Donald Trump Sup Forums consensus

Okay I understand that this board should not be taken seriously, but let's put that aside for THIS ONE thread. What is your absolute opinion of Donald Trump. Personally, there is one side of me that wants to believe, and I see proof in his potential skills in the reactions of the media that have quite honestly been surreal. I have never seen such slanted news heaped upon a person. On the other hand, sometimes I feel he is dragging the US into unnecessary territories by pursuing isolationism.

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Easily he has the possibility to become one of the best united states presidents in history. I quite like him.

Trump is the anti-christ. Resist him if you want to go to heaven

The only think I think atm is OP is a faggot.

But he is against abortion

Don't put any trust in any candidate in Western politics, particulary US politics as US politics is the most corrupt. No matter what they say or do they will always be fighting for Israel. You'll know if they were truly fighting against Israel when they get put down.

He has huge hands. The best hands.

>pursuing isolationism

Close to impossible in current era. We have bases all over the world and are tied economically more than ever before.

'Okay I understand that this board should not be taken seriously,'

I love how leftie leaning guys rationalize coming to Sup Forums.

He’s a cunt

I'm understand their are some legitimate threads on Sup Forums, but many of them are intellectual junk food. I'm not one to believe absolutely in the idea of superior races, as I believe a mentality leads people down a path of violence. But I am no liberal

mfw I voted for Bernie and Jill

Archetypal benevolent king.

Caesar incarnate

the odds are so unfairly stacked against him, but promoting Jewish interests is disappointing.. I mean really, really disappointing

Voting in someone that is hated by both the DNC and RNC was epic. Bernie and Hillary were not choices.

I voted for him to stir the pot.

He is just a shabbos goy Israel slave, like any other JewSA president. But that's not important, what important is that his election exposed many things to many clueless goyim and this made merchant nervous.


fuck Drumpf. I would have preferred Clinton to this kike

Ok here is my strewam of conciousness in poor english.

I dont find trump sympathetic, he seems fake but i think he is really funny, just because people get pissed off all the time. I like that he doesnt seem to give a shit, i dont even know if he loves the county or if he is just pretending. But yeah I like that he won, and I want to see him win again in 4 years, just so people hget pissed off again.

but sometimes i get really angry about anti trump people, cause they just constantly seek anything to bash him ..

well thats it thanks bye

GOAT pres. Hands down

That is what Dems hope.

General consensus it that OP is a brainlet faggot who doesn't think for himself.


I like him. He's a good example.

Caesar saved the republic but had to go down to preserve it

I think he's awesome, I would vote for him twice of I could. My support for him goes daily.

Even if he has to cuck on certain issues, his election is waking up more and more of the masses as to what's actually happening in this country and reigniting a patriotic fervor that hasn't been around since the Bush years. He's destroying fake news, cucked bread and circus institutions, and making liberals seem more and more insane by the day.

I think he's a tacky, annoying cunt with average intelligence. He has three things going for him - work ethic, charisma and inherited wealth, with which he managed to build his empire.

contrary to the notion that he is an 'outsider,' he is a shamelessly decadent elitist who only fraternizes with similar people.

the only thing that separates him from any other career politician is that he's more vulgar.

He's entertaining and pisses off the right people. I approve


I knew he was the real deal right off the bat when the DNC, GOP and MSM all conspired to take him down at any cost.... even their last shred of credibility.

>this board should not be taken seriously

The JIDF took over a while back if you didn't notice. It really started with the "Sup Forums is satire" and "Sup Forums is old Sup Forums" shit.

Career politicians are also dumb as bricks, incompetent, lazy, and corrupt to the bone. They are also lawyers. They have been building an utopia for lawyers, which requires people hating and suing each other, and millonaire fines for the losers.

Even a clown would look like a fucking Messiah compared with them.



He's a good guy with a lot of great ideas that he's having a hard time bringing to fruition due to unwavering opposition that is often based not on those ideas but on who he is.

He is without a doubt one of the best presidents we have had in modern times.

