Sup Forums, what kind of mindset is needed to go to another country, and act like this?

Sup Forums, what kind of mindset is needed to go to another country, and act like this?

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The belief that you’re not in another country because your kind has already conquered it.

superiority complex combined with the decadence and coddling of our education system that doesn't put these 90> IQ spics in their place

When a country is TOO free, people begin to act like this. She has too much freedom in this country and is acting out because of it. She wan'ts power, not freedom.

you guys are just mad because she totally owned that guy and made him look like a bitch with her sexy chicano gender studies self

Reminder: Before gender studies....

It's because of the culture. The way academia treats minorities is downright surreal


femenism is a virus that changes the hosts behaviour.
there is no cure other than killing the host.

Dumb bitch fucked up. This guy is going to be on fox new tonight. Probably end up being famous.

the slow walkup is this:

kiddo is wanking with his magahat, brave latina stands up to this degeneracy

>hat gets snatched
>ayo, watup huite boy?
>i run after the majestic latina goddess in front of me
>make sure to bend over and cuck myself with words
>receive hat back

what happened?

the kind of mindset you get from being part nigger

>be well fed fat mexican
>privileged and in university
>don't really want to grow up yet
>professors and jew media tell you that you are oppressed and allowed to cry about everything
>run with that notion

she was born in the United States

>she was born in the United States
I call bull on that. No one gets that accent being born here.

>this represents genocide

I fucking wish...

>“What do you mean? I was born here….where the fuck am I gonna go?”

Please burgers deport this mother fucking illegals, she'll get a rude awakening here in mexico, bitch touches my hat I fucking kick her teeth in, we Mexicans don't tolerate that shit


Why? For acting like a beta cuck? No offense but cucks like these we don't need on our side

Thats the attitude of a freeman (true aussie). Only slaves follow laws

What a bitch, she said, fuck our laws. Let's troll her ass.

she pushed the accent so they would believe her. she sounds white

nice complexion

This. She has developed a sense of entitlement because some white guilt cuck told her she deserves it. I honestly would not have been able to keep myself from forcefully taking back my property like the dude in the video. He showed restraint. She is only protected there because it is on campus. If that were the real world, the person she assaulted, would beat her.


He cannot do anything because he will be charged.

Already did look at her facebook page.


just finished watching video no I fuckin mad, I probably would have punched her long before filming

reminder that le based conservative hispanic is just a meme. most spics are entitled oompa loompas who want to exterminate europeans


I know a blonde 6 foot tall woman who would love to step in and take back the hat. If she did do you think she'd get away with it?

this is what happens when you let the untermensch into collage.

Low IQ, sense of entitlement, and no respect for the values of our country.

she's been brainwashed by liberal jewish marxism. that's why jews and subverters love shitskins because they swallow anything you say hook line and sinker. these shitskins in America literally believe that our entire nation was somehow built by blacks during slavery and that we stole every thing we have of greatness from them

She was born there.

She said she was born here.


She is the colonizer.

If your parents speak spanish at home you'll speak an accenty english cause its your second language.

She is spiritually jewish, minus the shekels.

she didnt "own" anyone, she looked like a fool.

I'm older and if she did this i would force her over my knee and spank her so much she would be calling me papi

Fuck I only got 1 minute in before I got mad.

then shes even more pathetic and stupid not even speaking real english. she should be sent back just for that

She's pretty cute.

you need glasses paco

are you drunk

Indoctrination from their university professors.
MSM and Democrats filling their heads with bullshit.
Social media pushing cultural Marxism and filtering out any opposing ideas or opinions.
Hollywood pushing the idea that punching Nazis is okay and anyone that doesn't agree is a Nazi and should be punched.

an evil one

No we don't faggot.


>that kind of people are studying in american colleges
and I don't mean that she is crazy
she is fucking low iq, she is brutish and retarded

i've had girls grab beanies off my head before, i always just snatch it back out of their hands.

it this chick tried to hold on i would just overpower her, if she fights back and you have to hurt her it should be an easy case of self defense

entitlement like she owns the country

All of this conflict and resentment of Whites comes from jews.

Only Mexicans. A lot of Latinos are bro tier.

What's her Facebook?

jewbook com/profile.php?id=100004933368738

saved. this is so awsome.

Thx, user. There are some pretty interesting pics out there. I guess it's no surprise she pulled this stunt.

Oh look, the scene of the crime LOL.

call ICE

Her accent is fake, she's trying her hardest to sound cholo.
Americanized chicanos roleplaying as mexican migrants need to fuck off with their bleeding hearts shit.

Damn, she was running like the theif she is.

It almost looks like the victim is holding a very small gun as he chases after her.

she gets a pass because she is a qt

why didn't he punch through her skull and get his hat back?

that was her before the gender studies

I know this probably has another meaning in spanish, but the meaning of this word in portuguese describes her pretty well.

Man what the hell is wrong with american university?


A REAL dude would simply take it back.

You could have saved her, Sup Forums

Nobody was just "randomly" filming that. It's clearly premeditated and the cunt filming was supposed to get it for a trophy or upload to their snapchat or share to their antifa group or whatever.

Too bad that doesn't overwrite genetic behavior.

I've concluded the same thing over the last couple years: America's greatest weakness is that it's too free, the ground so fertile, that elements poisonous to it were able to thrive, without any bulwark to keep these things from flourishing

No mindset, just a cucked nation who wont do shit about it. The West is full of pussies and cowards.

She literally had a mental breakdown over a red hat with a positive message of making the county she lived in better. How can she even function in society no wonder she feels oppressed.

>mexiskank: fuck your laws
>White guy: ok *ass rapes mexiskank*
>Mexiskank: help, police, help
>Police: lol fuck our laws, amiright?

I could just imagine the headlines.
"White supremacist attacks Mexican on university campus. Will the president disavow?"

He did the right thing by letter her talk while recording and waiting for police to arrive.

Why are white people such poor judges of character.

I think a large group of people don't actually want to be free

Most humans are built for servitude so when given the option of unlimited choice they choose to reject it to the point of fighting for their own slavery
They know that what they're doing is "wrong" but they can rationalize it in some other way with mental gymnastics to justify they're want

It's sort of the reason why communism is still prevalent today
These people are the modern day version of Neanderthals

>Emigrates from third world, lawless shithole
>Comes to USA, where her freedoms are expressly affirmed and protected
>Fuck it, let's turn it into the shithole we came from

>He did the right thing
No he didn't, he should have taken that bitch down and held her for the police, not act like a bitch.

Fuck off and shill your pathetic attempt at popularity some place else faggot.


Would colonize/10

A lack there of.

can't unsee

If only she could run like that 20 mins a day 6 days a week she wouldnt have to do these stunts to get beta dick

Dude played it exactly correctly. He didn't curse or touch her.

She looked like an unreasonable borderline retarded goblin and he looked like an upstanding young man.

Plus if he had grabbed for it and touched her he would have got hate crime charges.

She probably deserved it

>what kind of mindset is needed to go to another country, and act like this?

You need a hispanic mindset.

Kys spic subhuman.

Mexicans will never be American, they will always be shitskin subhuman savages.

She knows we are weak filth. Good job America

>She's pretty cute

There's not enough tequila in Me-hico to make that fucking goblin look cute. And I'm not even picky.

Lol dude, there are tons of areas in Southern California that resemble Mexico completely, as in 100% Mexican