motives for their out-right lies.
It's a cover up no doubt
they don't want more dicks gone missing
>If the unverifiable details weren't enough to convince you of the ruse, the bottom of the website has this tag line: World News Daily Report assumes all responsibility for the satirical nature of its articles and for the fictional nature of their content