America BTFO

America BTFO

5 likes and 1 reply
Fuck yeah

>being a nigger is so american that when we protest the right of police officers and citizens to defend themselves from nigger criminals with lethal violence the average american assumes there is something logical about our position
>dass right

Good, hopefully this will convince some normies of the reality of the situation we face

Racism is blacks having an average IQ of 85, and being so stupid they blame white people for it.


No the average American things you are protesting America because you fucking burn American flags, constantly chant "America was never great", try to defile the statues of the Founders because "muh slavery", and blantantly choose to disrespect veterans, the national anthem, and the flag as a way to garner shock value for your protest. So it is a very reasonable conclusion to consider yes maybe the far left does actually hate America and what it stands for. I can't believe leftists can lack self-awareness to this extent.

hurry up and start the racewar don't have the IQs or significant ranks in the military and police but hey im sure you can still win lololololololololololololololololololoololololol




Ha ha ha.


Babydicks, sit down. I want you to picture your country five years from now, after two extinction level elections for the consciously evil, universally hated pantshitter right.

That penis envy Second Amendment? Gone.

We're working on the first to gut what's left of your freeze peach. The hate speech laws can only shut down so much racist horseshit, after all.

Decent fucking healthcare? Here! FINALLY. The white 1% pay through the fucking nose to insure everyone.

Hannity, Jones, Rush, and every other right wing fucknut? Off the air. Bankrupt. Imprisoned.

But it gets better.

I don't have time to talk about the holidays for LGBT of every stripe, the ten million plus Muslim refugees we jumped to take in, the US paying reparations for empire to half the southern hemisphere.

President Assface is spending the rest of his life in a fortified psych ward. His family sentenced to a life of shit jobs, including the little boy. Every orange freak descendent will be taxed at 100% to pay the country damages.

No one remembers the Confederate statue bullshit. The Washington monument is GONE and an Obama memorial is going up in its crater.

The racist white Constitution written by slaveholders is burning slag, and oh mama it is fucking BEAUTIFUL!

You haven't seen shit you deluded soulless fucknuts.

Just wait.

No fucking Gods.

No fucking masters.

*tips fedora*

Get this whore out of the country

>what to expect from a statue made by the french

What an abomination. The lighting, the rigging, the everything. Utter shit. I bet this retard thinks they're clever too. "Oh uh put the statue of liberty in the meme pose hahaha". Stupid fuck.


Niglets are kneeling at the pledge of allegiance now; the tomb of the unknown soldier...

Can't wait for the inevitable secession of a white ethnostate.

Replace "racism" with "whites" and it's true.

really makes u think

>trying this hard on a shitpost
Australians make it effortless, you could learn a thing or ten.




>with a cigarette

pure wickedness

It would be funnier if the redline was 6.000.000.

dude fuck amerikkka lmao

Then leave nigger.

>yea the flag and the anthem are all about racism and hating black people

the logic here is astounding

Screw drumpf and fuck white people.

>America is such a racist shithole that when I tell people what a shitty racist shithole this awful dump of a country is, they just assume I'm against America"

How does one protest racism?

Racism is a state of mind
So the post is basically stating that said people are protesting ones ability to freely think which is in fact part of the American foundation which is free speech

So yeah these people are in fact protesting America

Thanks for pointing it out I guess

>destroy and deface statues and monuments
>burn American flags
>bitch about the founding fathers
>cry about colonialism

God i wish this was true

people still use this?


>Change definition of racism to mean white people
>Protesting racism
>Therefore protesting whites
>America (was) white
You essentially are protesting America though.

are they protesting racism? i thought they were protesting criminals being shot during their attempted murder (but only the black ones)

i don't know if it's just me, but no one talks about police brutality anymore. all i see now is
>america had slaves up until 150 years ago
>did i mention america had slaves
>republicans are the racists cuz they switched with democrats
>slavery reparations
>hail obama we want him back instead of drumph
>jim crow and slavery therefore everyone except us hates blacks

it's because the stupid black animals listened to their slave owners and "chose" to protest the only thing that binds us all together.
it's more proof these niggers don't belong in our country; we need to amend the constitution to have all non-whites removed by force of law. This is on the shitskins; I'm done. I just wanted to play vidya, now I have to throw all non-whites out of my country for either their overt racism, or the complicity through lack of action (the dumb fucking shitskins either know that whites can't tell them to not be racist, or they are too stupid to be in this white-created society that they are all desperate to be a part of.)

Verbal racism is free speech

If you have a problem with that, move to europe where it isnt, you america hating communist faggots

oh they're actually talking about the football shit

yeah shitting on the flag is "protesting racism"

fucking leftist traitors

black cops are more likely to shoot black people than white cops

its all a delusion, they are all insane traitors

Americans are so brainwashed that to make them think is revolutionary.

Too bad the Americans will win this revolution too.

So they admit they're protesting America, well, white Americans.

>dress for the career you want

TLDR but did read "It Gets Better".
Hasn't been true in my experience. 35 year old neets typically have nowhere to go but up though.

>No gods
>No Masters
>Tell us what to do big daddy gov

Nice copypasta, faggot.

Then all niggers should leave for Apefreaka pronto.

So, they are protesting America then

Why did they make her so butchy?

Sup Forums absolutely BTFO again



That's the only way to show America how racist it really is.

Niggers are so racist in America that when they protest our flag , it disrespects men who die to defend blacks from racism during our Civil War ?

>"W-w-we're not protesting America!"
>specifically protesting anthem
>specifically protesting American flag
>specifically protesting POTUS
>specifically protesting Democracy with anti-democracy groups
Is anyone buying their bullshit lies anymore? It's so transparent it's laughable.

It`s obvious. Federal government of northen american united states distributes wealth among racial populations, supporting the diasporas intact. Melting pot is a pot of smoking bullshit.