Ol' Casey isn't looking too hot guys. Another shill falls victim to meme magic
Ol' Casey isn't looking too hot guys. Another shill falls victim to meme magic
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Something off about him.
That’s why I’m votin for Hillowary Clanton.
He looks like a genetic mistake.
why cant he rubrchill hell
>Ol' Casey isn't looking too hot guys
What else is new?
Goys, want to take a ride on my skateboard and fly away to the right side of history!
why is this faggot so popular? his videos are boring as fuck
what happened to the goblin
>tfw the goyim on either side of you both drop a coin at the same time
as with most youtube celebrities it's just about consistency and decent editing skills, crossed with an element of aspirational living.
Even if the guy is annoying as hell he's good at what he does
Jewish ubermensch revolutionized blogs on jewtube
I want to vomit every time I see his stupid ashkenazi incest face.
editing techniques. The videos are really bad but he does a ton of cuts so people don't get bored. Basically he switches the angle, shot, etc rapidly.
It's why music videos are schizophrenic. They just do a fuck load of sets/shots/angles/close ups to keep people interested. You can figure out the pattern pretty easy for youtube "viewer stickyness"
If you watch closely he will start with a splashy intro that is a cliffhanger, cuts to random scenes and music, then goes into his show.
Basically it's hypnotizing to some people and he can say whatever he wants in the video for same views. The skateboarding stuff is just to get lots of different shots.
Just watch the editing instead of what you are seeing and you will get the technique.
maybe we could use these techniques
Does he actually have some sort of birth defect that makes him look like this or is he just plain ugly?
Looks like he had done some drugs, possibly meth.
Wtf I just watched the video. He doesn't find out anything from his doctor. Total bait
i think it's more that it's typically sick people who attack trump. botched and bungled people. stupid people who are more likely to get sick. etc. etc. healthy, happy people have better things to do than attack trump.
He's actually a dinarid jew, they all look like this
Imagine how much of a faggot you'd have to be in order to wear that shirt.
Still waiting on Lebron desu
He was in a old HBO show called The neistat brothers
dude looks like a gargoyle
I heard he's been seeing following Elijah Wood around
Genetics heavily enhanced with fetal alcohol syndrome, I'd wager.
To all the Incels out there. If this faggot can get laid so can you. There's no way you're worse looking it's close to impossible. So get out there and smash pussy fellow incels.
he's hard to look at
Guy in your pic doesn't look that bad though. Neistat is goblin-tier
he always looks like that, he has this birth defect called Judaism
>tfw not realizing those are two different expressions which describe the same thing
The embodiment of this comment can be seen in
probably huge. I don't listen to that trite, mainly impressionable teens do
user, you are based. I'm a little way into my journey in the he study of media "magic". And how it, combined with the knowledge of psychobiology, is used to...
Shall we say push, the audience.
Please suggest some interesting reading material relating your comment above. I would love to learn more about the theories and techniques used in audio visual design for the purpose of tuning the audience.
Thanks, friend!
why can't he run?
gimmie schekel's disease, you can fund him on Patreon
because he looks like a bat