Think about it, what is good about life if you aren't a nihilist/hedonist? Nothing. About the only enjoyable thing in life is food and Sup Forums. At least that's how i see it. Without that life is meaningless, so why isn't Nihilism/Hedonism the best option?
Tell me while Nihilism/Hedonism isn't the Only Rational Ideology Today
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Stop being a coward. What is enjoyable is learning about the world you and what is more enjoyable is finding God because he created the world. The renaissance way of looking at it is that God is the original artist and he created intelligent life and human artists to view his work as well as be his work. In other words theism is the best option if you're not afraid in having faith in something bigger than yourself.
Nihilism would be a lot better if you could kill the people you hate without consequence. Without that freedom you just feel constantly blueballed.
Ain't going nihilistic; too depressing.
Not sure about going hedonistic; no solution to hedonism treadmill.
Fuck, now I gotta find a reason for living.
but nihilism is the only rational ideology.
How's high school goin?
Nihilism definitely is the only rational philosophy. Or to be more strict skepticism.
They aren't very useful though. Also Hedonism has fucking nothing to do with Nihilism.
It is the only rational ideology, "preserving muh white race" doesn't really matter, I just support it because I think it'll make the world a better / more enjoyable place for future generations.
dont forget going to the gym for the gains
Hedonism is an earthly disease. You should only have pleasure in Heaven after you die. You are mortal and you should NOT be obsessed with pleasure, because you become lazy and your immunity goes down. You have to work and be moderated, but believe in God (Jesus) too.
>the only enjoyable thing in life is food and Sup Forums
Have you tried sex?
>Stop being a coward
I am living to fucking die so it is far less cowardly then just believing a God in hope of getting into heaven (when i die it is over and even if God existed ill being going to its hell forever).
>What is enjoyable is learning about the world you and what is more enjoyable is finding God because he created the world.
Learning about the world shows no Theist God creating us. Of course i can call nature God but the bible is bullshit along with all the rest of the Theist deities.
>In other words theism is the best option if you're not afraid in having faith in something bigger than yourself.
Faith is bullshit as faith is not knowing. You only know which can be proven by evidence. If you cannot show it you do not know it.
I am not gonna have faith in a God that i cannot prove to exist as if i could prove God or the bible i would not need faith to begin with as id know he exists (no need to use faith).
Either way no matter what is real i am risking hell in all religions which believe it vs you risking hell in most religions except your own.
>You should only have pleasure in Heaven after you die
Prove heaven even fucking exists before i throw my entire life and my mission down the drain restricting my desires.
Fuck forgoing drugs, sex, partying and my mission just in the hopes that when i am dead ill be having fun in heaven even thou i do not even know if one exists none the less the Christian one.
>You are mortal and you should NOT be obsessed with pleasure,
Your mission is the real meaning of your life pleasure is something that comes on the side.
> You have to work and be moderated, but believe in God (Jesus) too.
Prove he exists then ill accept him as being such.
There is a practice to prove that Heaven exists: killing yourself. WHOOPSIE! You'll go to HELL!
Shroud of Turin. Read the Bible too. Follow Christian generals and believe in Jesus.
>inb4 kike on the pike
>if it hasnt been observed it is not real
Because nihilism and hedonism are incompatible, retard.
Nihilism states there is no inherent meaning, while hedonism states that the inherent meaning is pleasure.
Neither of them are sufficient for a healthy life. If someone could have pulled it off, my money would have been on nietzsche but even he broke down and got carried away to a mental instistution.
People aren't equipped to organize their values freely, since such a task would require a mechanism an order of magnitude higher than the mechanism it's trying to organize. The lower can't influence the higher.
This is where God (eternal, objective, unknowable transcendent value and organizing principle) steps in.
>I am living to die
>far less cowardly than living to live
Living to die is arguably far easier than living to live.
>what is more enjoyable is fighting god
Check it for truth
>1 post by this ID
0/10 bait since you answered your own question in the OP.
Obviously OP is a fag
>There is a practice to prove that Heaven exists: killing yourself
Ill kill myself or i will be killed in my mission or at the end of it you Christcuck who cannot produce an argument.
> WHOOPSIE! You'll go to HELL!
How do you know that? what evidence do you have that your version of hell exists and that i will not just end up in Muslim hell?
Again my mission is more important then pleasure and there are times in my life were life sucks ass in the span of it (like prison) but either way my mission comes first pleasure comes second and i do not need pleasure just like i do not need drugs.
If i wanna do drugs i will do them. If i wanna get high i will get high but i do not need any of them.
>Shroud of Turin.
Lets get independent scientists on the matter to prove whether it is legit or just another Christian forgery of a miracle attempt created by either the mother church or the lower protestant churches.
>Read the Bible too
Which bible version? the catholic bible with its additional books? king james?
>Follow Christian generals and believe in Jesus.
I do not believe in Jesus as my standard for evidence has not been met to prove him. I need to know Jesus exists not using any faith.
>Living to die is arguably far easier than living to live.
Living without the fear of death and in spite of it accelerates life.
Finding your connection to the past and the future, seeing your role and embracing your responsibilities triggers something in the human brain far beyond simple pleasure. All the great men who built our world were obsessed by their work because they saw the role it could play, most framed it as a connection to God.
You evolved over 4 billion years to maintain and mature the information that made you, both genetic and cultural. When you do what you're built for you are functioning correctly and in sync with the nature of reality, the Word of God.
In other words become Christian and make white babies.
>all the christcuck answers
Sup Forums is literally the most bluepilled board
Yes life is meaningless, go take pleasure in the things you love and try to make your life as great as possible.
But user Sup Forums is apparently a Christian board according to burgers
I don't know whether to consider myself a christian but Amen, brother.
Subjecting oneself to a higher ordering principle is the way to go.
americans literally ruin every single thing they touch
Human beans don't work like that. They are completely driven by narratives so if you say to them "life is meaningless" they will order their lives around that made up idea. Pursuing the things you love is hard, if nothing matters you might as well kill yourself or do lots of heroin until you die.
You have no authority to claim anything about objective meaning, you derive all your knowledge from faith like everyone else. You have faith that objective truth exists, the validity of logic and your senses. In every choice you make you demonstrate your faith in free will even while claiming it doesn't exist because your made up reductionist model of the world says so.
>Living without the fear of death and in spite of it accelerates life.
>accelerates life
Yeah, you're right. To death. Real brave.
Hedonism leads to self destruction, and self destruction isn't rational.
>tell me not to be a lazy, selfish piece of shit
Look I don't really care but the fact is you have reward pathways for a reason, abusing it just makes you fat and burned out and that tends to be the case for the people who go down that road.
Trying to drown yourself in pleasure is a loser's life. You can disagree like all the others who threw a hissy fit for not having their druggie, lazy lives justified but the fact remains, they are still slaves to their flesh, and most like will live their lives like that.