What does Sup Forums think about drugs like prozac?
What does Sup Forums think about drugs like prozac?
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I don't know, is it something like Viagra?
something something jews
Never take them for more than a couple months
Shit will fuck your body up long term
>take these pills, don't bother addressing your issues, just keep taking these, they will temporarily help as long as you keep taking them... don't you want instant relief? go on... take one
A jewish trick to fuck up the population and profit
Just drink more water.
the crazy side effects are not worth the risk
i'd just smoke opium or something for anxiety/depression before i ever touched any of that type of shit
If a human has a biological, uncontrollable basis for their mental and behavioral disorders they need medical intervention like any other disease. If a human has no biological, uncontrollable basis for their disorders they ought to receive nothing beyond cognitive behavioral therapy. That's science, faggots.
There are people who are genuinely mentally ill that benefit from drugs. They are vastly overprescribing them though. A lot of mental problems have to do with people being fat, lazy city dwellers.