Can we get a lefty fags cringe thread going?
>Rick and morty retardation gets extra up votes.
Can we get a lefty fags cringe thread going?
>Rick and morty retardation gets extra up votes.
Other urls found in this thread:
Holly fuck, he should go an hero on stream
HOW, HOW CAN YOU PROVE IT MATHEMATICALLY?? If you can, please turn that piece of shit around (which I would assume is not true level) and write the equation. Do it motherfucker.
>do it faggot
what this guy said
Lel. Just stole some faggots trips.
rick and morty was the worst thing to happen to television
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewers head. There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick & Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick's existential catchphrase "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon's genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.
And yes, by the way, i DO have a Rick & Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid
Dude, you just don't understand it because your IQ isn't as superior as mine.
Nah the issue is the fucking fandom, the show is fine if you like mindless drivel but the fanbase is just so fucking uptight and "toxic" that it makes it seem 100x worse than it really is.
Thanks for the OC Sven.
>am i evil?
>worse you're smart!
Whoa... this show gets *ME*.
Hey! you stole my dooples!
Webm thread related
It's an old pasta you plebeian.
you mean quads, you fuckin retard
captcha: ik0BOUOU sandpiper
get sandpiped ya fuck head
Who's up for some racism bingo?
>theoretical physics
>physics that don't exist
>jokes about pseudoscience
pseudoscience is settled science
>Says they can "prove it mathematically"
>Doesn't offer any proof, mathematical or otherwise
It's like Dan & Justin know exactly how I feel...
Lol you faggot TV wasn't shit before Rick and Morty either.
Sage this newfag slide shit
We can also play derailment bingo!
I love me some man tit sweat
>Rick & Morty
>Harry Potter
>Star Wars
What does the right have, aside from maybe Tolkien?
Niggers are the sole cause of all their social ills.
Please, tell me what im sliding?
>The eternal "NORKS threated america IS HAPPENING THREAD?
or the
Please.. tell me.
you have a VASECTOMY
what the fuck did i just witness
eunuch boy with his xbox and tendies is totally pacified by his wife. she will betray him by hooking up with a BBC bull for sure. This is all too common in modern America
Aiming high in life.
Tranny talking shit, gets powerbombed by dude.
Ironically his """gun""" kind of looks like a P38
u do no that ur DICK still works after a vesectamy?
Kill your self right now
From what I heard, the tranny was stirring up trouble at this shop for awhile until someone finally got tired zers shit
Doesn't the art style here seem similar to the new netflix pedo show?
I don't care how you put it, if you slice up your testicles and stop sperm production then you are a eunuch
>I am Racist, and?
Where is this one?
real life
He can drop me at 500 yards? With what? His body odor?
most of these are things white liberals say
His "gun" shoots "water".
Progressive tolerance,
See where it got these people
it kinda does now that you mention it. i wonder how bad that show is going to fail.
>people jerked off to this
>guns aren't up here
checkmate leftists
Meet the staff of DailyKos.
The downie looking kid on the right is probably the smartest one there.
Is that Clanton?
And is that other guy the guy who can count to potato?
lives in filth
So that's what simpleton stew looks like.
Is this finnish?
/r/ chad Xavier
rick and morty bonus
>call us
kek, with what?
>Inb4 'his friends phone'
watching it go limp after getting tko is priceless
I've had niggers on twitter ask me to explain white culture to them before. Does that make them racist? I also remember an article in The Root a few years ago called "Why are White Men So Angry?" Really makes me think.
Rick & Morty, the show about constantly overthrowing leftist authoritarian governments, is of the Left?
You are delusional, finn.
Look at that wonderful trigger discipline right there.
I don't get why leftists stick to rick and morty like flies do to an indian.
chapo cucks
Blacks are only oppressed by blacks.
They don't understand that Rick is a terrible person.
The Bi-clock bandit?
hentai phone best phone
>i dont go to ghetto neighborhoods
That is pure pragmatism
irony bro goes to "war"
tl;dr he wasn't allowed to fight, was basically their housemaid
Everyone knows that, the point is that any guy who lets his wife control him to the point of sterilization will have a wife that will leave him for someone who isn't a giant pussy.
Only 2 tucked thumbs.
They are making progress
never been able to understand the infatuation with R&M. literally 99.9% of the jokes are gibberish
babooboo haha lol!!!! :-)
more than anything I'm surprised by how many people are getting struck by lightning, vending machines, and meteorites. I don't know about the second two but it's pretty clear that we're doing something that's seriously pissing Zeus off. Might have something to do with (((them))) casting a nigger as him.
You know its kind of funny, because its this shit right here that make me annoyed enough that now I'm just racist and don't care that I am.
It's just less work saying fuck it and realizing I hate niggers then trying to engage in increasing mental gymnastics to justify myself when no matter what I do I'm apparently a racist anyway
So fuck it