Trump’s Puerto Rico defense: “This is an island surrounded by water. Big water. Ocean water.”

Trump made America the laughingstock of the world.


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>linking shareblue

Advanced shitposting. Good job Ukraine.


Okay, what is Trump doing that other administration haven't with regards to hurricanes. I need precise analytics, I listen to NPR to sharpen my bi-partisan ability to look over enemy lines. And they don't really compare trumps response to previous administrations, what is truly going on?

What is false about what Trump said though?

The white man is known for its mongolian tier violence.

Here are some examples of white violence:
The native american genocide
The native australian genocide
The nuking of japan
World War I
World War II
Hitler and his attrocities
The genocide of the palestinians
The genocide of the Syrians
The crusades
The spanish inquisista

The white man is cancer upon the planet and deserves nothing but genocide itself.

White men killed more people in the last 100 years than the entire history of the superior asian people.

kill yourself nigger kike cocksucker

Linking from a Sharia Blueballs story.....

good lad. easy wording, great american.

lmfao like every other fucking society is innocent.

The white violent tendencies are unique to the race.
Only other race race that shares the same trait are the mongolians.

>Using sharebluepill

nice try Podesta

>unironically linking shariablue
>from the country that colluded with HRC around the '16 elections
thank you for driving even more voters to Trump for 2020.
you personally made my job easier and I appreciate your help.

>Big Water
What does he mean by this.

Nothing. It's just an idiotic statement. Of course PR is a fucking island, everybody knows that.

If Trump came out and said something like "The sky is blue. Big sky. We are all under the sky," you would applaud him for "speaking the truth"

So, the single greatest empire the world has ever known that wasn't also white.

well, get rekt then.

Don't you guys have the biggest navy in the world?

>shareblue website
you guys really aren't even trying anymore

Oh, I thought it was part of the main landmass of Mexico.

Why are liberals angry about Trump not doing shit about it ?

Fuck puerto rico and all spics, hope they all drown

>jewkrainian flag
>links directly from shareblue
kek, gj

lazy bastards, anything for a shekel

Odd, I remember Hillary Clinton using that same defense when she was asked why the billions of dollars the UN gave the Clinton Foundation to aid Haiti were seemingly squandered.

Yes, you fucking sky denialist scum ruined this country

>Nothing. It's just an idiotic statement.
It's taken out of context though. He necessarily has to point out that PR is surrounded by water, thus the water complicates delivering aid.

>If Trump came out and said something like "The sky is blue. Big sky. We are all under the sky,"
If some scientist were trying to explain why the sky were blue, he would necessarily need to begin with such a statement, or something similar, right?

why does the site matter when its what he said?

>when you think sageing accomplishes anything
>when your sticky explains that ad hominem is a fallacy, but that's all you got

literally /overrunwithnewfags/ the board

he was trying to help u understand -- since u still dont get it

Jesus fucking christ kek. TERRIBLE bait but damn fine language used. your still getting Sage though

Right? The same thing would apply if God forbid Hawaii gets hit with a cat 5 hurricane.

It's a lot of water to cross and logistics are at little more complicated for an island a couple hundred miles away than just sending human resources across state lines.

Id rather him say there is a lot of water making it harder for relief efforts than Hillary having to confirm with cronies and find out how else they can blame republicans for the natural disaster.

I and all other ethnicities totally have nothing in their past that makes them?

Get of your high horse shareblue

>water complicates
m8, don‘t try to justify it. let it be.

Ireland was civilized thousands of years ago by boat, a mumified king killed ritially thousands of years ago found in the bog had resin from spain in his hair.
don‘t tell me the seemingly most advanced nation can‘t get their fucking act together and be pragmatic. you are making the US look bad.

>big water
>ocean water

nothing he said here is factually wrong, just trying to get the point across that the island isn't easily accessible. I shit on Trump when he deserves it but this is stupid

There is nothing wrong with his response to PR. He was just pointing out that from a logistics standpoint, it takes longer to supply an island with aid and get it distributed. The media is just straight up lying by claiming he isn't doing anything when in fact they had already gotten organized to help before the hurricane even hit, and when it did the response was immediate. But since the hurricane wiped out almost all the infrastructure its been difficult to get the aid from the harbors to the interior.

>Ireland was civilized thousands of years ago by boat, a mumified king killed ritially thousands of years ago found in the bog had resin from spain in his hair.

What does this have to do with delivering emergency aid to an island in the ocean? It is a factually true that it is harder to deliver aid to an island like Puerto Rico than a continental city.

look at the image of these terrorists.
what do you see in common?
They're all white, and celebrated by whites as "highscorers"

unironically holomodor yourself faggot
>in all fields

he's dumber than bush

>doing his job
Except it's literally not his job. Why is it America's responsibility to bail out shit-tier places that can't take care of themselves?

how does the US feed the troops in Irak or Afghanistan? don‘t tell me they get the local special


Mmuh ddrump is nevah wrong an smart

really made me think

>how does the US feed the troops in Irak or Afghanistan?

In some manner which is much more logistically difficult than feeding the troops that are stationed on US soil.

Why are links allowed? It should be a requirement that you post archive only links.

