Merkel has been part of this project for more than 13 yrs. Nuclear fusion is big in Germany, people all know about the 7-X, they all love it. We need more money going into it, more people, more fusion. No country on Earth has ever been closer to unlocking the secrets of the sun.
The only country with a massive stellerator is Germany
That's a pretty sweet project, I hope it bears fruit soon.
because germany needs all that free gib energy to power the newest iPhones for them refugees
this kills the petro-dollar
We need to invest in fusion and not fission.
I would not say kill... more like "contain".
Just like Brexit
Researching Fusion Reactors is fucking useless. It's not possible to make one that generates more energy than this reactors consumes at the same time.
It is all a stupid meme that will never be real.
Only for African Americans to operate it and destroy!
You don't know that.
There very well could be a breakthrough or multiple that allow it to work very well as a source of energy. We still need to do more research into it.
*steals your scientists*
oops :DDD
Merkel shut it down literally days ago.
Worst case scenario is that you pay for a bunch of german scientists and high tech industries to construct this instead of having that money go to shitskins.
> It's not possible to make one that generates more energy than this reactors consumes at the same time.
And that is why? Because you say so?
Ignition is close both on Tokamak and Stellarator tech. Q at the end is a function of temperature, confinement time and density.
fake news
Wtf I love merkel now xD BASED
If only one particel spins out then the hull gets a hole. It is not possible to contain 100 million celsius of plasma without damaging the hull it surrounds. Name one material that withstands 100 million celsius. I'll wait.
The Chinese will just steal your technology a week after you perfect it and sell it for 20% of the price.
Fuck off merkel is based xD I fucking love science
>If only one particel spins out then the hull gets a hole.
What? Magnetic containment is never 100 percent, so particals constantly end up "spinning out". Actually, the whole concept relies on fast neutrons being emitted which heat water in order to drive steam turbines.
> It is not possible to contain 100 million celsius of plasma without damaging the hull it surrounds.
Says who? As said above, the whole concept's goal is for high energy particles leaving the containment all the time.
>Name one material that withstands 100 million celsius. I'll wait.
Every single material can withstand high energy particles. It is mot a question of "withstanding" but interaction. Water is a rather good shielding material. so is carbon, tungsten etc.
We are not talking about some metal in a pot that is heated up, we are talking about a gram of deuterium spun around a containement field. if containmemt fails nothing happens, it doesn't even make "puff", the fuel just evaporates in all directions.
well sweetey, see plasma = charged particles which means they react to magnetic fields so you place superconducting magnets and steer the plasma without actual contact
>this is the point of the magnets
>yfw Germany is the sacrificial lamb for this Fusion testing.
>yfw something goes wrong and Germany is wiped out, taking million of refugees with it.
Last I checked, Belgium has more problems than we have. And now, shut up.
>research in real science and not gender "science"
ok Mahmoud
Fusion is a fucking meme, suns are electric.
Tap Birkeland-currents dont throw out money for a meme.
Stop it, non-techie idiot. Fusion is as real as gulash.
>Hydrogen plasma at 80 MK for 0.25 s
>Heating 14 MW
>electricity generated 0 W
You are retarded if you believe that shit.
But who am i.Go,throw your money on useless memes and rapefugees,its your money.
Even mentioning "fusion" in most scientific circles is at the same level as flat earthery.
It's a sham. It's the same as those WW2 German drawings that were no more than that, it has no basis in reality. It's just a pipe dream that plagues undergraduate research proposals and is binned by anyone remotely serious.
At least we have money to spend.
Also, if you hadn't let in 1.5 million illegal migrants and shuttled them to Austria, we wouldn't be in the shitters we are in.
You utter imbecile retard.
>As of 2015, the Wendelstein 7-X reactor was the largest stellarator device. It has been anticipated to achieve operations of up to approximately 30 minutes of continuous plasma discharge in 2021, thus demonstrating an essential feature of a future fusion power plant — continuous operation.
You have 2016 first round results. This was the beginning. The shit will run for 30min continuous at 120 MK with a D-D mixture, maybe even some Tritium or He3 mixed in.
I'm sure we cucks gonna mess this shit up. Our researchers leave the country, NSA hacks it or some other shit where we lose our knowledge. But most likely we are going to give it away like fucking cucks.
Why did you do it? Why did Orban not protect the Schengen zone? Why did you betray us so?
I hope the mighty wrath of our fusion energy beam hits you first.
Can we feed the fugees to the stellerator?
just wait - once lib-dems get elected in ireland, you'll share their fate
>we lose our knowledge
absolute bs, it is all backed up on 5'25 floppies
No, we can't. No go back and play with Gernot, Alice.
you niggers got caught larping. it was a bomb. you cant harvest the thermal energy in a efficient way because the plasma cant come into contact with water to make steam and indirect thermal transmission doesnt even justify the electricity used to generate the reaction since all you use are dissimilar metals to create the electricity
also you got caught saying you had started a fusion reaction when there was a visible layer of oxide inside the chamber. that was just ignited hydrogen not fusion. your now required to not only waste money on them but internationally required to not sell or distribute schematics for it living under constant threat of blowing yourselves up
That's what he's talking about, dipshit.
>30 minutes
it may be better to use solar panels in winter then relay on this thing, assuming they will install steam generator on that thing.
>DEMO (DEMOnstration Power Station)
>first commercial demonstration fusion power station
>Electricity generation demonstration 2048
weren't they promising fusion reactors for like 20years now?
Imagine all the tech coming from that research.
Not a meme at all.
Thos project is fueling the economy. That paradigm alone means nuclear fusion is possible.
