Brit/pol/ - £20 Bank Note Edition

>"Nonces here, nonces there, Westminster nonces everywhere," Ted Heath kiddy fiddling claims 'credible

>Labour activists compare Israel to the Nazis, Corbyn in damage control mode

>May meets Donald Tusk, if you listen closely you can hear her panicking

>Fighting terror, "puts unsustainable strain on police," just give me martial law, senpai

>Bank of England warned not to raise interest rates, Brexit to blame, of course

>Labour plans to renationalise PFI contracts ‘could take the Cabinet Office years’‘could-take-cabinet-office-years’

>Theresa May welcomes Donald Tusk to Downing Street for crunch Brexit talks

>Top cop admits it was a 'mistake' launching sex abuse inquiry outside Sir Edward Heath's home

Other urls found in this thread:

waiting for euromillion numbers

Anyone else miss the chuckle brothers?

>Name a better period in history than la Belle Époque.
Pro-tip you can’t





Ban homosexual propaganda.

Is he right?



>Islam is the greatest threat we face
Doubtful. It's, of course, a threat, but free mass immigration per se is more of a threat, and the greatest threat is the continuous enlargement of the state which facilitates the immigration.

Fuck yes



Why is this place so boring?

Where the fuck did he even come from? Never heard of the cunt...

Of course he is. We're as cucked as Canadians.

>it's another paki tries to defend himself by saying blacks are shit as well
you both need too fuck off

where's preube?

The only thing legal in Britain against Islam are anti-hate gay protests by Tony Robinson and such. Tell me what level of cuckold is it. Or is it intelligence Engima tier shit fight.

Ffs don't summon the cunt

I'm here.

you're not preube

Based Corbo! Jeremy "gas em all" Corbyn!


>Drag Queen speaks

too many trolled faggots using trips ..for YOU

Who drew this?

>it's another "newfag calling others newfag" episode
don't >> me you newfag

Im preube !!

Why do you do this?

Alri' Mair?

>he thinks that democracy is conducive to liberty

unfortunately yes

>ask where a tripcode is
>said tripcode replies
>too retarded to recognise tripcode
>gets called out
>spergs out
Not sure if that was also an attempt to pretend to be YKTD as well. Sad.

hello animenonces please stop avatarfagging with that purple eyed slut thank you.

that's not preube newfriend

>purple eyed slut
who should i be on the look out for? i'll tell them for you

He's right I'm not Preuße. Or am I?!

fuck off

Liten ..You were a nasty cunt an said you want to beat me up ,If serious I will give time and place anywhere Northwest UK ..if you refuse will doxx you an pay you a call Big Man ok ! Apologise an I will let it go ..

Why has someone stuck a severed penis in that girl's glass?


Fuck up felchy

Yet none of them have actually done anything practical to stop immigration. Unlike the British.

Im Preuße !

>says the newfag

>Yet none of them have actually done anything practical to stop immigration. Unlike the British.
>Unlike the British.

Stfu newfags

some muslim on /sg/

>t. newfag

Touching little boys


You're both newfags shut the fuck up

Britain is one of the whitest first world countries in Europe

Why would you guys have liked to have been elected leader of UKIP?
I think I'm fine with the result. I wanted the party to die so that something fresh could appear. AMW would prevent that and also shift the "right" to socialism, while someone like Kurten would keep UKIP on Nuttal-like life support but prevent any new right wing parties from growing.



I'll punch your throat clean out cunt.

Did nige tell ukip to put bolton in?

They say the same thing about Ted Heath that they did about the Westminster Pedophile ring.

Turns out all that masses of evidence came down to one single guy with issues.

> Work as a bank teller
> Easy as fuck shit unless a fag has their money withheld for very sensible security reasons
> Man comes up to me, visibly pissed
> Here we go
> Starts ranting about the new notes, hates the feel and they are smaller and fall out his wallet
> Explain its the Royal Mint that makes notes, not us.
> Doesn't believe it
> Actually have to ring silent alarm because this dude is being threatening
> Police show up and tell him to fuck off

Its like the UKIP and brexit lot lied to us , we shut door to darkie/sand nigger rapeffuggees , we get £350 million a week for NHS an Public sector workers get pay rise .. now Stronk stable tories giving EU a trillion golden handshake ..would be better in EU ?

stfu newfags

you're all preube

Im Preuße !

Why are you mentioning old news Heath three times a day for the last week ?

Im Preuße !

/casual racist jokes about tv advertising with my girlfriend/

This timeline has its perks

>>Doesn't believe it
How are people like this found?

>the autist who thinks everyone is Preuße dropped his trip

>police show up
What you lying for cunt?

I'll slice your fucking neck off and fucking dump a cleveland steamer down there you scrawny fuck

Im Preuße !

shit party and ruined GB !

Reminder this is the pic that made eddie leave


Im Preube !

p-please respond to my attempt to generate discussion

All these keyboard commandos out on a friday calpol night

Kek I'll cave your chest in with my boot


The right needs to shift to socialism. Without that, and without getting the working class on their side, they have absolutely no chance whatsoever.

The next right wing party needs to talk about gibs but make it very clear that they're only for Brits and those who really need it. Unemployment and JSA cost next to fuck all, the real issues are the other benefits, a huge proportion of which go to niggers and pakis.

I've said this for years, the only way we will get a nationalist party in Britain is if they are nationalist socialist. The BNP got close to getting it right, they just didn't have the right marketing



UKIP is fucking joke it had Aspirations of brilliance then went down the shitter faster than the tories

Started watching anime to see what it's all about due to it being posted here so much.

Kind of getting into it, any recommendations?

>Henry Bolton wins UKIP leadership election

Literally who

the whole situation seems jewy af.
If it is whittle i wouldn't be suprised or suspicous, but he came fucking FITH, (behind JRE who is a litreall schizo)

Insteasd they picked nige's ex-libdem lapdog

Meme greentext this badly ,your b8 is not even worthy ok

Ill crush your skull with my fucking traps you weak cunt

Try watching child pornography, I think you'll enjoy it.

samshit lol

Im Preuße !

What do you want to talk about lad? Infiltrating the libertarian party UK and turning them into commie tossing ancaps?


NO .. I am !

Reckon im gonna make this eddie cunt gargle my piss until he cries

>the obsessed autist literally thinks because he cares so much about me I reciprocate the feelings, so generates up stories of his own to match his narrative

Just go the whole hog and rape a child you fucking melt

We CIVIC now.

Only >5k views?

Bang out of order reposting this ! Not Cool at all
