White men BTFO
White men BTFO
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Live to be 91 and get some of the best trim in the world begging to blow me? Ok.
Self entitled gobby women do too. And what?
Every feminist will die!!!!!!.....eventually as their life cycle ends as we don't live forever.
Saged pointless shit.
This fat cunt doesn't need any more attention. Thanks but no thanks.
Youre adorable
so will africa
what did they mean by this?
He's Jewish, isn't he? I guess it's good for Jews then since they'll slowly lose their grubby grip soon.
shame new white men arn't being created nor do the young white men in the world don't age
no, he was a goy.
Gee, how could cunts like this lose an election?
Holy fuck what a fucking ugly cunt.
What a sweetheart
>london based danish
more like needs to lay off the danishes
at least he lived to be old instead of dying from a hypertension induced heart attack by 45 like she inevitably will.
Can't they start complaining about something else yet? Like bigoted celestial constellations? This record is played to death.
She is the joke
>one man dies
not even funny anymore
Old, rich, got to fuck roasties young enough to be his granddaughters and leave his wife with nothing
Yeah poor guy was BTFO
Wish i could get owned that hard
t. roastie too hideous to chill nude in the mansion's hot tubs with the other qts.
He lived to be a lot older than she will with adult diabetes, gallstones and heart failure.
He was pure Nordic.
Hugh Hefner's huge penis couldn't satisfy the thirst of the feminist overlords, so they murdered him and put his DNA in a cloning machine. Rest in peas you dirty old bastard. Also sage.
yes, because we all need to be reminded that people die, instead of knowing this based on our own intelligence
So much of a fat ass it overflows to her chin.
so will cucked, aging hippies and all the other fogies that got us into this mess
>humans die
>all of humanity BTFO
What did (s)he mean by this?
Old white men always die. And they are always replaced with new old white men. White men will always have the power.
She's not wrong.
came here to post this
He left behind 3 sons and a cutthroat daughter who runs the business, I don't think his family bloodline is ending any time soon.
Fat cunts die sooner
Yes, but who will die first. The closer the day of the rope approaches the more apparent it becomes.
I'm starting to think these tweeters are psy-ops. Literally no reason to even tweet this unless the person's sense of reality is warped. These tweets are consistent in their messaging, targeting and narrative to promote the white's are evil meme that the globalists are pushing.
The 100% inheritance tax laws will never come in, and even if by some miracle they did I'll just put all my money in a trust/property/overseas account etc to make sure my kids stay well off.
I'm glad they think they're winning though, it's cute
He's right you know
the bit of fat poking out
stop culturally appropriating me you German scum
she left off this part
"and will be replaced by more old white men with power"
and she will still die first because shes a fat piece of shit
so will young fat women, Sofie
Who is the proper authority to call when reporting beached whales?
Says the young cow that will not live to be 91 due to heart problems, and diebeetus. Also butthurt that she could not even make it through the door to Playboy.
>could not even make it through the door
bitch is big
An extremely convex nose is not a nordic trait. You can't go by someone's surname alone to determine jewishness. Either way, he was a semi-closeted homosexual(the women he surrounded himself with were a beard) who promoted the kinsey report, and was a fierce proponent of the gay agenda. One of his girlfriends stated he couldn't get it up during sex unless watching gay porn. Also, it was an open secret that he liked to play the passive role(meaning he like to take it up the arse) during gay sex orgies. Definitely not a venerable character.
hagen is a normal danish name!!!
>this fatty again
She gets the gas
>goes to war
>comes back and finds his wife cheating on him
>becomes the biggest and most well known pimp in the world in retaliation
he would have sex and then jerk off to cum alone
This chick looks like a well rounded person that i would totally want to spend time with.
checked and kek'd
Alternately try 1-88-Queequeg, gets you an appointment directly with the frontline man
"comedian" and podcaster is the new model/actress, it's a collection bucket of talentless chicks with no personality that are too fat for porn and too poorly coordinated for makeup tutorials. A few ways to tell:
>dead eyed
>refers to self as outsider but is actually an insider
>most jokes are self-congratulatory stories about everyday life
>complains about waiters on twitter
>garish tattoos in weird places
>went to college yet has never had a job
>never produces any work yet has own place
>acid in face
Unfortunately will not happen to her. Even the truck of peace will stay away from that traveling pie eating contest.
I doubt it user. There are girls on kikebook that I know irl making spiteful posts about the heff. I guess girls can fight for the right to be sluts but when some old dude successfully does it for them it's 'objectifying' or something. Who would've known?
is she, dare i say /ourplumper/?