>pursuing isolationism
Isolationism is good. Have you seen the state of the rest of the world?

He's not the smartest man and could do a better job at articulating himself but he's the most human-like candidate that has ran for Presidency since JFK

Stepping stone to push the Overton Window further to the right. That's all we could hope for, right about now.

Trying to restore law and order in immigration is NOT isolationism.
Leaving treaties that take away our rights of sovereignty is NOT isolationism.
Trying to get people out of their defeatist mentality is necessary.
People have been placated for years in the conservative movement and think that we can't really achieve what we want in the political sphere. It has created a mental block. You may not like his tactics but he has broken this block in a lot of ways. I think we still need to push him to have him follow up on his promises but if anyone can do it, he long as we keep the pressure on him.
If he thinks that we will follow him no matter what he will only pay lip service to conservatives.
Reality is not made of unicorns and butterflies. It is not for the fainthearted and if you are not willing to fight for your place in this world, it will quickly do away with you. It was true when we were animals and it is still true today.
Suck it up buttercup and fucking get ti done.
Trump is not some iconic figure that rides in to save the day. he is the patsy for our political action. He is the boot that follows our direction.

Kike-controlled retard who will do ZERO of what he promised. Just a bunch of pointless hot rhetoric to entertain & distract you gullible saps while Kushner runs the country

Enjoy 10m spics getting amnesty, billionaires getting a huge tax cuts, billionaires getting rid of estate tax (establishing American aristocracy), and the continued gutting of our middle class


good man

He's made multiple attempts to do a number of the things he said he was going to do only to be met with heavy opposition. If he doesn't get anything done it's not for a lack of trying.

He's not quite part of the Establishment, but he knows that his support relies on a movement of disenfranchised voters left behind by globalism and liberal metropolitanism. He tries to get much done, but the U.S president does not have the constitutional power that leaders in other countries have. He cannot get much done without the courts, Congress and the Senate supporting him, and they will obstruct him any way they can because he represents a threat to their vested interests. He isn't intellectual. He isn't based. He isn't an amazing leader. He isn't going to change everything. But what he does represent is an acknowledgement of a massive percentage of the United States' population that has basically be ignored for the last 40 years.

It's exactly the same things that caused us to vote Brexit here. Trump is the stalking horse for the anti-establishment vote, sick to death of professional politicians and their revolving door of lobbyists, pollsters and officials. Unfortunately that "swamp" is impossible to work without, particularly in the U.S.

I think he's alright. He pisses liberals off, and appeals to his supporters. He's doing exactly what he was voted in to do. I don't think many people actually ever expected him to "build the wall". It'll never happen. He is purely there to spite the globalist cucks, and act as a bastion of old fashioned American values in a changing world.

When I see the American flag, I see the greatest president on the earth.. we need American freedom and liberty ... MAGA

Trump is unironically the JBS sleeper patriot promised.

>muh he's trying

not good enough.

thisfuckk the republic

>bastion of old fashioned american values
>on third marriage, the first two of which were ended via adultery.

Donald Trump is a con man who only supports three groups:
-His family
-His friends.

He'll tell you what you want to hear so you'll give him what he wants, then he'll drop you.

I didn't say he's actually following them himself, but his entire shtick is to try and return America to a (slightly) idealised past where the typical American working man could raise his family.

I don't think it takes a genius to work out that Trump doesn't exactly practice what he preaches most of the time. I didn't say he was perfect.

Obama tier.

Trump is the end of politics
For better or worse

The schtick is absolutely meaningless if he doesn't walk the walk.

As far as the right vs left culture war, he is the commander in chief. With little effort he regularly exposes the craziness of the left, and how pervasive they are.

Before Trump did any normies know about
>SJW nonsense
>how dishonest the media really is
>global vs national interest
>the possibility of controlling borders
>the term "identity politics"
>the idea of "virtue signaling"

He has woken up a lot of Normies, and the craziness of the left is driving people toward traditional values.

