We Asian-Americans are NOT on your side. We stand AGAINST racism and injustice and FOR equality.
Reminder to all the White racists here:
why americans let their country be ruined like that?
didn't know they elected you to speak for them
Then why do you Asians make more than white people on avg?
Good for you Cheng. Now fuck off with your shitposting.
SAGE if you are gonna reply to this 0/10 bait.
Reminder to all Asian-Americans here. Your countries are the most ethnocentric, least diverse countries in the world.
Where whites have accepted you into our countries and allowed you to become citizens with full rights...in your own countries, you have not done this. Whether it be China, Korea, Or Japan, these countries have comparatively no diversity nor paths to full citizenship for non-asians in any substantial way.
How about you tell the truth and get off your fucking knee dicklet.
Stop earning more than whites then you yellow bastard
Do you now? Didn't know you speak for all Asian people. The problem with identity politics is liberals are racist and only see peoples skin color or gender, not their individuality.
why the fuck is some random doctor verified???
WTF twitter, at least try to hide your bias
Fuck this gook
T. Half asian
Socialism is nothing but a shell game.
That's one pathetically small gathering.
The majority of Asians voted AGAINST Trump in 2016, so nice cherry picking.
Yeah, that's true. Fuck asians.
North America and Europe are now the most ethnically diverse regions on Earth and the most welcoming to non-native peoples.
Yet everyone calls the natives of these areas racist.
I don't get it.
wow howd we let that chink through our all oppressive net meant to stop non whites from succeeding?
>I don't get it.
..But I do goyim. I do.
>I'm an Asian-Amelican doctee and todee I #TakeTheKnee to fight white supremacee
>implying nonwhites are doing this shit for any abstract causes (that's reserved for whites) instead of simply grabbing power
>the race with the lowest testosterone isn't on our side
ohhhhhh noooooooo! what we gonna do senpai?
>white racists
You're this fucking stupid?! You're literally the racist here you cunt.
Y you don't know kung fu do you OP?
That's fucking bullshit, Asians act all nice and docile but they're waiting for the chance to exterminate the European population and put the remaining 2% on display in Zoos all across their new empire of slant-eyes.
His wifes kneeing infront of a racist too
He's right fuck the Han long live the japanese
i hate asians
>the yellow jew shows its true colors
Speak for yourself you commie bastard. All my asian friends including myself voted Trump and want your kind deported or dead.
Rightly so, they are a hoard of emotionless insects that cannot create, only copy what they like or destroy what they don't.
Forget about hatred for jews and blacks for a minute, it's the Asians that are the true threat.
hate Japs more then chinks desu
Kikes die first
Fuck desu meant desu
Fine, as long as you remain vigilant and aware of the yellow threat
No, because nowhere did I say that all White people are racist. My comments are only directed to the White racists that I know read this board.
That is a deal, once kikes, niggers, and sandniggers are gone. We can each have our own ethnostates.
so what? honest question
I didn't imply. I addressed the hypocracy of that tweet, and in a larger sense, the hypocracy of someone who is asian criticizing white "supremacy" when the attitude and reality of their own countries is such that they should explain their own lack of diversity and cultural openness.
I agree entirely that its about grabbing power. Power they didn't establish.
>makes more than most whites like a lot of Asians.
>claims to be oppressed.
Who the fuck cares what race you are.
A cuck is a cuck is a cuck.
And there is no use for a cuck.
Asian here. You are the stupidest faggot on Sup Forums. Kill yourself. Not joking.
>We Asian-Americans are NOT on your side.
Nobody thought you were.
>We stand AGAINST racism and injustice and FOR equality.
I guess Schroedinger's whites are not white this week. Enjoy getting culled after "whitey" gets killed off, which will never happen.
This is all about American supremacy and not about race.
I am an American supremacist and proud.
Yes, bow to your sovereign king, little chinaman.
I'll say the same to you I'd say to a white guy who goes to Japan and fights "Asian supremacy". GO THE FUCK BACK HOME YOU STUPID FAGGOT
>meanwhile in Thailand
please go back to /ptg/
Super nigger here. After we stomp out whitey we're gonna get rid of you cucks next and you won't be able to stop us because all your white allies are gone.