Never EVER Sofie
The white man is known for its mongolian tier violence.
Here are some examples of white violence:
The native american genocide
The native australian genocide
The nuking of japan
World War I
World War II
Hitler and his attrocities
The genocide of the palestinians
The genocide of the Syrians
The crusades
The spanish inquisista
The white man is cancer upon the planet and deserves nothing but genocide itself.
White men killed more people in the last 100 years than the entire history of the superior asian people.
Just a reminder that degenerate Jews hate us.
Hef lived to be 91. I don't think many of the purple-haired hamplanets will.
1/10 bait Abdellah
The white man is known for conquering through warfare you dolt. The only reason that the nuking of morocco isn't on that list is because we don't want anything to do with your little shithole country.
The white man celebrate his mongolian violence.
Truly a despicable race.
>when it takes 6 fully grown men to carry out your fatass
So much hate.
>The nuking of japan
They asked for it.
>Hitler and his attrocities
Killed mainly white men and jews. You should be celebrating (and you probably do).
>The genocide of the palestinians
Jews aren't white.
>The genocide of the Syrians
As far as I know you brown fuckers still have the highest kill count there.
>The crusades
Totally justified, those area's were once rightful christian soil. We're sure when your brethren in faith took over, it was a peacefull process.
Plus, you got that land back: stop bitching about it.
>The spanish inquisista
The reconquista you mean? You know what happened before that time? What your kind did there?
Bypass the copypasta.
Been here, done that.
Fucking faggot is back
Move along...
I really wish that the white man had just gone ahead and toasted every single gook, nip, zipperhead, and all the other kinds of slanty-eyed, soulless, subhuman ant people as well.
Yes but she believes when old white men in power die they will be replaced by women and niggers. She's probably not wrong. It's called white genocide for a reason.
>I really wish that the white man had just gone ahead and toasted every single gook, nip, zipperhead, and all the other kinds of slanty-eyed, soulless, subhuman ant people as well.
Truly despicable.
The white race is hated by every other race in the planet, the celebrations when the white race is bred out are going to be spectacular.
*jiggles in antifa*
Whites will kill every other race on earth before going extinct. You really think you can defeat the greatest force the world has ever known?
Spoiler: Fatty won't live to be 91.
Damn, I thought I had already seen the most punchable face on the planet until I witnessed that bitch's profile pic.
I love this "white conservatives are old men that will die off" meme, the commie liberals have been trying this for some 60 years or so yet we keep happening daily.
Oh and dont forget AI, they wont be abke to meme that old tech will die off and stop being racist. Kek
You have only been at the top for 100 years, yet you committed so much violence throughout those years.
Your civilization is already declining like it did countless times before.
Except this time your own Hitler made enemies of the Jew who will make sure no white man will ever be born again.
Thank you Jews, and thank you Hitler!
>Hugh Hefner
Someone tell her, he's jewish.
Just in case no one saw, trips c o n f i r m kek agrees.
And fat people will die even faster.
Funny how he surrounded himself with hundreds or thousands of the hottest women in the world over his long life and only ever had a small handful call him for any bad behavior. But now that he's dead all these roasties that have never even met him are dancing on his grave.
I'm not the only one that noticed this am I? Like I never had an opinion about him which is surprising. You don't run a place like the Playboy mansion any not getting millions of sexual harassment lawsuits if you're anything less than a saint to the women living there with you.
color me surprised. another fat bitch needs to sow her misery.
>High angle photo to hide fupa
Every time
Jews are going to find themselves best case scenario deported to Israel. I think we know what the worse case scenario is.
There's no stopping it. It's a runaway snowball.
More like Sofie Hoggin...
>Jews are going to find themselves best case scenario deported to Israel.
Jews run your countries for you goyim, if anyone is getting deported its you.
They killed your prophet.
Cucked your religion
And now they're wiping you off the earth.
appparentally sofie doesn't understand Hef is a bloodline member of the eternal jew. he will never die, and his replacements live on under the legacy of his dynasty, with lots of left-leaning views like his cohorts who became wealthy exploiting weaknesses. let's hope Sofie wants to live in Berlin ~1930 cuz that's preddy much where she's at...a place where trad-conservatism won't survive day-to-day
>old white men in power will die eventually
and young white men will take their place
>implying im gonna come to the defense of this fag or any other billionaire because we share the same race
lmao, Im glad he's dead too and I sure as hell wouldn't mind if that bitch got hit by a truck
Everyone will die eventually you dumb bitch.
Hefner lived up until his 90's while her fat ass will be lucky to make it to 60
What did she mean by this?
Honorary Jew