Civic Nationalism is Better to Shitty White Nationalism

Reminder that while white nationalists want a hateful nation-state civic nationalists like Smart Songs are creating songs to inspire civic nationalism in American schools

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It's a necessary stepping stone

Although both ideologies are pipe dreams, I personally think it'd be marginally more feasible to convince minorities to collectively abandon tribalism and assimilate fully into mainstream culture than to forcibly relocate a third of our population out of the country.

WN is bullshit any way you slice it. Blacks have been here since before our nation officially existed. Natives too. Neither of them ended up on American clay by choice, and the language of the constitution doesn't distinguish between whites and anyone else - all men are created equal. The 13th, 14th and 15th amendments reaffirmed that white nationalism will never, ever happen without completely scrapping the constitution.

Diversity only benefits browns at white people's expense

>(((civic nationalism)))

America truly is the greatest country on earth, and it's people are exceptional.
We all bleed the same red blood of patriots.

Reminder that "civic nationalism" is a decadent meme preliminary period to ethnic Balkanization since ethnocentrism always wins in Game Theory simulations of political organization

Londonistan will fall

Civic nationalism = niggers.
And niggers ruin everything, user.
Think again.

Ethnic nationalism is the way to go.

Dear White people,Your government no longer represents you.

They applaud your demographic annihilation.

They confiscate TRILLIONS of dollars from you via taxation - and do they use that money to help you? No. They give it to Blacks and Browns so they can outbreed you. (The government also give billions of dollars to the Jewish state of Israel and other foreign governments and international organizations.)

They not only allow but they actively encourage and engage in discrimination against you.

They allow the beautiful cities YOUR ancestors built to be stolen from you and turned into Third World-style war zones - courtesy of your hard earned tax dollars.

They bring the full weight of the federal government against any of you who dare to defend yourselves.

They import millions of Third Worlders in order to displace you and steal your jobs.

They demonize you and call you racist while supporting racist organizations such as La Raza and the NAACP.

They ignore hundreds of thousands of yearly Black-on-White crimes while making national sensations out of comparably few White-on-Black "crimes" (many of which are complete fabrications).

They discourage you from reproducing by filling your children's heads with feminist nonsense.

They threaten to disarm you because Blacks and Browns can not behave responsibly with weapons.

And, after all of the above, they insist that YOU are the problem.

(((They))) want you DEAD.

Hate speech is speech jews hate to hear.

u cleary didnt watch the video

Convince niggers they are Americans and not black. If you can't do this, Civic Nationalism will never work.

National Socialism for everyone is the only answer.

Why should I? Is it mandatory? Will I be punished for not watching faggot OP videos?

I agree...only so much we can do at this point.

>Civic nationalism
How can you have civic nationalism in a society that tolerates any ideological viewpoint? The whole concept is predicated on absolute authority to the central ideology of the civilization where dissent isn't tolerated. The western world holds freedom of ideology as a core ideological tenant making mandatory adherence to societal ideology an inherently self defeating system as anyone can dissent and say "my attempt to destroy the system means I actually support it." The entire notion that you can have freedom of ideology and simultaneously have ideological adherence as the uniting factor in society is a nonsensical lie that's told to naive white Americans so they don't realize their entire country is held together solely by the threat of violence from the centralized government.

Civic nationalism only works when a populations average IQ is over 100.
The problem is most countries that practice (((civic nationalism))) choose to import >90 IQ subumans

It's true for the usa, but not for Europe.

>Civic nationalism
Maybe in USA but not in Europe nigger.

Daily reminder that the word 'nation' means a people united by common descent. As such, there is no such thing as civic nationalism.
Tribalism is a deeply rooted aspect of biology. It won't go away. America was explicitly created for only whites, even before the Bill of Rights was passed we made immigration laws to ensure that. Not to mention that 'all men are created equal' was written by a slave owner, and was meant to reject divine rule. It was not meant to say that everyone is equal.

>le 52% face
>didn't even realize OP pic and flag was bait

No, it proves you wrong thats why

No no no, you accept all viewpoints, it's just you encourage patriotism such as with the STRONG PATRIOT ACT

You seem upset. Did your dad rape you?

Did you love it? Why else rock a kekistani flag?

you're a bad troll

Yes civic nationalism is good.