However, sometimes even I get tired of his parlor tricks. The diversions he causes are bigger issues than the media distractions. Did we really need...
>transban without policy to back it
>mika's disgusting face
>attacking Sessions

I like Trump a lot, but the policy is a mess. He isn't delivering, but a lot of that is the Republicans fault
>wall is slow
>healthcare a bust
>how will taxes go?

He has also exposed the Republicans as a bunch of liars. I cannot believe that I voted for McCain. At least I know what a piece of shit he is. I would rather know the truth about "my party" than be duped.

Overall, I support him, but I would like to see more actual legislation get written. Fucking with the NFL is hysterical, and culturally relevant, but he needs to get some things done.

I wish he'd live up to his campaign promises. I hope every last illegal will be deported. No mercy.

>Okay I understand that this board should not be taken seriously
Bait and sage

>What is your absolute opinion of Donald Trump
Same as always somewhat hopeful but pragmatic. At bare minimum I was willing to vote for him because of a supreme court spot and him shitting on the media and establishment.

>I see proof in his potential skills in the reactions of the media that have quite honestly been surreal.
Hes got something that allows him to get shit done sometimes. I didnt know if it would work on not before he got elected still dont. Hes pulled shit off I cant explain so Im just sitting back seeing what he can do.
>I have never seen such slanted news heaped upon a person.
This is exciting makes me think they believe he can do something and have to stop him.
>On the other hand, sometimes I feel he is dragging the US into unnecessary territories by pursuing isolationism.
Globalism needs a kick in the ass right now. And honestly hes not even really being isolationist.

>separates him from any other career politician

That and he has been a politician for 8 months.

>The schtick is absolutely meaningless if he doesn't walk the walk.

There is no meaning in high-level politics. Every single president has had their horrific personality flaws or private life issues.


Not isolationism my friend, quite the opposite. The countries of the world are all enslaved by the same mechanism, Trump is going to set the world free. He was recruited to do this, he's privy to the highest levels of intelligence (even before he was elected) he has access to a world simulation system where he can study the effects of his moves before they're even made. Most presidents age at accelerated rate during their presidency, Trump is getting younger. Madman thrives on this shit, strap in friendo.

>it never was about Trump; for those who:
>A) are begging for proper leadership but have no real trust specifically die to establishment hacks
>B) deep down understand that we can all vote but that has nothing to do with elections. They realize that 'Government' has become a large, slow, feckless, inefficient bloated bureaucracy set up to pretend to fail, full of finger-pointers in a black hole of accountability all fortunate enough to be one of the lucky ones who has a gravy train ride through life where no conscience is required
C) just want a few scraps from the oligarchs table to make them "feel" as though life was worth the price(s) they paid
Expecting anything from Government is like pissing in we suit. It gives one a nice, warm feeling, butt no one notices and nothing changes

I believe he will be a 1 term failure of a president. His legacy will be a backlash that will sweep democrats into power in the next election.

>Kek is god of chaos
>Pepe is his prophet
>Trump is our first Messiah

>this is what liberals actually believe

My absolute opinion is that he's doing alright so far. I support him.

he's our champion in the war against the deep state.
if you weren't a newfriend who was posting long before you were ready you'd know this.

Good post.


Once in a generation genius-tier revolutionary sent by God to save the West from itself. Master of the bantz.

>On the other hand, sometimes I feel he is dragging the US into unnecessary territories by pursuing isolationism.

What kind of weak hamfisted neocon concern troll is this?