Maybe if Trump had anticipated the fact that a gigantic fucking hurricane would do damage to an island, we wouldn't be having this conversation right now.

Puerto Rico is American clay. They are literally our responsobility

I didn’t applaud or condemn. I just asked, what is factually incorrect about his statement?
‘If if if if okie doke’ - Smartest President ever

But they still get it done, right??

>anger at Trump
That’s what Liberals do

so now there is apparently an issue in a near collony and the govt can‘t OR won‘t be efficient and fast for once? next thing you know and the PR‘s want to unite with the Dominican Republic, their native homeland

Obama could at least speak and sound like an intellectual. Trump is dumber than Palin, he speaks at a 4th grade level


Because Puerto Rico is American clay

We wouldn’t expect you to understand water navigation, Switzerland

Yeah, but it's a lot harder.

If you're asking why it's harder for the US to provide aid to an island in the ocean compared to a continental city, Trump gave you the answer: It's an island in the ocean.



A thought out combat scenario planed months and years in advance by generals and higher chief of staff

A unexpected event knocking out significant infrastructure and was not planned for.

Really makes you think.

He has to dumb it down for mouth breathers like yourself.

And no, Obama was a terrible speaker, especially when off his teleprompters.

If you were serious about genocide for white men you'd already be in France with the rest of your nigger brothers plotting another attack.

Stop being a cowardly faggot and bring it on.

its a lot easier to move supplies for 100,000 people compared to 3 million, especially if you've already spent the several months it took to set up the supply train. During the initial invasion stages they had to have enough supplies with them to start out. And even after that there where plenty of bases that had trouble getting fresh water in.

Maybe if they would have bent over and become our 51st bitch then they wouldnt be crying and moaning. Where's that pride of theirs now? Faggots.


Since all the Puerto Ricans are drowning and have no power or comms at the moment I will be a representative of the people of PR.

We ARE in fact surrounded by bigly water!

Fucking media can't even accept facts as true and will spin it to make Trump look bad.

>>If you were serious about genocide for white men you'd already be in France with the rest of your nigger brothers plotting another attack.
>Stop being a cowardly faggot and bring it on.
You have only been at the top for 100 years, yet you committed so much violence throughout those years.

Your civilization is already declining like it did countless times before.
Except this time your own Hitler made enemies of the Jew who will make sure no white man will ever be born again.
They killed your prophet.
They cucked your religion
And now they're about to exterminate you like the vermin you are.
Thank you Jews, and thank you Hitler!


your women can come but your men must stay and defend the lands from sharks and chinese

nope, you don‘t have to expect that. but considering how many islands where taken from the japs in ww2 I would habe expected some serious amphibian action.
but most probably the POTUS was occupied with a few people protesting and had his quarterly prostate exam and was all pissed about Kim in NK he forgott all about Irma.

Seems legit

>Sharia Blue
Be gone shitposter


Another cry baby Mehmet micropenis who just can't compete. You're angry because we go to Morocco for cheap holidays, drink and spill alcohol in your prophets land and then lamp your slutty whore women out of it.

careful your bias is showing

fucking T H I C C

Lmao , what a fucking retard.

>he has to dumb it down
Yeah otherwise his constituents wouldn't be able to understand him. Obama spoke at a much higher level because he appeals to a much more intelligent audience

>I’ve said that if Ivanka weren’t my daughter, perhaps, I would be dating her.


Trump is the Uber cuck of dimwitted fucktards

oh no, that sucks.

He's telling us about (((Big Water)))

we will have our revenge berber man!

>Obama spoke at a much higher level because he appeals to a much more intelligent audience

That means Obama communicates with less people than Trump does because, unfortunately, intelligence is a bell curve.

>blm falling for the big booty latina meme

You don't want a Puerto Rican, they yell worse than a niggress.

>Another cry baby Mehmet micropenis who just can't compete.
Are you getting emotional irish man?

Muh enlightend, I'm so much better than everyone fedora tier politics

Get out kid,
Don't you have some gay atheist communist tranny rally to go to?

Who gives a fuck?

North Korea is a country surrounded by water. Big water. Ocean water and two countries absolutely opposed the US intervention but that's not stopping the genius. If you can't rescue Puerto Rico, you're not kicking NKs ass either.

>we will have our revenge berber man!
PS: Sorry about your king brah, we didn't know :/

Millions will die because of his stupidity and indecisiveness


Hurricane Maria hit Puerto Rico and F’d it up. Go away you retard.

shariablue is a laughing stock of the world

Who cares? Puerto Rico is a shithole spic island filled with mostly rapists, murderers and drug dealers. Why help those assholes? They already come here freely and leech endless gibs without even speaking English.

Puerto rican bitches have ass and can cook. What more do you want?

Your extra 18th chromosome is waiting with your shekels at the shareblue front desk.

>tfw this is all 1 sentence
At least Obama took the time to gather his thoughts instead of rambling like a man in the last throes of dementia.

soon or something maybe after a drink idk

These women hit the wall at like 25 instead of 30. She'll be full Consuela mode in a few years.

Trump isn't playing 4D chess he's the dumb fuck at the poker table who has no fucking clue what he's doing and is hard to play because his choices aren't rational.

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