I disagree. I think we need to ascend biology. And nations by definition are multicultural otherwise it's a tribe

That is a great new pasta, burger

You can't ascend biology and I will laugh at your attempts to. That's the reason ideologies like Communism don't work as they deny biological hierarchy. I never said nations are monocultural, but they are monoracial. In any case, America is a multicultural nation and always was meant to be, but the cultures were all European. If you want a multiracial 'nation' then you at least need one culture to unify behind, though that will fail anyway.

Look at Brazil, multiracial and multicultural.

>No no no, you accept all viewpoints, it's just you encourage patriotism such as with the STRONG PATRIOT ACT
So while you have people calling for your heads you sing songs about how great your side of the argument is. I suspect you're baiting, but since this is the ideology of morons it's hard to tell.

>eminder that while white nationalists want a hateful nation-state
I'd fucking love one.

>Civic Nationalism
you mean kosher nationalism you fucking kike?

You're doing a great job for arguing for real nationalism. No one wants to live in Brazil.

This. Europe is a bunch of ethnostates and should stay that way. Civic nationalism isprobably the only option for the US due to demographics. That or balkanizing


>no one wants to live in Brazil
Sure buddy

No, we need real nationalism here as well and we can achieve it. Whites are 75% of the voting population. The US's economic and military power will be used against Europe if we don't succeed.

Sure you have a nice hotel, but ignore the hellhole slums all around it.

Sup Forums is not libertarian board and it CERTAINLY isn't a civnat board. This is obvious JIDF or Shareblue shilling. Pic related is what happens in civnat countries. You and your children are being internally displaced and are literally currently attacked freely in the street. Fuck civic nationalism and fuck anyone stupid enough to listen to OP

>civic nationalism
It kinda works in Singapore but it's not a Western democracy.

Real nationalism will require more diversity since unity comes through diversity

Sup Forums is anti-racist and anti-xenophobic. Sup Forums is natciv

>unity comes through diversity
Except there's been studies that have proven this wrong. Why would unity come from have less in common with your neighbor?

works in the west too.

Fuck off nigger lover. Nice to see the JIDF is still providing jobs for faggots I guess

diversity = civ nat = multiculturalism = no whites

Because if we are all diverse we all realize we need to cling to nationalism to hold us together.

>civic nationalist
communist - light

It works in the USA.

no it really doesn't..have you been paying attention

So by that logic Reagan was a communist. LOL

A bunch of dindus mean nothing.

he wasn't not a communist

>Sup Forums is anti-racist and anti-xenophobic. Sup Forums is natciv
Opinion into the trash.

I agree fuck white(ethnic nationalist RACIST REDNECK HILBILLY WHITE TRASH. Civic nationalism is teh way of the future. My daughter is married to a based black christian man who voted for the god emperor based Trump. Fuck nazis and muslims! Based jews christian and black men welcome in this thread!! PLS FUCK MY WIFE. MAGA

A Jew and a Jesuit on front row of this shit, what surprise, just like it has been for hundreds of years.

I remember during the campaign. I posted a picture of myself in a MAGA hat and everyone said "FUUUUCKING BASSSSED"

> songs
> i`m sitting on the graveyard

Reminder that cultural nationalism is not only best nationalism, but also the one most likely to ever be implemented in a western society.

>civic nationalism
>left wing nationalism
>socialist nationalism
>nelson mandela
>mlk jr
>nation of islam
fuck off civcuck, every great nation in history has had an ethnostate foundation

That's Nazism, fuck that

Natonalistic (aka "patriotic", if we translate it from German instead of copypasting) nationalism was not ethnic. The ethnos of aryans defined swedes and nederniggers as masterrace. Germans where the cannonfodder for the war for the glory of this cucks.

im ethnically german if you are being racist to them but i like your viewpoint.


>kek fag

Civic Nationalism is the enemy of multiculturalism and only works when combined with Americanism

Kill yourself you fucking kike.

American Civic nationalism = meritocracy and no gibs

Niggers dont survive in countries without gibs

>No guns
Never trust civic nationalism when your government denies you basic human rights


Thats multiculturalism, not civic nationalism you retard

Fuck off with your bullshit. Shitskins don't want to live with us, they just want our fucking tax dollars, land, and infrastructure.

