>b-b-b-but goyim we have to tolerate Christcucks and ally with them No. Christianity is inherently anti-European because it teaches that Paganism (the religion of the European Gods) is inferior to the culture made by brown people and that our Gods are evil and our practices are wicked A ''white'' Christian is a heretic ''If they have no respect for the Norwegian culture, why on Earth should Norwegians respect their culture?''
Bump. That picture is true. Christians are basically Jews 2.0, just a little less evil and without the whole bloodline deal.
It's not divisive. Paganism will unite the white race. The whole "turn le other cheek" shit is going to get us all killed. And don't even get me started on the mass of steaming shit that is the Catholic church.
Ethan Watson
Christianity inherently teaches anti-Paganism though It is a fundamental Christian belief that the Pagan gods are demons and Satan, and Pagan practices are profane witchcraft ''If they have no respect for the Norwegian culture, why on Earth should Norwegians respect their culture?'' - Varg Vikerness Hails! The rigged elections that are plaguing Scandinavia will be eradicated, they will all get what they deserve in the end, by the will of Odin. Fuck what the ignorant Americans say about us
Cameron Gutierrez
name one pagan european god that called out the jews and their usury ways, i'll wait
Ian Richardson
Bump for being a Pagan General thread without the faggotry
Owen Moore
The Jews have always hated Paganism even before Christianity ever existed and the Jews who created Christianity also of course condemned every Pagan god as well
Joseph Hill
Christianity is controlled opposition Any Jew pretending to hate it is just Jewing you
Daniel Lewis
Whats up with pagans and their obsession with butt sex?