The keions are sexy. Sexy!!

The keions are sexy. Sexy!!

Other urls found in this thread:

not for sexy

captch:select all images with tea

Sexy legs.

Do not sexualize the keions.

Obligatory nigger Ritsu

why is Yui so sexy and mature looking in the endings?

youre a bad person

It just seems that way because, unlike the show, the endings are scripted so her autism doesn't become apparent.

delete this

They are all sexy. These three just happen to be the sexiest.


Mio also acts confident and playful instead of looking like is about to piss her panties out of fear. They their opposites maybe?

Lewd official art?
I'm in!


Where's that doujin with the detailed panel of Yui's hymen being torn by a dick

Do you kids like video games

Get raped by a nigger shitty frogposter.


>Ritz not tracer

>Sawa-chan isn't Mercy

I want to make sweet love to Sawako.

What did each K-On study at college?

Fellatio techniques

mugi studied anthropology

There must be a reason why she keepe getting rejected/dumped user.

delet these please

theyre official and non lewd

Want to bang a Keion together with my good friends at Sup Forums

Maybe give you boys a little rimming while you fuck them if that'd enhance your pleasure.

How many friends and which keion

I miss when 2chan used to have threads full of super interesting photoshops of official arts.
Like recklessly massive tits

>Lewd blogging

Whichever and however many friends necessary to pleasure her. I know Mugi doesn't get by without at least three minimum.
In all honesty I'd prefer if we gangbanged the Azucat as she is the youngest of the group, tightest vag and all.

this gets darker every time I see it

Tell me more about gangbanging Azusa

Thanks for saying that I thought it was my mind paying tricks on me.

I want to fuck Azucat in her in the pussy, but only after she's been cummed in at least twice already. I need to feel other Sup Forumsnons' spunk enveloping my dick to get off, you see.

homosexual edge lord

You're too horny for your own good


You know I actually like brown anime girls but this is too much.

Too lewd for this world.

Mio: Probably literature, she was about to join the literature club on episode 1.
Mugi: Maybe economics, so she will be able to run her father's enterprises in the future.
Yui: She said she'd like to become a teacher, magistery?
Ritsu: No idea, Ritsu seems the most unmotivated about her future to me so it's hard to imagine.

Holy shit.

Do not sexualize keions

Is ok they survived but Azusa had to live in a deserted island for some time.

just how does yui levitate oranges and why do none of the other girls ever mention it or seem surprised?

She still learning once she achieves enlightenment she can grow her own daikon eyebrows.

Make it brown and we're ok

Everyone agrees the OP/EDs are songs when they make it big right?

It would explain why act more mature. That is kind of sad though.


Sleepy threads
Sleepy Keions.

So how many of you have jerked off to this image, and how many times? Must be at least 10 for me. Its got a lot of the things i like. Accidential yuri, bikini, leg between leg, official art, two blackhairds



Does this seem in character?

nyan-chan's eyes should be closed and biting her lip to be honest


I'm bored
I'm thirsty
Why I didn't get any shade?
I wish I was at home playing with my pussy

Stronk Mugi best Mugi

Huh, I thought those lines at top left are fake non official ones.

Sick pedobait. The only acceptable one is Sawa.

nononononono DELETE this entire thread

>not zarya

reminder mio is pure and it's absolutely illegal to lewd her

do not

should we ban the sale of this?

absolutely ban

I know someone who owns one of these what do I do

citizens arrest
confiscate the evidence

take the law into your own hands. sometimes what's right and what's legal aren't the same thing. natural law. destroy him.

Azusa is so cute that I haven't fapped to her yet

I own the one in the upper right corner.

delete yourself

But it's not even lewd. She does that pose in the first OP.

I often date brown girls because of 10/10 sex but user THAT'S TOO MUCH


And now I'm rewatching K-On! I hope you're happy user.

Because I am


google it

Which K-On sucks the best dick?

Although she's not the most attractive I think Ritsu would do the best job

Although she's not the most attractive


They are out of character. Kind of a KyoAni trademark

Mio has no gag reflex.

Mugi gets my dick so hard. She'd probably down for anything. She'd gladly give you a rimjob while stroking you off, or let you invite your friends over to rail every one of her holes. Hell, she'd probably enjoy the opposite; she'd convince one of the other K-ONs into a threesome.


you better not be that british tranny

I don't know who you are talking about, so I'm going to say no.

I want to fap but my hand is dull.

there used to be a british tranny who would ERP and avatarfag about how he wanted to be mugi's husband and get cuckolded by Africans.
he pretty much would ruin every keion thread on Sup Forums and he's do it for months, and I have a strong suspision that you are that person

I'm fapping to Ritsu!

brown time?
brown time.


>Lewd blogging




I want Ritsu's sweaty butthole on my nose.

But why

>Google search "Keion Brown"
>There's some black guy named that
>Check out his FB
>Typical hood roody-poo

sexualization of the keions triggers the fuck out of me