Trump is a gift from God.

ope', let's use one example of the Trump effect current day:
>he tweets to poke those sitting on the fence to decide whether they 'love' or 'hate the US
>he delves into the last bastion of real peace that the White man had unmolested by SJW feelz, political correctness, discipline, organization, structure, team work, etc...
>the NFL decides to side with the PC left emotion-based thinkers who have been stripped of cultural identity since birth and now gravitate towards any semblance of acceptance, buying into any identity that will take them 'as is'
>now you do not see an issue with Trump per se, you see the reality of just how effed up atomized culture has become; where those who do not want White men' laws to apply to them expect special snowflake treatment, and those who simply have zero respect for white mans laws, have zero respect for LE's. like it or not, whether you choose to or not, you now live in an anarchist society where 50% of the population has no desire to be a part of the fabric any more. they reject all things White, Heterosexual, Male and Gentile/Goy
>what you see is the culmination of a group think raised in an LE-centric FOX "Cops" enforcement arm that will never challenge anyone above their pay grades, and a society without identity which has been molded into the perfect JWO foot soldier; meant to never create but only destroy
pull up a lawn chair, get comfty and enjoy the fireworks displays as it all burns to a slow, painful death

During the elections there were quite a few voices that they are going to leave the US if Trump becomes president. Was there any high profile case who kept their words?

World's Greatest Shitposter

he's better than the alternative, but clearly not the best


Clooney at first, but his muzzie wife forced him to move back due to 'fears'.

it's not too bad. sometimes is too direct an he is an ignorant on some arguments, but he is the true voice of the people of the United States of America. in some way, he give the power back in the hand of the people

fears of terrorism. so they return in the "Dark reich of terror that trump created". stupid rich celebrity


I can respect that

>I don't think many people actually ever expected him to "build the wall". It'll never happen
speak for yourself. he's already started on it. people are going to be saying this over and over until it's 100% complete.

>lol it only covers half of the border there's no way he's going to complete the wall. he never intended to. you drumpfkins are deluded.

I am not a Liberal. I still believe this to be true, unfortunately.

He's a total piece of shit

I hope I'm wrong....



>speak for yourself. he's already started on it. people are going to be saying this over and over until it's 100% complete.
it won't be like he said during the campaign, but a wall there will be. maybe just in some parts

America is diseased. Rotten to the core. There's no saving it.

He's great. I give him support because our politicians are scum and he is our last ray of hope for a representative that isn't part of the machine of politics.
We had fuck all change in the last 70 years that was a net positive. Anyone that thinks black people are better off since the civil rights movement are blind or willfully ignorant.
Anyone that thinks our proxy wars have benefited anyone except the elite are the same.
Anyone that thinks we can keep things the same and it'll get better same thing.

Hes either actually racist , or just really really fucking bad at his choice of vocabulary, he has terrible verbal communication skills. I voted for him tho cuz hes the best choice we had. I only hate him because of all the white nationalist larpers oh well, everything is going just as planned

Hopefully I speak for a lot of us here. I voted for Trump, but very, very begrudgingly. I'm not like full on 1488, but I do hold many conservative views. Niggers are garbage. Spics need to fuck off out of our country. Jewish conspiracies are, at the best, an exaggeration of some interesting facts, and at the worst, all completely true. Some of Trumps political views line up with my own. But, I don't love the guy, and to an extent, someone of his background holding the highest office in our country does make us look pretty silly.

But here's the thing - no matter what, I hate Hillary Clinton, and I hate her liberal supporters. I HATE them. The amount of chimping that's been going on since he was elected just goes to show how unhinged these people are, and given the chance, they would run our country into the ground. I'll take anything or anyone over that, so, for better or worse, MAGA.

the only time that i was sad about killing a boss in a game.

>Sup Forums


I value his potential to take the fall for a bad but necessary decision that no other modern world leader could due to image.

10m spics getting amnesty, billionaires getting huge tax cuts, billionaires getting rid of estate tax (establishing American aristocracy), and the continued gutting of our middle class.... WHATS NOT TO LOVE???

anyone shilling for this kike puppet is an idiot

Up against these odds; he's definitely the greatest modern president and deserves eight more years of knocking heads in.


The only reason I voted for him is because, compared to crooked Hillary, he is both the lesser evil and greater good. Nevertheless, his presidency is a half-disaster. His heart is in the right place, but his ego, impulsiveness and sheer incompetence keep getting in the way of actually making America great again and bringing peace to the world.

leftists should be against abortion too, since most abortions occur towards minorities. Thus, abortion is racist.