post subs
Post subs
Other urls found in this thread:
>Rub a dub dub, thanks for the grub!
>Give me an feeling so complicated
Holy fuck post more of these
A classic
also bayeux version
Posting early Ajin subs is cheating.
How is it that /m/ shows always have the most entertaining quotes.
Because Tomino
So Crunchyroll has the best subs?
So only real way out of this is to learn Japanase and watch anime raw?
No. They churn them out consistently, despite much of it being mediocre. Which ultimately is preferable to irregular goodness.
And let's be honest, subs merely need to be Just Good Enough™. No fancy karaoke, bouncy text, and all that.
It's just a meme, we all know HorribleSub is best sub
>oshii means Fucking tasty
While I'm in this folder.
What's with Nihon and killing unkillable dying things?
It's a literal translation of an idiom, which means it's a mistranslation.
>translating itadakimasu to "thanks for the food"
This is proper translation.
>leaving "chan" go
Again, proper translation.
BUT when a translation leaves "-san", that's incorrect. Unlike chan, the West DOES have a title of respect we use, and it's Mr./Ms.
Oh, it's like people trying to translate 一期一会 instead of going for the meaning.
>Unlike chan, the West DOES have a title of respect we use, and it's Mr./Ms.
But we use it differently.
I never called a single classmate Mr or Mrs, and I've had a LOT of classmates in my time.
>saying Mr./Miss
Are you retarded.
Damnit, I just grew a wizard hat when I wasn't paying attention.
I didn't even get to count down the seconds.
Didn't sacred seven have an episode subbed with total gibberish? Also ramza/squall.
Who is she?
They do it at fancier colleges and Catholic schools.
It isn't possible I missed that.
Best girl in anime.
>non Sup Forums pic related
>retarded newfag
Thread's over.
it's a shitty twitch meme
What a faggot
>Has read duwang Jojo
Newfags everyone
>reading duwang makes you less retarded
Lurk more.
You're missing a few
fucking memester
That actually makes sense given the character.
>/dmdm/ was 2 years ago
>lord of the forest
Every time
fucking killed me
oh, so places regular people don't go to
Ayy lmao
Nice trips and nice TLN
Mr./Ms. is not used as much as -san is used in Japanese. The proper localization would be how we'd normally address someone. Which would be using their first name or Mr./Ms. .
Leaving in honorifics is a choice and it's best to be consistent if the translator chooses to leave them in.
Understandable though
Besides Hadena and glorious gfg, no.
Why even have a TL note for an English word? How is that even considered a Translator's note?
Anyone who says otherwise is a delusional fool.
People keep saying that they're just "mediocre" or "consistently acceptable" or whatever, but nobody ever explains what 'better' subs would be. Besides a couple of minor nitpicking points of personal preference (honorifics, itadakimasu, etc.).
Do YOU know what "agalmatolite" means?
Shut up CR shill, not gonna prove why your service is shit for the 993492397!th time.
I miss SnH so much.
Doesn't matter, the translator already translated the sentence. If further information is necessary then the viewer is outside the show's target demographic. It's no longer the translator's problem after that and it's up to the show itself to explain what an 'agalmatolite' is or assume that the target demographic already knows about it.
Well aren't you an elitist prick.
I'd rather have a quick TL to explain what the fuck that word means than pause the show just to google it like some illiterate nigger.
Yeah its a soft wax-like stone
>the translator already translated the sentence
No he didn't.
I'm saying it's a failure/choice of the show itself not to explain it or have adequate context clues rather than the translator.
Is agalmatolite a Japanese word? He translated it. Any further and it'd be considered localization.
But why does it matter?
The show failed, whatever. There's no good reason why the translator wouldn't put up a small note there regardless.
Couldn't the translator have used "soapstone" instead if he assumed that enough of the viewers didn't know what agalmatolite means?
>see nix v. hedden
Every god damned time.
That's just trying way too hard.
Thanks Funi
That whole scene is retarded
If the week old leftovers aren't bad, why does she care that they're week old leftovers
I wish 80s anime was that crisp and clean. You don't suppose we'd ever get a modern show trying to emulate past styles, huh?