It`s pretty normal actually. Everyone in USA is an enormous cunt. And that is the way they demand their fair share.
I need the image: "who's behind X is not white threads, it could save your life", hurry unity of fascist Spain is in danger
Mfw Korea and China were the most racist countries I've visited.
You know he posts here.
>Eddie Huang pretends to be a Doctor
Fucking retard.
That's what the tyrones larping as whites in this board want to do.
Yeah until the Nogs start pillaging your stores heh
Daily reminder he's married to a Jewess.
>He thinks Asians are safe from social justice
Newsflash they are coming for you next
Translation:ching chong ting tong bing bang bong
>family escapes some famine-ridden communist shithole
>become a doctor
>shit on the country that gave you the chance and kept you safe throughout your success
>all to virtue-signal for a bunch of 1% niggers
This planet is dead
Picture in OP post is this actor, not a Doctor.
Stop posting the same shit every day you nigger
why the long face?
brits warned us about you asians
Wait, isn't this the gook who always comments on Donald Trump's posts? He's a cringy fuck.
Last I checked I voted for trump and don't give a shit about nigs or spics like every other Chinese member of my family
He's an anti-white mouthpiece for Vice Media group. Nothing more.
go back to china you god damn communist spies, yvette felarca is why i hate all asians in america you are worse than the jews im never buying your ching chong chow ever
anyone who uses the term "white boy" doesn't support white people
Shouldn't he be helping patients instead of shitposting on twtitter?
Shut it white boy.
>Let people into your country
>They make your country shit and call you shit
>Power grab
He's a failed lawyer, restaurant owner and book writer. No idea why Vice would give him an outlet, or ABC for that matter as well. Dude is good at what he does. He's the chigger version of Anthony Bourdain, who is also a leftist, Jewish mouthpiece.
y-y-you cant announce that youre saging baka!
>all those rs
Stop appropriating.
alex jones isn't fake news. he's an aggregate site, it's all articles from other places like the ap and reuters. he just fucking reposts them, discuses them and goes on comical rants. they are calling themselves fake news, it's pretty funny.
I bet he can but ALOT of rice.
>against racism
hahahahahahahahahahah well played OP
Kek, we all know that this is just anti white rhetoric from the ant people. They basically hate everyone especially America
lived in chinatown in paris , the majority of my asian friend are racist and despise black people .
the yellow jew is against white racism, just don't worry about what they do back in ching chong land, its totally different there guys, trust them
Only the top crust can usually make it here you begin with
So true
it's very important for stability of society that doctors remain apolitical and as robotic as possible.
in return we must pay them very salaries, and let them live luxurious lives.
but if one starts getting political, he needs to be put down like a horse. trust me. political doctors is a very dangerous thing.
Asian americans are absolute faggots. Asians that live in asia tend to be based. Really makes you think....
Why do Asians in America end up acting like niggers?
How will Asians deal with the ghetto black problem when white people are gone? I feel like you guys are gonna get ridiculed and bullied mercilessly by blacks for being nerdy, little dick, manlets.
This is true, doctors and dentists I know actually refuse to talk about it.
Those...numbers. Is kek confused? Why do he want white people gone?
speak for yourself faggot. I stand 100% with my nationalistic brothers. kill race mixers and cuckold fetishists, leftie degenerates!
sage this shit
oh look this thread again
if you're going to larp at least make an effort to be original
also it is not true, you can see for the election of trump , asian were the minority that voted the most for trump
We voted for Hillary at the same rates Hispanics did. Same for Obama in 2012.
And the majority of white women voted for Trump. The majority of college-educated white women voted Trump too!
Keep crying, bitch nigger.
He assimilated pretty damn well into US culture, I have to say. Now he just has to love Israel and send his son to die for it. Then he will be an all American son.
>pay them very salaries
>FOR equality.
equality is cancer.
Fuck you, chink. I'm a gook and I would side with white people.