Yeah and I agree with him, dispshit.
the 30 min are a nominal goal. If you can run 30 min continously, you can run 30,000 min continously.
As to DEMO, you are mixing up tokamak designs with stellarators. Completly different tech. Stellarators work, tokamaks don't work at freaking scale.
No one its taking you seriously until you kill the mudshits.
Germany is rising. We will lead Europe into a great era of multiracial green socialism and kick subhuman sl*v asses for being fascist pigs.
Glory to Europe, Glory to Germany
>you cant harvest the thermal energy in a efficient way because the plasma cant come into contact with water to make steam and indirect thermal transmission doesnt even
I'm reading that the fusion reaction produces neutrons. Neutrons aren't effected by the magnetic containment, so they hit the walls of the chamber. The walls of the chamber absorb the neutrons and the heat the neutron was carrying (kinetic energy), funneling the heat into the usual water steam engine.
This isn't politics.
>Nuclear fusion is big in Germany
How long have you been chasing that dragon, krauts?
The only country with a flag on the moon is not yours, fritz.
What a waste. Think how many refugees that money could have fed? Disgusting.
Fusion energy for white and asian countries.
Solar is for niggers.
Imagine if europe stopped giving welfare to niggers and instead spent that money on furthering technology and ensuring the survival of humanity.
I was going to talk shit, but you krauts have been behaving yourselves ever since the elections. So godspeed. Hopefully no gibsmedat programs get in the way of funding.
why are we Germans so much better than everyone else? is it something in our soils?
We drink beer, not that lookwarm piss the English and French drink... or that sugary shit Americans call beer.
>massive stellerator
this is a meme
It's bent and skewed, it would never work.
Everything connected to Merkel is politics.
I think i just figured out why the refugee masses are being imported into Europe, they'll be used to generate fusion plasma, think about it, niggers are limitless free energy when converted this way.
is burning coal getting more energy out than you put in? yes, you fuckless faggot, the idea is you break an atom into a lower energy state atom/subatomic particle. kys before posting these cum dribbles from your mouth
Last I checked a German made the rocket for America to fly to the Moon, a German strapped thr astromauts in, a Germam calculates the trajectory, a German made the fuel for the tank of the lander... God, the flag Americans put on the Moon was made in freaking Hamburg!
i need a sciencefag in here to explain to my dumb ass why we seem to have settled on fusion as are "next big thing" for energy. i mean is this the only viable option we have that we are maybe capable of?
Please god
>Hopefully no gibsmedat programs get in the way of funding.
we have funded the 7-x for 20yrs and we will fund it for another 10yrs.
Contrary to popular belief, the money going to illegals migrants / refugees isn't massive... well it is, but it still is only 0.4 % of GDP.
America would have already taken care of this had Bill Clinton have allocated money to the Texas supercollider in Waxahachie, Tx that would have been the largest on Earth. Many times bigger than the Haydron Collider.
American beer is anything but sugary, possible the only unsweetened thing the average American consumes.
We specifically reduce the amount of sugar to nearly nothing (sacrificing most of the flavor) so we don't get any fatter from crushing a case ever week.
I mean shit, how much sugar do you think can be in a 64 calorie beer?
but does it work?
Only thing you're drinking is refugee semen and seeing your election seems like you can't get enough.
Solar and fusion are the two best options. So it's fusion either way, I think man made fusion reactors are just cooler.
I heard you drink this type of shit all the time. You faggots even put lemons in there. Freaking lemons!
> starts building ITER
> ends up building STELLARATOR
thats why you make the walls a magnet field, genius
there's an old aussie joke
>what do American beer and having sex in a canoe have in common?
>they're both fucking close to water
ITER is a decoy so no one else would build a working stellarator. Tokamaks are a dead end and Russia and Germany knew that in the 1990s.
>the virgin tokamak
>the Chad stellarator
coors light:water
>fake spic beer
No thanks, I'll just have a gallon of Coors.
Damn, Polish man get it
>American beer
Lol nope
They remove most of the sugar, along with everything that makes it taste good (i.e. Bud light)
Most of our cans of beer has less than 50 calories, and taste like slightly alcoholic piss
Now Yuengling is good, probably the only good cheap beer you can buy here
>light, lite, ultra light, genuine draft light, select light
Hurr durr gurmuny izt stronk
beer? pic related
tell me more.
beer is like genderr, a spectrum
Why bring the French into this
>select 55
Not good
Alright, not the best
Absolute shit, worst beer on hat list
Classic shit
>Miller draft
>all those tanned germans
please no.
Corona a shit
really shitty design
Hanzel, MSRE was the way.
Your shitty ITER module would never work, because heated materials have only traces of magnetic properties. And you have to supercool the magnets to hold that metal lava even in its cold unpressurized state.
> supercool magnets
> in direct proximity of superheated radioactive lava
Guess hwat happens dann?
wrong tech. also, yours is a model... nothing more
>zis is za sixth time ve av posted zis thread and ve av come extremely efficientzusmaskunz at it
>tanned Germans and good beer
You will never be able to use the 7-X (((Wendelstein))) for anything remotely beneficial. Sure it might aid science but that helps all of us in the end because scientists like to brag and talk to their foreign colleagues.
except that q.t. darkie Iranian girl, those are white Bavaraians (which are generally dark skinned)
> white bayerns
Illuminati shit. They never done anything useful.
>take africans
>turn them into deuterium fuel
Limitless amount of green renewable energy
>each one of these six threads reached 300+ posts
>each Neo before this choose the wrong door
pleaz, tiz time iz ze differenz.