Multiculturalism and white supremacy are 2 sides to the same coin

Civic nationalism for America, ethnonationalism for europe


On paper, I believe in civic nationalism but people will begin to see the incompatibility between different cultures over decades and centuries and ultimately balkanize and turn to ethno-nationalism.

Civic nationalism for now. Ethno-nationalism is too high of a goal to reach in this current time.

Ours are better

Civic nationalism is worse than communism.

the number one reason why civic nationalism would fail, is the Arminius case:
Arminius was a german nobleman, who was taken by the romans, taught in the roman way of life and become a roman citizien.
Just google the battle at Teutoburg, if you want to know what happens next.

Civic nationalists are cowards and go against their own people

Stop confusing civic nationalism with multiculturalism

Civic nationalism favors whites

Civic nationalists only stand with those who earn the right to rule

Idiots who think white people of their race lead them well are fools who cant see past 100 years

>civic natcuck

>Civic nationalism favors whites
in which dimension?

NatCiv will stop nig violence and lead to the dissolution of the democratic party.
It's win-win.

Picture this

You welcome in immigrants from all over the world, and allow them to freely mix and breed with your people
But you also enforce a strict code of conduct, morality, and economy that favors the traits desired by your people

Eventually, those other genes that you welcomed in will be less successful in the dating market, and die away. If any one of them has a trait that lines up well with your cultural values, that trait will be "captured" and assimilated into your population over time.

For example, let's say that your culture prides great strength. The entire society has competitions every year for throwing, lifting, carrying....etc. The reproductive success of any given individual is directly corellated to how well they do in these competitions.

If you welcome in a bunch of Indians, they aren't going to do so well in these competitions. Therefore, over the generations, their gene pool will fade and decline, until it's practically vanished. However, let's say that one of these Indians has a particular trait that allows them to succeed in these competitions. That specific trait will be favored, and be assimilated into your gene pool at large. Enhancing your population over time.

This is just a thought experiment, but you can extend this principle.
For example, in the West we consider the European face to be the beauty standard. We consider European-type behaviors to be the standard. We consider historically European sexual morality to be the standard.

Africans, Asians, Muslims....etc don't do so well when subjected to these criteria. They therefore are lower-status mates, meaning that their genes are under negative selection pressure. Over time, they will be phased out, assuming they don't successfully create their own distinct culture-within-a-culture.

This is why civic naitonalism works better

This does not adress my point

It's sad that whites are willing to put their racial identity on the chopping block and at the same time amplify the voices of sperged minorities who literally just can't not verbalize their bestial desire for more look-like-me's and none of anything else. I want civic nationalism to work, but minorities are far more tribal-minded compared to the average white man. If somebody wants to benefit from America, they should also want to assimilate culturally. I don't give a fuck if they practice whatever ensemble of brown woo-woo holidays, but most of the time minorities send money out of our economy (and even more often, they aren't shy about jerking off to their homeland despite fleeing from it). This country isn't supposed to be a free parking space on a Monopoly board for any random mudperson to come rob benefits from.

No it fucking won't you fucking (((civic nationalist))) sell out. You would be making pic related a reality in America.

>Eventually, those other genes that you welcomed in will be less successful in the dating market, and die away
A nice dream, but that is not reality and you know it. Your version of Civic Nationalism would need to be enforced by the media and gov, and churches, which we all know does not happen. What's left then? Enforcement by segregation and deportations, might as well skip the fucking around and go straight to ethnic cleansing, it's the only way at this point, why let them in in the first place? Jews go first.

Yup. "Diversity" is code for "Non-White".

That's a picture of civic nationalism not happening. Blacks would have pride in their country and not attack people and salute the flag like everyone else. Honestly acting white is the best thing blacks can do in the US.

Checkmate Nazis

National transhumanism is superior to shitty civic nationalism and white nationalism.

I found updated charts

Genes are more complicated than what you or your retard friends can imagine. If this was possible it would be far in the future and white people would be the ones discovering it. ie. its a dream for another day and age. Not ours.

Isn't that Hershel Lieberman on the right?

>When the teams get autobalanced



Non whites will not make the West better. We need to stop hating ourselves and destroying our own future. Our psychology has been manipulated by (((someone))) to guilt trip us into oblivion. Watch this:

fugg how will we eber recober :DDD